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Events & Social Functions

Sunday 9th June 2024:

We'll Meet Again

by Eddie Wildman

The June Sunday lunch at Dagger Lane affords an opportunity not only for the Humber Brethren and their families to meet and socialise, but also to keep in touch with the wives of those Brethren who are no longer able to attend or have gone to the Grand Lodge Above, and a number of the Humber Widows take advantage of the the opportunity. It was good to greet W Bro Gordon Wiles and his wife Joy as well as regular attenders and their good ladies. It was good, too, to speak with those ladies whom we have not seen for some time.


The WM, W Bro Alan Todd with his wife Trish welcomed everybody, and a hearty Sunday lunch was served, followed by entertainment, organised by W Bros David Terry and Richard Smedley, accompanied by yours truly on the keyboard. A selection of war-time songs (beginning with Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler) encouraged audience participation with the words on the screen so that everyone could join in. David impeccably linked the items (and of course mentioned the recent eightieth anniversary of the D Day landings) and Richard demonstrated his formidable bass-baritone in Rule Britannia. For me the best part was just before the end when Mrs Kay Whileblood was invited to join the soloists in We'll meet Again. Her rich contralto added lustre to the ensemble and from the applause was much appreciated by everyone there.

[Photo: Alan and Trish Todd, Marion and David Terry, and Isobel and Richard Smedley.]

Eddie Wildman



 Coming later this year . . .

Ladies Night 

 The Worshipful Master and his wife Trish would be delighted if you would like to attend the Humber Ladies Night on Saurday 12th October at the Mercure Hull Grange Park Hotel, Willerby HU10 6EA, 6.30 for 7.00. Tickets £35 each. Entertainment provided by Black Orchid.  Special rates available if you wish to book a room and stay overnight. In the first instance please contact the WM email - final balance by 31st August 2024.





Saturday 21st October 2023

Humber Lodge No 57 Ladies Night

by David Terry


I recall that when I was interviewed by a panel of Past Masters, back in the late 1980s, one of the questions I was asked was “Will you support the Lodge Social Functions?”, I think that the committee still ask that question and to my knowledge no one has ever answered negatively!

One of the highlights of the social calendar is The Humber Lodge Ladies Night or more accurately Ladies Evening, when the Brethren of Humber Lodge pay tribute to their wives, mothers, daughters and partners. Old fashioned? Maybe. Emotive? Most certainly.

Thirty-two gentlemen, not all members of Humber Lodge and not all Freemasons, gathered at Lazaat Hotel near Cottingham to pay tribute to the fairer sex. The men dressed appropriately in black tie were completely overshadowed by the ladies who had certainly dressed to impress. Long dresses, short dresses, fascinators and tiaras were spotted by the eagle eyed males as they gathered around the bar amidst the buzz of conversation. It became apparent we were going to have an excellent evening!

The Director of Ceremonies for the evening, W Bro Terry Fisher, called everyone to take their places for dinner at the beautifully dressed circular tables, each set for eight or ten guests. This was an easy task as a comprehensive seating plan had been drawn up by the organisers, W Bros Cross, Fisher, Longthorp, Maurier and others and the WM expressed his thanks to them.

The Chaplain, W Bro Craig Maurier was called on to say “Grace” and the festivities began, entertainment being provided by the very talented award winning vocalist and guitarist, Adam Wallace.

Leek and potato soup was followed by pan fried chicken with a white wine and mushroom sauce or penne pasta and ratatouille. The dessert, strangely turned out to be a chocolate gateaux rather than the advertised  cheesecake. This change of menu was greeted with approval by my chocoholic daughter and my two younger sisters!

Each lady's place setting was adorned with an attractive “favour” that contained chocolates, a bejewelled handbag table hook and a scratch card that gave each lady a chance to win up to ten thousand pounds, a very thoughtful and much appreciated selection of gifts.

Terry Fisher had once again provided the menus which were works of art, much admired by all the guests. An intriguing twist in events took place when all ladies had to stand and hold their menus. There were several different designs but one was a unique colour. A prize was presented to the lucky lady (Tina Field) who held this special menu.

The Chaplain returned thanks and our Worshipful Master, Charles Alexander proposed the toast to the King.

It was then the turn of our Senior Warden, Steve Longthorp to propose the toast to the Ladies, which he did eloquently and with great charm. At the end of the speech all the men in the room rose to pay tribute to the Ladies.

Our very own W Bro Richard Smedley took to the stage and gave an excellent a cappella rendition of ‘The Ladies Song’, all the gentlemen joining in the chorus as they had, very thoughtfully, each been provided with a copy of the words. An excellent performance which received accolades from various lady choir members and one West End actress!

The toast was responded to by Mrs Jackie Alexander, our Worshipful Master’s wife who thanked the Senior Warden for his kind words and Richard for the song. It was touching to see the pride on our Worshipful Master’s face as Jackie gave her speech. Well done Jackie! The WM's son and daughter were also there, with their respective partners, supporting dad!

The formal part of the evening over, the dancing began and continued through to 11.30pm when the parting toast was given.

Congratulations to Lazaats on an excellent meal in beautiful surroundings: to Steve Longthorp for his planning and efficient execution of the plans; to Terry Fisher for the table plan, menus and his Master of Ceremony duties and to our WM, Charles for the Ladies gifts and table decorations.

Thanks must also go to the Brethren who supported the evening, and, to those who were unable to attend - you don’t know what you missed!

Well done to all concerned.

 W Bro David Terry



Sunday 21st May 2023:

See this date on the blog page for the Worshipful Master's comments on the Ladies Lunch - an entertaining Sunday afternoon in good company, with a singalong at the end.

This enterprise has been organised by W Bro David Terry; congratulations to him on his sterling work in keeping in touch with our masonic widows and friends!

Not only did he organise the whole event, keeping in touch with the ladies and making sure they had transport to and from the lunch, but every detail, from the seating to the singing afterwards was under his superb control.

I am in awe.

Eddie Wildman
