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Saturday 12th October 2024:

Provincial Annual Charity Information Day at Escrick

report by Malcolm Forbes, Southern Provincial Area Charity Lead


The twenty-fifth annual Provincial Charity Information Day was held at the Parsonage Hotel, Escrick on 10th October. Invitations were sent out to Lodge and Chapter Charity Stewards and Almoners throughout the Province.

I attended as Charity Steward of Humber Lodge 57, Constitutional Lodge 294, Thesaurus Lodge 3891 and Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 as well as Almoner of De La Pole Lodge 1605, Humber Chapter 57 and Minerva Chapter 250.
Following my recent appointment as Charity Area Lead for the south of the Province, I arrived early to meet other members of the Provincial Charity team. Provincial Grand Charity Steward Worshipful Brother Des McKenzie, a member of Lennox Lodge 123, held a briefing session with the team before the meeting.

The meeting was opened at 10.00 am by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Very Worshipful Brother Bill Glanville, who chaired the meeting. The Provincial Assistant Grand Master Worshipful Brother Martin Eggermont also attended.
W Bro Paul Hillary, a member of Technical Lodge 5666 and Chairman of the FCYNER, presented a report on the charity's current activities and how it was able to support Lodge fundraising. The FCYNER annual accounts were presented by Bro Neil Tomlin, a member of Thesaurus Lodge 3891. The accounts were duly approved.

Provincial Grand Charity Steward W Bro Des McKenzie then gave a presentation on the results of the community engagement survey which had recently been sent out to Lodge and Chapter Charity Stewards. The survey will provide the bedrock upon which the Provincial Charity team will be working during Festival 29 to liaise with Lodges and Chapters to ensure the success of the Festival, support local charity fundraising and community engagement.

Following the presentation there was a question and answer session before the meeting was adjourned for lunch at 12.15 pm.

At the conclusion of the morning session in celebration of the twenty-fifth annual Provincial meeting a cake was brought in for Chairman W Bro Bill Glanville to blow out the candles. The cake was then cut up for attendees to share over the buffet lunch.

It was also possible to share thoughts with other Charity Stewards and Almoners. Amongst those present I was able to talk to were W Bro Alan Allinson, whose appointment as Provincial Grand Chapter Charity Steward has recently been announced, W Bro Malcolm Grange, the Worshipful Master and Charity Steward of Wyke Millennium Lodge 9696, who is an assistant Lead for the South of the Province, and W Bro David Terry, the Almoner of Humber Lodge 57.

The afternoon session began at 1.30 pm. A series of presentations were delivered which were of particular relevance to Lodge and Chapter Almoners.

The first presentation was given by the widow of a member of the Armed Services who had died in active service in Afghanistan. She has set up a charity which supports the bereaved families of military service personnel who have died in military service.

The second presentation focused on male mental health issues and how support can be given in individual cases.

The next presentation concentrated on the support which is given by the Masonic Charitable Foundation to individual Freemasons, their families and dependants.

The final presentation provided an overview of the hospice movement.

All the presentations stimulated lively discussion through question and answer sessions following each presentation.

At the conclusion of the meeting at 3.30 pm Chairman W Bro Bill Glanville spoke highly of the day and thanked everyone who had attended a most informative and rewarding meeting.

Subsequent to the meeting Provincial Grand Charity Steward W Bro Des McKenzie thanked the Provincial Charity team for their contribution in making the day such a success.

Malcolm Forbes



Tuesday 12th March 2024:

MCF & Festival '29

from Malcolm Forbes

Festival 29 will soon be taking centre stage as regards the Lodge's charitable activities. The Festival is due to begin in May 2024 and runs until 2029 but Brethren may now sign up to make donations to the Festival. 

Following three pre-launch initiatives where Lodges across the Province were invited to attend a presentation in Hull, York or Middlesborough in January and February, a letter from John Murphy, the Secretary of Festival 29, and a PowerPoint presentation summarising the discussions have been forwarded to the Brethren. Within this documentation is guidance on how to make donations online. Information on the Festival can be obtained from the website https//

The Festival is aiming to raise sufficient money from individual Brethren and Lodges to defray the cost of the benefits which the MCF provides across the Province. The Province is a net beneficiary of donations which the MCF makes so funds need to be topped up to allow the MCF to continue to provide the support it does. 

Individual Provincial Jewels can be purchased for £600 or £10 per month over a 5 year period. With gift aid donations this can be supplemented by 25%, so a £600 donation could rise to £725. Other merchandise such as ties, tie-pins, cuff-links and gloves can be purchased. These can be worn with immediate effect. 

In addition to the Lodge Charity Steward, the Worshipful Master, the Wardens and Lodge Almoner are central to the success of the Festival. Lodge Ambassadors, who will work with individual Lodges to provide assistance with the operation of the Festival, have been appointed. 

 Lodges can obtain the status of Grand Patron, Patron, or Vice Patron dependent on average donations per individual Lodge member. Thus, if donations average £900 per member Grand Patron status can be awarded - £600 per member confers Patron status - £300 per  member confers Vice Patron status. 

Lodges are encouraged to be innovative in their fundraising for the Festival. Sponsored walks, bungee and parachute jumping come to mind ( although I don't think I will be participating in the latter two activities). I welcome ideas from individual Brethren as to the type of events which would generate income for the Festival. 

I also welcome representations from individual Brethren who may wish the Lodge to support local initiatives outside the remit of Festival 29.

Community engagement is an important part of a Lodge's mission and any help which the Lodge can provide for the local community will raise the Lodge profile and appreciation of Freemasonry's charitable work. 

The website page will be updated to keep track of Festival 29 developments and initiatives and the Lodge's contribution to the Festival. 

Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward




Thursday 26th October 2023:

Annual Information Day

by Malcolm Forbes

The annual Provincial Charities and Almoners Information Day was held at the Parsonage Hotel, Escrick. Invitations to attend the event were extended to Lodge and Chapter Charity Stewards and Almoners. I wore more than one hat as Charity Steward of Humber Lodge 57, Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, and Thesaurus Lodge 3891 as well as Almoner of De La Pole Lodge 1605. Altogether there were 80+ attendees.

Brethren arrived for 10.0 am for registration and tea/coffee.

The event opened at 10.30 am with a welcome from the Provincial Grand Master, the Right Worshipful Dr David Chambers.

The Provincial Grand Charity Steward Worshipful Brother Ian Syddall then introduced the speakers for the morning session.

At 10.45 am the annual general meeting of the Freemason Charity Yorkshire North and East Ridings (FCYNER) began.

The Chairman, Worshipful Brother Paul Hillary, a member of Technical Lodge 5666, opened the meeting. After the minutes of the previous AGM held on 13th October 2022 were approved Paul handed over to Brother Neil Tomlin, the Charity's Treasurer ( and Treasurer of Thesaurus Lodge), to present the accounts and Trustees' Report for the year up to 31st March 2023. The accounts and Report were unanimously approved.

Approval was also given to minor amendments to the Charity's constitution.

Trustees and auditors were then subject to election and re-election.

The meeting closed with AOB.

At 11.15 a presentation on Festival 29/MCF was opened by Worshipful Brother Martin Eggermont, the Festival 29 Chairman, who was followed by Worshipful Brother Paul Crockett (MCF Head of Fundraising.) Brethren were invited to make a pledge to buy the Festival 29 jewel.

I purchased a pair of Festival 29 white gloves. All Lodges and Chapters were encouraged to start building up donations to match and beat the MCF's initial target for the Festival.

At midday the presentation on Community Engagement began. It was delivered by Worshipful Brother Les Kirby (CE Management Lead) and Worshipful Brother Des McKenzie (CE Deputy Lead.) The presentation emphasised the need for Lodges/Chapters to be proactive in finding worthy causes in their local communities. Such interaction will help raise the profile of Freemasonry and possibly increase membership numbers. The process of community engagement is one to be undertaken by all Lodge members/companions and not just Charity Stewards.

Following the presentation the meeting was adjourned for lunch. A substantial buffet was served. The break for lunch offered the opportunity to socialise and discuss issues with colleagues. There was also the opportunity to browse through the literature on display on the MCF and Almoner-related material.

The afternoon session concentrated on matters of particular interest to Lodge/Chapter Almoners. The session was introduced by Worshipful Brother Brian Henderson-Thynne, the Provincial Grand Almoner.

The first presentation was given by Jill Quinn MBE the CEO of the charity Dementia Forward. The wide-ranging talk looked at the health issues affecting those suffering from dementia as well as the issues which can affect carers who care for dementia sufferers. The charity has a number of hubs throughout the Province which offer holistic support and its work is continually expanding.

A presentation then followed from the Director of St Catherine's Hospice in Scarborough on the work of the hospice. Such hospices require donations due to limited State funding.

The final presentation was from a speaker from Andy's Man Club, which provides mental health support for individuals who have mental health problems. Such initiatives are desperately needed particularly post-lockdown due to the problems of providing adequate mental health care across society. 

The MCF seeks to support local charities where any donation is likely to have the most benefit.

Dr David Chambers then thanked all the speakers and those attending the event for their participation in making the day such a success.

I was grateful to W Bro Chris Lefevre, the WM of Andrew Marvell Lodge, who gave me a lift on the day.

W Bro Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward


11 July 2023:

The Humber Lodge, represented by the WM, W Bro Charles Alexander was pleased to present a cheque to the City of Hull Street Angels following a talk in the Lodge Room by two representatives of this worthy organisation.

Charles has supported the Streeet Angels for some years, giving his own time and organisational skills to this enterprise.


See this date on the Blog Page for further details.




May 2023 - Open Gardens in Hessle West:

While the Humber Lodge is active in Charitable work, there is much behind the scenes, and some donations are made via the efforts of the Brethren which although not under the Humber banner, nonetheless contribute to very worthy causes. The Open Garden weekend is one such example, and W Bro Richard Smedley modestly acknowledges the tremendous work of his neighbours. Here is his report, sent by email:


For the twelfth year running and after many weekends and evenings of hard work (mainly by Isabel my better half), the morning of Hessle West Open Gardens dawned bright and sunny.

We have been blessed with good weather for the last twelve years on the day of Open Gardens, so TGAOTU must really look down favourably on us. The sun was out and the preparations commenced. 

Hessle West Open Gardens was formed twenty-seven years ago by two doctors who worked at Dove House Hospice. As such half of the money raised from the day is donated to Dove House and half to four other local charities. In particular we give thanks to Hessle Scouts every year as they provide a minibus and drive a circuit around the twenty gardens that open in the village so anyone who finds the walk tiring can hop on and hop off to suit and their service is welcomed by many. We probably have over a thousand people and families that visit on the day and it's busy from 11am to 5pm with a constant stream of visitors who are just out to enjoy themselves. Entry fee at the first house visited was a meagre £4.50/adult (kids go free) where you obtain a map which gains you entry to all the other gardens.
Our garden is a peaceful and tranquil location, but one of the gardens has a model train set which is large enough to take smaller children a ride around the perimeter. Others raise funds by serving teas and coffees, cakes, ice creams, ploughman's lunches and hotdogs, whilst a few dedicate their time to raising seedlings and plants for sale.
Chez Smedders we do a bit of everything, this year we had a bookstall, sold a few plants and what turned out to be a major draw and spread by word of mouth quickly, was beer tasting. My good friend who it seems has perfected the art of home brew over lockdown had a spare 250 pints in his garage, and bought a sample of several brews round and offered up a beer tasting session. This was a popular event and even the nuns from the convent at the top of the avenue attended and enjoyed something other than the sherry they are normally offered.
So why do we expend so much effort? The answer is a sum total raised for the charities of £8300, a new record for the village event.
Roll on next year!!!! (2nd Sunday in May) where maybe we'll see more of the readers of this blog in attendance.
Smedders Smile


November 2022:

Report from the Charity Steward W Bro Malcolm Forbes:

In the period November 2021 to November 2022 the Lodge made a number of donations to individual charitable organisations. The Teenage Cancer Trust received a donation of £200 which was match funded by Province to the equivalent amount so that the charity received £400. £250 was donated to Hull Help For Refugees. The Wellies Explorer Scout Group received £250 for the purchase of tents to be used at a scout jamboree. The Hull and East Yorkshire Centre for the Deaf received £400.

In support of the Ukraine refugee appeal launched by MCF £810 was raised at a Lodge meeting. This sum was gift aided.

£50 worth of Provincial Lottery tickets were purchased by individual Brethren and the Lodge; pin badges for the Teddies for Loving Care appeal raised £47 and raffles at the Festive Board generated much of the income for the Charity Account. Thus £252 was raised at the Installation meeting in December 2021. To maximise gift aid and match funding raffles should identify a specific beneficiary charity.

The Lodge Charity Steward and Almoner attended the Provincial Charities Information Day at Escrick in October 2022 (see 14th October below).

Individual Brethren are encouraged to contact the Charity Steward if they would like the Lodge to support a charitable cause.


While our Lodge makes various donations to worthy causes including those promoted by the Province, it is useful to have an overall picture of the Charitable work of the Freemasons in this area, and beyond . . .



8th March 2022, from W Bro Ian Syddall:


Humber Lodge No 57 met on Tuesday 8th March 2022.

On this occasion it was planned to initiate a new member, but at the last minute could not attend, however all was not lost as our very own W Bro Eddie Wildman assisted by W Bro Richard Smedley did a superb presentation about Hansel & Gretel, a Brothers Grimm's folk tale, and its interpretation in Masonic terms.

At the festive board instead of them having their usual raffle the WM decided to ask the Brethren to donate towards the Ukraine Crisis Appeal created by The United Grand Lodge of England and the Masonic Charitable Foundation (the Freemasons' Charity)

It was agreed in open Lodge that whatever was raised by the Brethren on the night the Lodge would support by making up the funds to £1,000.00 . . .

Well, what a night, the Brethren raised £810.00 which included a donation by the Daggards, thank you.

The biggest donation however came from Brother Craig Morrison; he had bought a picture in a previous Humber Auction for £30.00, a gift for his sister. She had it cleaned, hung it in her home and after a couple of days decided she did not like it and told Craig, who suggested rather than throw it away take it to her local auction house which she did. WOW! A £200 profit was raised, which she gave back to Craig who then donated the money to our cause.

Thank you.

So, having had donations of £810.00 which, by the way, was all gift aided, it left the lodge to add £190.00 making up the £1,000.00

This money will be sent to YCNER for match funding and potentially to Grand Lodge for Match funding then into the Ukraine Appeal.

Thank you one and ALL!

Ian Syddall, ProvGChStwd



10th January 2022 from the Charity Steward:

TLC, (Teddies for Loving Care ) is locally managed by Freemasons who also volunteer their time to run the scheme. Since its inception in 2001, over 3,000,000 teddies have been introduced to hospitals throughout England and Wales. The Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings is a staunch supporter of the scheme, which supplies teddy bears to children who are taken into hospital. To find out more, click here.

Malcolm Forbes. Charity Steward for the Humber Lodge.

14th October 2021, from the Provincial Grand Charity Steward:

(Note there are useful links in this article for those seeking further information. It is a brief but full report and gives some idea of the extent of Masonic Charitable work undertaken on a Provincial level. We are privileged in the Humber Lodge to have the Provincial Grand Charity Steward as a member, and his advice is always welcome. ERW.)


Report on the Charities/Almoners Information Day

The Parsonage Hotel, Escrick, York. 14th October 2021

by Ian Syddall  ProvGChStwd

In writing this blog I have to thank Colin Hunton ProvGChStwd (Chapter) who took the minutes, of which I have used some parts.

This was my first Provincial Charity Day as ProvGChStwd: I would also like to put on record and my thanks for the time and hard work W Bro Gareth Frost ProvGStwd has put in with helping me organise this event.

The venue was well organised for our day with only one real criticism, the internet reception was poor and a number of speakers could not get Wi-Fi access, however with a few nervous moments and no leg breaks the show went ahead as scheduled.

The meeting was opened by RW Bro J Gillyon PGM / MEGS who tendered the apologies of the APGM I Johnson who would have Chaired the day.


A warm welcome to all, especially those non-Masons, and thanks for their contribution to the day. These information days have proved very successful over the years as the PGM explained he was the Charity Steward of his Lodge between 1991 and 1995 and found he had much to learn.

 We would hear presentations from the following:




 Although the home was run by the RMBI, there was still a need to raise monies for equipment and day trips etc. that is why “Friends of Connaught Court” are there, they make sure that at Christmas every person staying at the home receives a gift.


Masons Charity Packs.

Ian Syddall, ProvGChStwd, informed all that on their seats were envelopes containing Charity information for new Masons, at one time given to Master Masons on Raising, but now given to an Entered Apprentice at his Initiation.


Wills and Power of Attorney

W Bro David Burnett. a retired Solicitor, gave a talk on Wills and Power of Attorney.


Closing remarks.

The Chairman once again reiterated that the last 18 months had been a difficult time for everyone, with some suffering personal loss. Many were still not comfortable in attending Lodge/Chapter and large meetings. The Almoners of our Lodges and Chapters were to be thanked for time and efforts over the last 18 months. All the speakers were thanked for their attendance and time in giving their presentations.



 9th July 2021, from the Humber Lodge Almoner:


Charity and the Almoner

Charity: definition:- giving voluntarily to those in need; love of fellow men; lenience in judging others.

Freemasonry’s ritual is known for its beautiful language and in our Humber Ritual the three grand principles upon which Freemasonry is founded are described as, Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

The United Grand Lodge of England some few years ago replaced these ideals in their correspondence with more modern wording which is more easily understood in the 21st Century. These words are: Integrity, Friendship, Charity and Respect.

The United Grand Lodge of England, our own Province of Yorkshire, North and East Riding and Humber Lodge No57 provide structures which enable members to make positive contributions to their communities and many other charitable causes.

Since 2016 the Masonic Charitable Foundation has awarded £90 million in grants, which equates to £50,000 per day!

In the last four weeks Humber Lodge has provided financial assistance to the following organisations:

The Warren. The Warren Youth Project is a charity based in Hull that provides free support, guidance, training, education, counselling, employability skills/training, and creative expression activities to young people aged 14-25 years.

The Teenage Cancer Trust. The money donated is to be used at the local unit based at Castle Hill Hospital ,Cottingham.

The St Margaret’s Scout Group which is based in East Hull. During lockdown rodents gained access to their storage facility and damaged vital equipment necessary for their scouting activities. Our donation will go some way to replace necessary items, enabling the leaders to carry on with their good work with the youth of our city.

Charity is not just about giving money. That certainly helps! It is also about giving time to make positive contributions to our communities. It is heartening to read the statistics published recently, that 75% of Freemasons take part in civic or other charitable activities compared with 31% of non-freemasons.

It is the role of our Charity Steward to coordinate our financial giving and the distribution of the funds whilst the Almoner has a more pastoral role, caring for the membership and their dependants. It is his duty to advise, assist and where necessary seek out the help and assistance of the various Masonic and outside bodies for both possible financial help, housebound assistance and sometimes permanent residential care.

We are all almoners because we are Freemasons and we all care, show kindness and respect. If you are ever aware of a Brother who needs help never assume that your Lodge almoner is aware of the situation. He would rather hear the same story from ten Brothers than be left totally unaware of the problem!

David Malcolm Terry, Lodge Almoner


June 2021

As Lodge meetings cautiously begin after lockdown, collections are made for various charitable causes and despite low numbers, the Brethren gave generously. At that meeting, it was agreed that donations should be made to Children's Mental Health via The Warren in Hull, to a teenage Cancer Trust and to a Church Hall Scout Group whose equipment has been ruined during lockdown by an infestation of mice. Many thanks to the Brethren for their generosity, and to the Province for their support!





April 2021

(From the WM on the occasion of the Charity Fund Raffle Draw)

During the lockdown I’ve been enormously impressed by the Brethren of the Humber Lodge. We’ve seen newsletters boasting of how some Lodges have donated the cost of their meals, or collected 20p pieces or given their support to Charity in different ways – we’ve seen that some have been involved in making personal protection clothing for the health workers, we’ve seen the incredible support of freemasons of the province, of the country and of the world.

You Brethren of the Humber Lodge have quietly and unassumingly continued to support those in need during the lockdown – some of you physically getting out there and doing your bit – running both ways over the Humber Bridge, driving blood to hospitals, doing volunteer work, cycling, some of you by making telephone calls to our lonely and vulnerable Brethren and families, and all of you by donations. Some of you have donated raffle prizes too - thank you.

I don’t just mean the donations we automatically make when paying our subs – a portion of that, as you know, is invested by the Grand Charity and some is invested in the Provincial Grand Charity – but I’m talking about the extra contributions you’ve given to our Charity Fund. Some of you have also contributed prizes, some have spent time and energy organizing the raffle – not for recognition and a photo in an online magazine, but because you all believe in Charity and will give aid where needed. Some of you are automatically giving to Charity when buying online through the scheme promoted by W Bro Richard Smedley.

With over £700 raised earlier for the Almoner’s Fund and now over £630 for the Charity Fund, I am so proud of you all. It will be mentioned in the Humber Lodge minutes, of course, but let me say on behalf of our Almoner and Charity Steward, thank you very much.

While we are not actively seeking recognition, the work of the Humber Lodge has not gone unnoticed, and it has come as no surprise that next month W Bro Ian Syddall will be taking up the very active office of Provincial Grand Charity Steward, and I’ll like to congratulate him here on behalf of us all.

As a Lodge we are proud of him. But we should also be proud of ourselves. As master of the premier Lodge in the Province, I am both humbled and inspired by your generosity.

Sincere thanks to you all.

Congratulations to W Bro Angus Gillies (pictured) who won the star prize in the raffle - the Humber Lodge 57 Chocolate Bouquet. "I suspect," said W Bro David Terry, "he's going to be the most popular man in the village for a while!"

"Helping people by charity is the most human thing we can do." - Oprah Winfrey.

Heart symbol - Wikipedia



Please see the link showing what Connaught Court has to offer on the Events and Social Functions Page!


New Year's Eve 2020

Congratulations to Andrew Paulls who completed a 500km cycle ride between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve in aid of Diabetes UK, (see 10th December below) and to all those Brethren who supported him in this worthy cause. Here are his comments:

Every year since 2010, Rapha has challenged cyclists to ride 500 kilometers between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The Festive 500 started in the south of England, and has become a global challenge.

 I chose to undertake this challenge to improve fitness whilst generating sponsorship for diabetes uk. The motivation was due to becoming pre-diabetic for a short period in 2020. The challenge is usually completed outside during the coldest period of winter. Due to the pandemic, cyclists could now use an indoor trainer.

 I put together a plan of completing around 70km a day with potentially two 100km rides. This was completed on the roads of the Holderness in cold conditions. When it became too cold, I moved to the safety of home, ensuring that a supply of tea and bacon sandwiches were on hand. Up to now the fund generated is nearing £400 with a target of £500. Many thanks to all who have helped.



December 2020

As Christmas approaches Lodges are aware that their usual contributions to particular causes are likely to be somewhat diminished as we have not met for a substantial amount of the year, and the usual raffles and collections have not taken place. The Humber Brethren have nonetheless given generously, and we have received thanks from different organisations. including the WM's particular charities this year, Dove House in Hull and the Candlelighters - supporting children with cancer in Hull. Aside from the efforts of our Charity Steward, Brethren have been busy (see below) but  our Almoner and Charity Steward have combined forces to raise money for the Almoner's Fund, lending support to our widows and those in need. To this end (and with the kind assistance of a donation from the Province) a Christmas Hamper has been purchased, to be raffled along with other prizes on the date of our December meeting (a Zoom presentation - see the WM's Diary) and up to now (25th November) over £600 has been raised. Watch this space!



10th December 2020

Bro Andrew Paulls has taken on the challenge of cycling 500KM from Christmas Eve through to the New Year in aid of Diabetes UK: a message with the "Just Giving" link has been sent to the Humber 57 Brethren. Good luck, Andrew!



Bro Mark Lindsay, Royal Arch Representative for the Lodge, expressed his grateful thanks for the support and good wishes of all the Brethren of the Humber Lodge when he completed the challenge of crossing the Humber Bridge (both ways) to support St Alban's Church in a project for Christian Aid). The weather was terrible - driving rain and high speed winds, but Mark and his oldest son carried on regardless. The Daggards (some of whom are also members of the premier Lodge in the Province) were delighted to be able to contribute. Mark suffers from acute arthritis (which has prevented him from participating in the London Marathon) and the wearing of a mask in recognition of those who have lost their lives through Covid-19 added to the demands of the run, but eventually, wet and weary after seven kilometres of blustery autumn winds, the dynamic duo completed the task, raising funds for the support of those less fortunate than ourselves. Well done both!


As the covid-19 pandemic has severly curtailed attendance at the cenotaph for the annual remembrance and laying of wreaths, the Brethren have elected this year to send a donation to the NGVFA, the National Gulf Veterans and Families Association, which became a registered charity over twenty years ago Like many other charities, this Hull-based organisation has suffered during the ongoing crisis, but is now again supporting those Veterans of the Gulf Conflicts, Iraq and Afghanistan who have health and social problems since their return. The charity's mission is to provide a safe haven for the Veterans and their families, enhancing their quality of everyday life through support, information, advocacy and counselling, and to increase awareness thereof to the public and health care professionals. Many thanks to W Bro Ian Syddall, who is well au fait with the NGVFA and who gently pointed out that while doubtless the Brethren will be purchasing their poppies to support the national appeal, this worthy charity is not so well known and on our very doorstep.



W Bros Richard Smedley and Ian Syddall have enrolled the Humber Lodge Charity on Amazon Smile so that Lodge members with an Amazon account can log in through and start shopping, registering purchases to The Humber Lodge Charity Fund. Then each quarter, Amazon donate 0.5% of our purchases to our charity. It costs us absolutely nothing extra to purchase through this route, but the Humber Charity could benefit considerably.

Richard asks "Could I call upon you all to register your accounts to this system and hopefully the charity will benefit."



Freemasons practise Charity on many different levels. Every subscribing member annually donates to the Image result for masonic logos charityGrand Charity (which is huge: apart from the National Lottery, Freemasons contribute more to charitable causes than any other organisation) and to the Provincial Charity. However, there is charity work done by each Lodge, the Master (assisted by his Charity Steward - this year W Bro Malcolm Forbes for the Humber Lodge) may select particular causes to support, and during his year of office, other causes, local, national or international might require assistance from the Brethren. Nor is it all about giving money: the Lodge Almoner (W Bro David Terry) is active, visiting the widows of Brethren who have passed away, checking on the health of those who are ailing; sometimes exhorting the Brethren to assist with lifts or simply giving up some of their time. There are some Masonic groups dedicated to supporting charitable causes: The Daggards (of whom several Humber Brethren are members) put on lectures, presentations and entertainment to help the homeless and others in need of assistance.

Click the link here to find out about the Grand Charity

The Masonic magazine Freemasonry Today has a number of articles about different charities, including the Royal Masonic Trust for Boys and Girls: click the link to find out more. The Masonic Charitable Foundation explains something of the long history of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth , the precepts upon which the Organisation is founded.

Click on the logo to find out about the Daggards.

The Worshipful Master's selected Charities for 2019 - 20 are the Candlelighters (Hull) concerned with children's cancer and the Hull Dove House Hospice. Contributions have been made to both these organisations throughout the year.

One yellow candle flame  burning in darkness