Travelling Gavel
The idea of a Travelling Gavel is not new, but what a lovely and inspiring way to encourage Masons across the Province to visit one another, not only to witness how other Lodges perform their ritual, meet new friends and renew old acquaintances and enjoy the Festive Board, but also to mount a devious and well thought-out rescue plan on a new treasure – the Travelling Gavel.
So here is a good reason to get out and about, from one end of the Province to the other. Unlike the Travelling Gavel in a neighbouring Province, which only travels in a very small area, ours can travel much further – it even has its own Passport.
Good luck in your rescue attempts but please read and abide by the Rules.
Terry Fisher

The idea was conceived by W Bro Fisher; the Gavel was presented to the Humber Lodge 57 by W Bro Coates, and the accompanying box was made and presented by Master Carpenter W Bro Wiles.
The gavel's journey over the Province during the first ten years are archived in the sub-menu below. Grateful thanks are extended to W Bro Fisher who instigated the initiative and has eloquently recorded the progress of this Masonic artifact from the premiere Lodge in the Province.
Current entries appear on this page, with the most recent at the top.
The Humber Lodge invites Sister Lodges in the Province to put together teams to claim the Travelling Gavel.
Eddie Wildman
Thursday 11th April 2023
Lord Bolton Lodge 3263 gathered a posse of Brethren to claim the Travelling Gavel from the Old Hymerians Lodge 6885 and the WM, W Brother Gwatkin stated his intention so to do when giving greetings at the end of a fine initiation ceremony (see this date on the blog page.)
It fell to his Senior Warden, Bro Colin Bird to make the claim at the Festive Board concluding his response on behalf of the visitors.
It is good to see the gavel again in circulation - from the conversations round the table I understand that other visitors are considering raiding Lord Bolton to wrest the coveted artefact for their own Lodge: already WhatsApp messages are being exchanged between members of the Technical Lodge 5666 and also the Cornerstone Lodge 10051.
[Photograph of Bro Colin Bird and David Waddington by Eddie Wildman.]
Monday 19th June 2023
The Old Hymerians Lodge 6885 arrived en masse at Beverley Road to attend a meeting of the Holderness Lodge 3563 and stated when giving greetings after the Initiation ceremony that they would demand the Travelling Gavel at the Festive Board. Their claim, which concluded the response to the toast to the visitors by the L6885 WM, W Bro Andrew Crozier, who posed for photographs while the newly initiated Brother looked on in amazement. (See this date on the blog page.)
[Photograph of W Bros Crozier and Wiseman by Eddie.]
Wednesday 8th November 2022
Claims were made by both Holderness Lodge 3563 and Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 for the gavel following the initiation ceremony of Bro Richard Driver; the former Lodge having one more Brother at the meeting, they took the prize, which they'd last recovered in 2018. The Holderness WM, W Bro Richard Tyson expressed smiling commiserations to W Bro Chris Lefevre, who quietly vowed that the gavel wouldn't be there long. Watch this space.
[Apologies for the photograph. I think the Brethren had drunk a bit too much and have gone out of focus.]
Eddie Wildman
Tuesday 15th November 2022
Minerva Lodge 250 turned out in force at the Phoenix Lodge 9663; so much so as to outnumber the Phoenix Brethren! Meeting in an upper room at the Sailmakers Arms in Old Hull High Street, the Phoenix Lodge begins later than most Lodges and does not boast a Festive Board. The dress code is less formal than normal as it was intended for busy young Freemasons calling in straight from work, though regalia is still worn by officers during the ceremonies of course. On this occasion W Bro Barry Longstaff lectured about the role of the Duke of Atholl in Masonry. Afterwards, the Acting WM, W Bro Ian Parkinson, was pleased to present the travelling gavel to W Bro David Green, Master of the Minerva Lodge, with his substantial cohort of Brethren. Well done, Minerva!
[Photograph of W Bro Parkinson (5th from left) shaking hands with W Bro Green by W Bro Richard Smedley.]
Eddie Wildman
Monday 27th June 2022
The Juno Lodge 10001 seized the gavel three days ago in a raid on the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 (see the article below.) However, it did not keep it long. Eager to bring it back to Beverley, the Ridings Tablers and Brethren of the Constitutional Lodge visited Juno at Dagger Lane, claiming six Brethren in each Lodge. However, the Phoenix Lodge 9963 trumped the Beverlonian gangs with seven Brethren and demanded the multihued maul in its carved case.
Thus the TG is (for now) the property of a Beer-loving Lodge in Hull's Old Town. The next Phoenix Lodge will be at the Sailmakers' Arms on Tuesday 20th September.
For notes on the Juno meeting, see the Blog page.
[Photograph of bookends W Bros Ben Rose (WM of Juno 10001) and Richard East (WM of Phoenix 9963) by Eddie Wildman]
Friday 24th June 2022
The Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586, youngest Lodge in the Beverley Freemasons had hardly had time to get used to having the gavel when it was wrested from their hands by Juno Lodge 1001, youngest Lodge in Hull at the June meeting. So it returns to Dagger Lane. But one must applaud the Brethren from the University Lodge for making the effort - from the Grand Lodge Officer to the new Entered Apprentice. The claim was made at the meeting itself, and the gavel passed over at the Festive Board. Not all the Juno delegation are pictured - W Bro Paul Harper PJGW (Juno Orator) and W Bro Barrie Jeffries (Juno ADC) were tidying away the presentation screen used in the Lodge business at the time this snap was taken.
Where will it travel next?
For notes on the Lodge meeting, see this date on the Blog Page.
[Photograph L to R: W Bro Adrian Hayward (Juno Chaplain), Bro Martin Clark, (Juno LMO & RTL SW), W Bro David Boynton, (Juno PM), W Bro Connor Ferguson (RTL WM), W Bro Edward McJee (RTL JW), W Bro Mark Taylor (Juno PM) and Bro Tim Roberts (Juno EA) by Eddie Wildman.]
Friday 10th June 2022
Well done to the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 who attended the very successful installation of Bro Aaron Sutherland at the de la Pole Lodge 1605 and claimed the Travelling Gavel. It now languishes in Beverley - who will claim it next? For an account of the meeting, see this date on the Blog Page.
The Gavel remained in York during the covid crisis, but returned to Hull in October 2001 (see below) intil now, when it is starting again to move further afield.
Other Lodges in the Province of YN&ER are challenged to try to claim the TG - the rules are attached to this page.
Wednesday 9th February 2022
W Bro Ben Kelly, WM of the de la Pole Lodge 1605 gathered a team of officers to rescue the the Travelling Gavel from the clutches of Minerva Lodge 250 and succesfully wrested it from thence to return it to Beverley Road. W Bro Kelly, who responded for the visitors, complimented the Minerva Brethren on their ritual - Bro John Robertson has been successfully passed to the Second Degree - but still forthrightly demanded the Gavel as the de la Pole Brethren had gathered in sufficient numbers according to the rules.
[Photograph of Jimmy 2 Kilts, Ian Fuller, Eddie Wildman, Ben Kelly, Andrew Kelly, Kevin Marshall, Malcolm Forbes an Dave Duffill by Dean Marshall, SW of Minerva 250.]
Saturday 15th January 2022
The Worshipful Master of Minerva Lodge 250, W Bro Kevin Marshall, brought along a posse of his Brethren to claim the gavel from Technical Lodge 5666. Looking at the formidable team, especially Danny Betts cracking his knuckles threateningly, nobody from the Beverley Road Lodge was inclined to dispute the claim, so the gavel returns to Dagger Lane - at least until the next claimant makes a successful bid.
Never mind, Technical Lodge, you held it for a month! See the Blog page for this date.
[Photograph by John Chapman]
Tuesday 14th December 2021
Technical Lodge 5666 came in force to the Humber Lodge 57 on the occasion of the Installation of W Bro Mike Potts as Worshipful Master to demand the
Travelling Gavel and as their numbers outweighed the other visitors, their Worshipful Master, Rob Atkinson was pleased to receive it. It is good that this beautifully turned maul in its hand-made case is still in the Hull area where it originated - but any Lodge in the Province may make a claim for it - providing they qualify, of course. Well done, Technical Lodge!
{Photgraphs: 1 Rob Atkinson and Mike Potts by Charles Alexander; 2 The Technical heavy gang by Ian Syddall.]
Saturday 23rd October 2021

On the occassion of W Bro Eddie Wildman representing the RWPGM at the Invictus Lodge 9960 in York another half-dozen Humber members elected to support him and to demand the return of the Travelling Gavel which had languished in lock-down during the pandemic. The Humber visitors easily outnumbered those of other Lodges, and the powerful claim made by the JW, Bro Alexander, would have struck fear in the hearts of other Lodges, but the Invictus Lodge, a young military based Lodge were initially inclined to deny the request. Reason prevailed, however, and the passing over of the Gavel in its custom-built box was executed with good humour and applause. Many thanks to the Invictus Lodge for looking after the Gavel during the interim - and many thanks to the WM, W Bro Sean Carroll, under whose able leadership a good time was enjoyed by all both at the double initiation ceremony and at the Festive Board.
[Pictured L to R: Trevor Whitfield, Lee Cross, Charles Alexander, Craig Morrison, Eddie Wildman, Sean Carroll, Ian Douglas and Malcolm Forbes. Photograph by W Bro Anthony Randle PGMO, Lodge Secretary.]