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Celebrations & Regrets

Every Lodge has a chequered floor, representing the joys and sorrows of our existence on this earth. As we traverse the floor of the Lodge, it reminds us of the good and the bad times, the sad and happy events, our celebrations and regrets. This page on the Humber 57 website recalls some of the events impacting on our Lodge, both pleasurable and otherwise which deserve mention in some detail. We celebrate their lives and regret their passing.


1st May 2024

Angus Murdo Gillies


It was with sadness that I attended the funeral of Angus Gillies, who died on 26th March 2024 aged 83, which was held at St Helen's Church in Welton on Tuesday 30th April.

I had known Angus well as a fellow member of Humber Lodge 57. We also knew each other as members of Humber Preceptory 223 in the Masonic Order of Knights Templar, Hull Tabernacle number 6 in the Masonic Order of Knights Templar Priests and Becket Provost of Beverley Chapel 111 in the Order of St Thomas of Acon.
Amongst the mourners there was a strong representation from Humber Lodge with Lodge Almoner W Bro David Terry, W Bro Eddie Wildman, W Bro Ian Syddall, W Bro Trevor Whitfield, Bro Craig Morrison and myself being in attendance. Bro Ian Montgomery represented the Lodge of St Andrew 4683.
On behalf of Knights Templar, Provincial Priory was represented by Eminent Knights Tim Dillon, Keith Marshall and Graham Miles, amongst others.

KTP was represented by Knight Priest Andy Lowthorpe, the Recorder of Hull Tabernacle.
The Masonic presence was testimony to the high regard in which Angus was held throughout Freemasonry. Angus embodied kindness, thoughtfulness and good humour throughout a long and distinguished career as a Freemason.

The funeral service was conducted by Reverend Linda Robinson, who broke the news that Angus's widow Maureen had tragically passed away before the funeral.
Family members present included daughters Camayo and Amanda. Camayo reflected to the congregation on the family memories of Angus. Born in New Zealand on 1st June 1940, Angus enjoyed a working career as an engineer in the Merchant Navy. A man of strong moral principles, he obtained Provincial honours in the Craft as well as in KT, KTP and St Thomas of Acon.
Amanda gave a Bible reading from the Book of Romans Chapter 8 verses 31-39.

In her address Rev Robinson stated that it was appropriate that the fine weather should shine on the funeral. Angus was an active member of the Church.
The strong religious focus of the funeral was reflected in the singing of two hymns, The King of Love My Shepherd Is and Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer, as well as a reading of Psalm 121 and the reciting of the Lord's Prayer.
The Commendation and Committal for cremation, Blessing and Closing Music of Scottish bagpipes reflecting Angus's Scottish ancestry concluded the funeral service.
Donations were made following the service to the Psoriasis Association.

Mourners then attended the Green Dragon public house in Welton for refreshments and to share their memories of Angus.
Angus will remain in our thoughts.


Malcolm Forbes


28th July 2023


John Anthony Kaye
25th March 1954 – 5th July 2023

The Humber Lodge and Freemasonry lost a Brother to the Grand Lodge above, Brother John Anthony Kaye.

He died due to heart failure; he had been having a course of chemotherapy to combat the cancer, he then was fighting an infection but was too weak and his heart gave up.

John was not only my proposer into Freemasonry, he was a very dear friend.

The Ceremony was on 28th July at Haltemprice Crematorium, Willerby at 12.30pm followed by a farewell drink at Rowley Manner Hotel, Cottingham.

It was good to see a number of Humber Brethren attending, Sergei Byelov, David Terry, Phil Watts and Trevor Whitfield who had proposed John into Freemasonry.

Our thoughts are with Claire and family at this sad time.

God Bless.


W Bro Ian Syddall




10th May 2022

Eulogy from the Lodge Almoner for Brother Arthur George Sharp.


Arthur George Sharp was initiated into Freemasonry on 17th May 1973. His Mother Lodge was Lodge of St Paul No 8229 in the Province of Gloucestershire. He was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on 28th December 1973 and raised to the degree of Master Mason on 28th March 1974.

Arthur was a journalist whose work brought him to Kingston upon Hull in 1975 when he accepted a job working for the Hull Daily Mail. It was there that he met our Late Worshipful Brother Brian DeVine who introduced him to the Humber Lodge No 57. He became a joining member of our Lodge on 2nd October 1975.

Journalism took Brother Sharp away from Hull after a number of years and he and his wife Ann settled in Cheriton Fitzpaine, Crediton, Devon where he visited a number of Lodges but he discovered that none appealed to him in the way that Humber Lodge had appealed.

When I took over as Almoner of our Lodge many years ago I rang Arthur and Ann and introduced myself to them. Arthur was so delighted at the contact that I made a point of telephoning the couple regularly. We never met but I felt as though we knew each other quite well. He remembered his time in Hull with great fondness, reminiscing about the times he had with Brian DeVine and the late W Bro Alison Swift, a farmer from Thorngumbald and a stalwart of Humber 57.

Some four years ago it became apparent to Ann and Arthur that age was taking its toll and that hospital appointments were becoming more frequent. Their home was in a small village somewhat isolated from amenities. They therefore made the sensible decision, in their late eighties, to sell up and move to a house in Bunbury, Cheshire, where they could be close to their niece, Josie and her husband (a fellow mason).

Unfortunately mobility problems isolated the couple and then came the forced isolation of Covid 19.

Our conversations continued and one day Arthur was so excited to tell me that the Worshipful Master of Humber, Eddie Wildman had telephoned him, an act of kindness that was greatly appreciated.

The last conversation I had with Arthur was some five weeks ago when I noted a change in him and was concerned enough to contact the Almoner of the Province of Cheshire who said he would make contact with the Sharps.

Sadly this was not to be as both Arthur and Ann contracted Coronavirus and were hospitalised.

Ann recovered but sadly Arthur passed to the Grand Lodge above on 21st April 2022. He would have celebrated his 93rd birthday on 15th May.

His funeral was held in The Lady Chapel of Chester Cathedral on Wednesday 11th May 2022.

Brethren, we mourn his passing.

 W Bro David Terry, Almoner




8th December 2021

Eulogy from the Lodge Lecture Master for Bro Robert Vincent, 1941 - 2021, past member of Humber Lodge.

I attended the funeral service of Robert Vincent at St Andrews Church Kirkella on Monday 6th December 2021.

I was there as a friend of Bob’s; however I was pleased to see three members of the Humber Lodge 57 in attendance, the Worshipful Master, W Bro. Trevor Whitfield and W. Bro David Terry, as Bob had been a member of the lodge for several years, in fact he was my seconder when I applied to join the lodge, Worshipful Brother Alan Metcalfe being my proposer.

Bob started his working life as an apprentice pilot. On completing his apprenticeship in 1962 he went away to sea in order to gain the sea time required to sit his second mates certificate and subsequently his first mates F.G. ( Foreign Going) certificate, at which time he was able to apply to become a Humber Pilot as former apprentices took precedence over other applicants. Non ex apprentices being expected to hold a Masters F.G. certificate.

Bob returned to life on the Humber in the mid sixties as a third class pilot eventually working his way up to become a first class Humber Pilot.

I got to know Bob through cricket,. When home on leave I used to play for Cottingham and on occasional Sundays organized matches between the Blue Bell Cottingham fat bellies (minimum waist measurement of 38) and the Humber Pilots the format being 20 overs per side each player having two overs and retire when scoring 20 runs this got everybody involved in the game, and a great time was had by all. Family picnics etc and much liquid refreshment. Ensuring that the result was immaterial.

I remember Bob once took a stunning catch at square leg on congratulating him on the speed of his hand he replied he was trying to get it out of the way!

We spent many happy hours in The Hop Pole putting the world to rights and enjoying one anothers company. A life well lived and I will miss him.

Philip Watts, Lecture Master


12th October 2021

Eulogy from the Lodge Almoner for W Bro Jack Whileblood, Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, 1st December 1937 - 23rd September 2021

Our Brother Jack died on 23rd September 2021 in Doncaster Royal Infirmary, age 83 years.

It is not my intention to dwell on Jack’s colourful and fruitful life this evening as it is so well documented, in Jack’s own words if you visit this web-site's Zoom page. It was on 8th December 2020 that Jack entertained the Brethren of Humber Lodge when we enjoyed a Zoom Lodge meeting.

In summary, Jack was born in Hull on 1st December 1937. During the war he was evacuated to York but returned to Hull for his education at Mersey Street Primary, followed by Malet Lambert Secondary school and then Technical College.
Called to National Service he joined the Paras and Special Forces.

A disastrous stint in the Police Force was followed by pursuing his engineering qualifications at Armstrong-Patent in Beverley where he eventually became chief engineer. From that post he was elevated to Test Engineer. Testing included testing Formula 1 cars. This nearly ended in tragedy when he crashed in Sweden.
Air lifted to hospital and expected to die within hours, he defied all odds by recovering after spending 7 months in an iron lung. Ten months later he was flown back to England.

Shortly after this he suffered a heart attack and had a quadruple by-pass. He was lucky to make 83 years of age!

Married to Kay, they lived in Howden and Jack became a Business Management Consultant.
He was initiated into Freemasonry into St Martin’s Lodge No2320 in Rochdale on 5th May 1992 and Raised in January 1993. He held the post of Junior Warden 1998 and Senior Warden 1999, becoming Worshipful Master of St Martin’s in October 2000.
He joined Humber Lodge No57 in 2004 and acted as Tyler in 2010 to 2011. He was also a member of Humber Installed Masters Lodge No2494 and Holderness Lodge No3563.

A keen Chapter mason, Jack was exalted into St Cuthbert’s Chapter No630 in March 1995; he joined Humber Chapter No57 in January 2008 becoming Joshua in 2008, Haggai in 2009 and Most Excellent Zerubbabel in April 2010.

The Province of Yorkshire N & E Ridings honoured him with the rank of Past Provincial Grand Standard Bearer in 2008 and Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in April 2016.

Jack’s body began to fail him some months ago when he developed breathing difficulties, a condition not helped by his cardiac problems.
He passed away in Doncaster Royal Infirmary on 23rd September 2021.

His funeral is to be held at 10am in Howden Minster on 19th October.

Brethren we mourn his passing.

W Bro David Terry PPSGW



18th February 2021

Eulogy for W Bro Malcolm Coates, Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden; Yorkshire North & East Ridings and the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire, 29th May 1942 -  31st January 2021

Malcolm was an iconic and well known figure in Freemasonry. Known to thousands as a source of Masonic regalia, he was a familiar figure not only in the Province of YN&ER but in Lincolnshire. In the Humber Lodge he was a senior member, an approachable man who never failed to give sensible advice about the Craft he loved. The following eulogy is by W Bro Stewart Oxborough, friend and business partner.


While readily agreeing to the WM’s request to present this eulogy in memory of my good friend Worshipful Brother Malcolm Coates, it was only after we spoke that I began to realise the enormity of the task. How do you pay a fitting tribute to a man that has done so much throughout his life of service of others? Service which extends even beyond that which he has given to Freemasonry.

As a newer member of Humber Lodge, I realise that there are many of you who have known Malcolm far longer than I and are already well acquainted with his generosity of spirit and actions as well as the deep love of our fraternity. So please forgive any omissions you think should have been incorporated. This is the Malcolm I came to know from the many hours spent in his company.

On leaving school, Malcolm’s first venture in business came after making a Clothes Horse for his Granny - for the younger Brethren this was a device made of 2 wooden frames hinged with bands of webbing which was stood to air clothes in front of a fire. Such was the quality of Malcolm’s work, she pointed him to a local store which might be interested in buying them - Malcolm called on the owner and eventually obtained such a large order that he had to take on a pal to assist and they had to deliver them on bicycles with the clothes horses hanging off their shoulders, on the handlebars etc.

Malcolm worked for a number of local companies including Marrs, Adepta, and Spooners among others. Some of the time, working in conjunction with his good friend W Bro Gordon Wiles. Malcolm eventually moved into the retail world and took on his shops, along with outlets on North Sea Ferries, the Londis group eventually becoming a national name.

Malcolm’s goodness of heart had led him into charitable work, and he became involved with groups such as the Jumbulance Trust, taking sick and infirm people to Lourdes in specially adapted coaches. He was also involved in local work with the award winning HANWAG, Humberside Association of Neighbourhood Watch Groups.

It was inevitable that Malcolm’s thoughts of service to his fellow man would want to further aid others and, having become a Freemason, the Craft also was to gain from his generosity as he looked to assist in the betterment of his fellow Brethren. Especially so when considering the fine Masonic example set by his forebears.

Malcolm has possibly the longest uninterrupted Masonic family lineage in England with direct descent from George Coates, a Freeman Glover in 1713, who appears on Rolls 7, 8, and 9 of the old York Lodge.

While this Lodge seems to have ceased working in 1745, George Coates is shown as one of the six original members of that early Lodge, as being able and eager to assist in its later revival in 1761. He was, therefore, appointed as an active Grand Warden on the reformation of the Grand Lodge of All England at York.

It is cited in ‘York Mysteries Revealed’ by Revd. Neville Barker Cryer, the acclaimed Masonic historian, that… ‘it would be especially the service and devotion of Coates … that would ensure the direction in which the Society progressed’. Malcolm maintained by example the Coates family tradition - now carried forward by Malcolm’s son - Bro Michael Coates.

Malcolm Coates’ own Masonic career began when he followed his forebears into the Brough Lodge 5464 on 29th March 1985, completing his Master Mason degree on 1st November 1985 and becoming their Worshipful Master on 7th June 1991.

He was already a Royal Arch Mason having been Exalted into Brough Chapter in October 1986. He later became a Founder of the Chapter of St Michael 7833 on 26th September 1992.

Malcolm  became a Joining Member of Humber Lodge 57 on 14th November 1995.

In September 2009 he became a member of Smyth Lodge 2284 in Grimsby.

Malcolm attained Provincial rank when appointed as a Provincial Senior Grand Deacon on 15th May 1999 and was subsequently promoted through the ranks to Provincial Junior Grand Warden on 13th May 2017. This matched the  Provincial rank that he had been honoured with in Lincolnshire some three days earlier, Malcolm thereby strengthening the tangible link with the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire which he had generously supported in the same manner that he did the Province of Yorkshire North & East Ridings.

A member of several of the Progressive Orders, Malcolm was held in high esteem and was as generous in those as in his Craft and Chapter commitments.

I first met Malcolm sometwenty-two years ago when I called to collect my Master Mason's Apron upstairs at the back of Londis on Marfleet Lane, Hull. I ended up being immediately captivated by the warm welcome, Masonic knowledge, and the generously given advice given to a ‘wet behind the ears’ Brother. That link was, thereafter, continued through his visits to his Grimsby Lodge or when I visited Humber Lodge 57. A particularly memorable occasion was when as Malcolm’s guest, I saw his son Michael initiated into Freemasonry and also attended the wonderful Bi-Centenary celebration.

Our liaison had also flourished during the fourteen years that I worked for Lincolnshire and some two years ago, when I stood down as Provincial Registrar, Malcolm contacted me for advice which eventually resulted in my joining him at Humberside Masonic Supplies Limited.

While we worked together, he would talk endlessly about Freemasonry, the Humber Lodge, and his wonderful family. Such was the welcome I received from them that I felt a part of the family and it was not really work at all.

Malcolm had, over the years, suffered several serious health issues and an accident all of which badly affected his mobility and caused continual pain. He soldiered on although he became less mobile at work or able to regularly attend the Lodge that he so loved. All this became moot  with the onset of the covid-19 pandemic.

The resulting loss of Masonic activity brought an expected slow-down in business and at home. However, there were a few highlights towards the end of the year when, firstly, on 17th October, 2020, when the family gathered to celebrate Malcolm and Catherine’s Golden Wedding Anniversary at home in Hedon. This was later followed by the usual family Christmas Festivities.

Malcolm’s health started to deteriorate further during late 2020, despite numerous tests, with the resulting frailty meaning that necessary medical procedures could not be performed.

Sadly, our good friend and Brother, Malcolm Coates passed away peacefully at home on the 31st January 2021, aged 78 years, surrounded by his loving family - the loved and loving husband for over 50 years to Catherine; much loved dad of Patricia and Michael, in-laws Lee and Amanda, and devoted grandad of Lucy, Isaac, Eleanor and Elliott.

 Stewart Oxborough


21st November 2020

Eulogy for Alan Goundrill Brown, 9th November 1937 - 16th October 2020

Adrian Brown delivered a tribute to his father at the funeral service, followed by reflections from Carol, Nigel and Paul at the Church of Our Lady and St Edward in Driffield. Covid restrictions precluded our Brethren from attending, other than the Lodge Almoner, W Bro David Terry, but the service was shown online for those who were unable to be there in person. The hymn sung for Absent Brethren "Eternal Father" was played, a poignant moment.


From Adrian:

Alan was born on the 9th November 1937. He initially lived at 28 Barnfield Crescent, Sale, Cheshire until 1942 with his older brothers Gordon and Colin, although he did have 2 other brothers, Jack & Kenneth that died as infants.

Before the War, his mother relocated the family from Hull to Cork in Ireland where they lived at Point Cottage, Crosshaven. The cottage was and remains near to the boat launching slipway from where for pocket money would be collected by a young Alan after his father would throw pennies for recovering from Crosshaven harbour. Alan loved to be in and at Sea. More on that later . . .

 Alan tended to be a bit accident prone from a young age with an early example of falling off the harbour wall at Crosshaven and scaring his face above his right eye, leaving a lasting scar above his right eye. At the age of seven he was sent off with Colin to Rockwell College as boarder. When Mum, Dad and I visited in 2019, he explained that he once set out early one morning to do several running laps of the lake as was the requirement for the borders before breakfast, later proudly explaining to the master afterwards that he’d done the run, only to be told, well done, you can go around again with the others! He was always determent to get ahead and his timekeeping has always been legendary.

Alan remained at Rockwell for four years, returning home during school holidays to Park Avenue in Hull with his mother and brothers. During the War Years, it was risky to sail between England and Ireland and his mother always insisted that the boys were seated together, on the basis that if the ferry was attacked by an enemy U-boat, then the family would likely all suffer the same fate.

Being a boarder and away from Hull, Alan wasn’t always so happy. It was always cold, wet and the food was awful. His mother did post food parcels and pocket money for buying pencils etc.

On one occasion, Alan and his friend went absent without permission, only to be grassed up by the manager of Cahir House Hotel, in the small town of Cahir, a few miles from Rockwell (and now twinned with Scarborough, here in Yorkshire).

Cahir hotel was frequented by his father when in Ireland on business. Alan had ordered food to be charged to his father’s business account. The hotel manager contacted the Fathers of Rockwell and a car was duly despatched for the boys' prompt return. This was just about the end of his Rockwell days in County Tipperary. After approximately four years or by 1951, he had returned to England & lived on Park Avenue and then 111 Victoria Avenue, Hull followed by the Chestnuts, Woodfield Lane, Hessle.

Alan, Jean, and I visited Cork during September 2019, and Alan had a great time retracing his Rockwell, Cork and Crosshaven days. He met cousins Eileen and Ken whilst in Cork and firmly rekindled the English / Irish family links. He thoroughly enjoyed the Irish oysters followed by tripe, onions and potatoes served at the English market restaurant. A return visit had been planned for 2020 but sadly, Covid-19 took away the possibility of a reunion, but rest assured, he made the most of the 2019 return to County Cork and Tipperary experience!

Whilst living in Hull, he attended Marist College Catholic School on Cottingham Road. He was an enthusiastic swimmer, swimming competitively on a regular basis at Beverley Road & Albert Avenue baths and also joined the Hull Thursday Road Cycling Club which he enjoyed and was presented with 10 shillings for his cycling achievements for which he was very pleased with himself.

 Whilst a Marist, he didn’t always attend as per timetable or his parent’s expectations. He had other, more interesting, and exciting ideas! On occasions, he would take time out of College to hang out on the docks. His father worked for Brigham and Cowan Ship Repairers and Alan soon knew that wanted to go to Sea.

On one occasion whilst missing from school and home, he was sailing between Hull’s Corporation Pier and New Holland on the Tattersall and Wingfield Castle Paddle Steam Ferries, sleeping by night in a shed (he took his savings with him for food and drinks!)

When it was time to progress from Marist College, his parents would have preferred for him to attend Trinity House Nautical College, Hull where he did pass the entrance exams, but he wasn’t interested in reading books and looking at pictures of ships and wanted to learn on the job. He then started an apprenticeship at Brigham and Cowan on Hedon Road, before going to sea, eventually qualifying as marine engineer, all of which is recorded in his seaman’s record and certificate of discharge, with his first sailing dated 9th June 1958 to 18th December 1958. Thereafter he was employed by a number of shipping companies and ships including MV Bolton Abbey, MV Harrogate and MV Fountains Abbey, all very Yorkshire named merchant vessels for a Lancashire boy! 

His seaman’s record for ability and general conduct is stamped as very good by the Master of every ship he served, with the record treasured throughout his life with great pride and even brought to Christmas Day lunch as an interesting item to talk about, along with his Australian driving licence, where he passed his driving test on the 6th April 1959.

Alan met Jean whilst she was nursing during 1957 at East Riding General Hospital, Driffield and he was very keen to get to know her a lot more. He later insisted when needing to have his appendix removed, that his parents arranged for him to be admitted to Driffield for the operation, on the chance that he could see Jean. All must have gone OK because they became engaged during November 1959 and married on the 9th September 1961, here at Driffield in this church of Our Lady & St Edward. It was touch and go as to whether Alan would be back on time for the wedding and he was flown back by the shipping company from Durban, South Africa, arriving back just 48 hours before the ceremony, having had the date previously cancelled and rescheduled on more than one occasion. 

Once married, Alan just about said `Bon Voyage’ to the Merchant Navy and was then was employed by APV before setting up in business from the garage of home, supplying bottling equipment to the dairy industry. Now ashore and a family man, living at 11 Spencer’s Way Driffield, albeit away for some of the time selling machinery and doing deals.

During 1966 Alan and Jean along with 3 young children, moved from Driffield to Hessle where they had purchased a small commercial hotel called the Weir Hotel. The Weir was operated to full capacity for 14 months before being sold to his parents. Alan & Jean then moved back to Driffield and to the Four Winds, a roadside café which was at the time, ideally suited for development and expansion (according to Alan). It’s a little-known fact that it was Jean’s father that made Alan aware that the Four Winds was up for sale. Once Alan knew this, he was on a mission, he knew that the site had great potential and his mind was made up, although his and Jean's parents and the bank had been a lot less optimistic about the potential! Needless to say, and not without setbacks and sacrifice, the business was a success and operated under Alan and Jeans control for 21½ years before being sold as a going concern.

After the sale of the business, Alan and Jean moved to their beloved Belle Vue in Hutton and enjoyed a couple of years having the time to do as they wished and travel in particular. During this time, it wasn’t unusual for the children and grandchildren to receive postcards from South Africa, New Zealand, America or even the QE2.

Following a period of a couple of years semi-retirement, the catering Industry was again calling! This time it was the Ships Wheel Restaurant, Bridlington, and the views of the North Sea from the above accommodation. (This was to be a great nautical touch) Alan & Jean duly purchased the business, and it was ideal new venture. As with the Four Winds, Alan and Jean knew exactly what their customers wanted, and they again built up a successful business, despite the heart-breaking and costly fire that totally destroyed the business during the evening of 3rd June 1992. This was a huge setback and devastating event. Despite the rebuilding costs and builder going bust during the rebuild, the rebuilt and modernised `Ships Wheel’ rose again from the ashes and reopened with Alan and Jean again back in business until their eventual retirement on their 41st Wedding Anniversary dated 9th September 2002 after 18 years at the Ships Wheel.

Following retirement and with the New RAV4 parked up the drive, it was time again for family and friends and doing whatever they fancied, ranging from a drive up to Whitby and Fish Lunch at the Magpie or over to Bruges on the North Sea Ferries but again it didn’t take long to be heading back to South Africa, America, QE2, Canada and the New Queen Mary before a final return to Ireland, County Cork, Crosshaven, Point Cottage and Rockwell College.

Alan loved Jean’s friendship and company and they operated as a team and he was always working on a surprise for Jean, whether it be a surprise Dinner on Table Mountain, Valentines Diner with Taxi laid on or Sailing from Hull on the `Baltic Eagle’ icebreaking routes through the Baltic sea. Some of his surprises would not always have been mum’s idea of a great surprise, but his heart was in the right place. Mum recently remined me that he gave her the courage to dive into the deep end of Haltemprice swimming pool aged 50 and I can assure you that the deep end is very deep!

Even a couple of months ago, Dad he said to mum: come on, we need to go through to Hull. To her surprise they pulled up in the RAV4 outside Cliff Pratt Cycle Shop on Spring Bank and Alan went in to buy 2 folding bikes! To mum’s absolute relief, the sales assistant said that due to shortages caused by the pandemic, they didn’t have any bikes left. A lucky escape for mum!

Other pleasures included following the progress of his children, grandchildren, families and friends, attending church at both Driffield & Bridlington and for many years St Charles Church in Hull for Christmas Eve Mass. Alan also enjoyed being a member of the Humber Lodge number 57 of Freemasons in the tradition of his father and uncle. He relished his steward’s role and generously supported many social gatherings and fundraising events whether for the church, Freemasonry, Salvation Army or family.

From Carol:

It’s hard to know what to include today but one thing I always know is he called me ‘Daddy’s fairy’ from being little as long as I can remember to even now when I went to see him or telephoned.

I always was and still will be ‘Daddy’s fairy’. I would always cringe when he called me Daddy’s fairy in front of friends!!
On a lighter note he always spoke and loved the sausage rolls I made from when being at school. The batch made during August and eaten in the garden at Hutton were appreciated.

Finally, Dad always taught me to be never afraid to ask, ‘if you don’t ask you don’t get’ as he would say whether that be help, advice or jobs.

From Nigel: 

As a proud father and dad to the four of us, in conversations dad would often say "I can only guide and advise ye". Throughout all of our lives as we met our own personal challenges along the way mine was confidence.

If I were to pinpoint that exact memory and moment it was when dad realised that I had probably been the shyest boy in secondary school here in Driffield and was about to start college in Hull. I remember one particular day when dad had asked me to go down to town having recently passed my driving test and buy the Hull Daily Mail along with a few provisions for the restaurant.

On my return dad said that we should have a pot of tea and sit down while we waited for any customers in the then empty restaurant! Sounded great, sit down do nothing, get paid! I brought the pot of tea and cups and saucers along with the newspaper. However, as I was about to sit down dad said "No, you take the newspaper and a cup of tea up to the top left corner near the window." That’s strange I thought to myself.

As I sat down dad said to me, "Now, read me the headlines of all the stories featured on the front page then I'll tell you which one to read to me." So shy and quietly I began to read . . . "Louder," he said, "louder, I can't hear you, hold your head up, higher," he said . . . eventually I got it at the right level and pitch, dad could hear the story clearly, he was happy at last!

Over the years I've told this story to so many people that I've met and still do to this day. I firmly believe that if that day didn't happen, I would never have been the confident person that I am today in all that I do.

I hope that over the years dad both we as a family and I have repaid you with all our achievements and that we'll continue to make you proud with the memories of your guidance and advice with us always.

Thanks Dad.

From Paul: 

Throughout my life and his, It was always a pleasure to bring Dad fresh local produce from a carcass of venison found down the fields near Fourwinds to a hare or two along with pheasants, partridges, potatoes, hedgerow jam and pickles.

He raved for the black currants and bushes I would grow at home and take over to him or what he and Mum would pick from the bushes at my home, although mum would have to keep telling him that there was no more room in the garden at Hutton to put any more plants.

When 15 / 16 years old and wanting to go fishing / hunting / shooting all the time, I caught a trout under the bridge at Kirkburn and to the week before he passed away, he still remembers the story and fish like the back of his hand as I do too.

I cleaned it out and then poached it and was served cold with salad and mayonnaise in the home kitchen at Fourwinds and we had it to eat one evening after a busy day when Mum, Nigel and Carol were at the caravan at Skipsea. To the day he died he said it was the best rainbow trout he had ever seen and tasted and it had literally come from the stream just down the road from where we lived.

Dad was not born in Yorkshire but spent enough time here to claim Yorkshire citizenship. He always offered good advice from a man with excellent knowledge and experience in life, so was well worth considering the advice given, all for free.

Final thoughts from Adrian: 

Dad achieved so much over his 82, nearly to be 83 years. Everybody that knew him shall have their own stories and account of events. We are uplifted in the knowledge that he lived a full and eventful life and always had the courage to see a way through whatever challenges lay ahead.

He was never short of ideas and positive suggestions and was a great believer in doing and getting on with ideas and crossing bridges later. Crossing bridges later was dad's code for sorting out any problems as they occur and not letting any problem be the reason for not fulfilling an ambition. Put another way, it wasn’t always plain sailing, but a ship would go nowhere if permanently berthed within the safety of a harbour!

He provided opportunities for those less confident in life to give it a go. Dad would want us to live our lives to the full and not to dwell too much on his passing. He died beautifully after a relatively short illness, peacefully dying at home with Jean beside him at their beloved Belle Vue.

You could not have asked more of a husband, father, grandfather, or family friend. You shall be missed, more than we can say. Your candle has gone out and you have earned your rest and you shall always be in our memories and hearts. RIP.




Eulogy for Michael Jan Phillips - 12th March 1944 -15th January 2020

 W Bro David Terry, the Lodge Almoner, was asked to deliver a tribute to Mike Phillips at the funeral at St Mary's Church, Broomfleet on Thursday 6th February. Other tributes and the address by the Vicar necessitated a draconian editing of the text, and David's eulogy was brief and sincere without the explanations of Masonic conventions included for the non-Masonic congregation. However, his full version is reproduced below almost in its entirity.



6th February 2020


Mike was a Freemason. To many of you that will conjure up a secret society where men meet for all sorts of obscure reasons! Some individuals still think we ride around on goats in the Lodge Room!

 Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact the GOAT myth probably originates from the acronym G.O.A.T for God Of All Things.

 To some of its members, Freemasonry is simply a gentlemen’s club but to many others it is much more. For it is an opportunity to develop the mind, to promote understanding, tolerance and charity and to bond with others who wish to improve themselves and the world we live in.

 Mike was initiated into The Humber Lodge No 57 in June 1974 and remained a member for 45 years. He became a Master mason when he went through his Third Degree Ceremony in June 1976 and then spent the next ten years in various offices of The Lodge until in December 1986 he reached the pinnacle of a Freemason’s career; he became the Worshipful Master of The Humber Lodge, a role which he relished and excelled in. The history of Humber Lodge with its tradition going back some 211 years was of particular interest to Mike, whom I remember submitting a well researched and expertly delivered toast to our Founders in the month of May a number of years ago.

 His commitment was recognised by The Provincial Grand Master of Yorkshire, North and East Ridings, who bestowed on him, in 1994, the rank of Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works.

 Promotion followed in 2000 to Past Provincial Grand Registrar.

 This was topped in 2008 when he was awarded the honour of Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden, a rank which he held until his passing.

 The allegory and symbolism of Freemasonry cannot be fully understood unless a Mason is exalted into Chapter Masonry which is comparable to a fourth Masonic Degree: Mike was exalted into this Order in October 1976 only four months after his Third Degree Ceremony.   He was keen!

 Again he rose through the ranks to become a very impressive Director of Ceremonies. He was also the First Principal of Humber Chapter. The top man!

 His commitment was again recognised at Provincial level when he was awarded the Active Rank of Provincial Grand Standard Bearer which involved him accompanying The Provincial Grand Superintendent (the top man in the Province of Yorkshire North and East Riding) on visits around the county.

 Further honours were received culminating in the rank of Past Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah.

 The unkind illness that Mike bore with great fortitude prevented his attendance at the monthly meetings during the last few years, this was a great sadness to him but he was mentioned every month when Humber Lodge met in Dagger Lane and a glass was raised to him and to other absent Brethren.

 I was once sitting enjoying a meal at a Festive Board, which is the bun fight after a Masonic meeting. I was within earshot of the Assistant Provincial Grand Master (the third in command of our Province) when I mentioned my hobby of Freemasonry.

 The Assistant PGM stopped me in my tracks by informing me, and I quote, “It’s not a hobby it’s a way of life”.

 Some years have passed since I was thus reprimanded, and I now appreciate what he was telling me.

 Freemasonry was very important to Mike. It was his way of life for 45 years. He embraced the Three Grand Principles of Freemasonry.  No secret! They are Brotherly love, Relief and Truth.                                                           

Mike will be greatly missed by The Humber Lodge & Chapter. He was a true, kind and thoughtful gentleman.

 There is a saying that Freemasonry makes good men better. Mike was one of the best!


David Terry





 Eulogy for Robert Edwin Clarkson - 6th March 1933 - 26th December, 2016

and eventually 26th December, 2019.


22nd January 2020

At the Crematorium, Bill Burnett, who delivered the eulogy below, asked Margaret, Pam and Carl to stand and turn around. Showing them that the place was packed, he remarked "All of these People have turned out to support you and show how much they loved and respected Bob. Thank you." His eulogy follows.

Bob was born on the 6th of March, 1933, the eldest of 6 children. Very few people had television in those days !!

Bob won a scholarship to the Riley High School where he passed the Northern Universities Schools Certificate in seven subjects.

Bob had always loved the Navy and had been a Sea Cadet. In order to ensure that he would go into the Royal Navy for his National Service he joined the Royal Naval Reserve on his 17th birthday.

Bob did his two years National service in the Royal Navy, passing out top of his class in training. He later qualified as a Torpedo and Asdic Control Rating.

Whilst on leave from the Royal Navy Bob met his first Wife, Betty, at a dance at the City Hall. Their friendship blossomed and as Bob settled back into Civvy street he joined the Hull City Police in August, 1953. Bob and Betty married and had one daughter, Pamela. Shortly after Bob retired from the Force, Betty passed away having fought cancer for many years.
Bob initially worked on foot beat patrols from the old Eastern Division at Crowle Street.

He worked in many departments across the City but will be remembered by many for his time in the Force Training Department, in particular for his responsibility for Cadet Training.

As a fresh faced 16 years old I joined the Hull City Police as a Cadet, straight from being educated by Nuns and Priests and being a Church Choir Boy. Imagine what went through my head when I met this gruff, bulled up to the nines PC, who politely introduced himself to me saying, “ My name is Clarkson, spelt B.A.S.T.A.R.D. get your haircut!”. I duly reported for my first training day at East Hull Baths. Bob asked me how far I could swim. I told him that I couldn’t . He was incredulous. He threw one of those old cork kick boards at me and told me to get in at the shallow end. I was terrified of this guy, so much so that I swam a length within the hour. Bob then shouted for everyone to get out of the water and dive off the top board. I duly lined up with everyone else and will never forget Bob screaming at me as I sailed through the air like a house brick, “Not you, you bloody idiot, you can’t even swim properly”. I hit the water with a belly flop that could have won a place in the Guiness Book of records. Much later in my career when I was working in the Training Department and got to know the real Bob Clarkson, he confided in me that he had fashioned his Training Persona on a Whale Island Gunnery Instructor that had once terrified him whilst on a course. Bob always had the highest of standards and he imparted those standards in everyone that he trained. Hundreds, probably thousands, of Police Officers owe the standards that they live and work by to Bob’s training.

Bob had a passion for Military Music and was a Member of the Police Band for 35 years, the last 12 years of which he was their Drum Major. In later life I had the pleasure of taking Bob to see the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. He was in seventh heaven even though it was raining heavily. Sometimes being a JP has it’s advantages, we were fortunate enough to get tickets to the trooping of the colour. He loved it and took great joy in telling me what the troops were doing and what they would do next.

Bob had many interests of which Judo was one of his favourites. He was a qualified Judo Instructor and for many years ran a club at the Newland Homes.

One of Bob’s other passions was swimming and in particular the Royal Lifesaving Society. He was an Advanced Teacher of the Amateur Swimming Association and held every Lifesaving award of the Royal Lifesaving Society, up to the Distinction Award. The Royal Lifesaving Society rewarded Bob for all of his work in the Community by awarding him Honarary Life Membership of the Society, a 50 years service Medal, the Medal of Distinction and the Medal of Honour.

Upon retirement from the Police Force Bob went to work in the Leisure Industry and ended up as Senior Assistant Facilities Manager at the Haltemprice Leisure Centre.

During this time at the Haltemprice Centre, Bob met his second Wife, Margaret. They married in 1987.

Although retired for a second time, Bob worked with Margaret teaching Primary School children in Hull ,the National Curriculum Key stage 2 swimming and Water Safety Scheme. The Hull scheme was Ofsted’s model of best practice nationally. This was a massive achievement and due in no small part to Bob and Margaret’s hard work.

In December of 2016, whilst on holiday with Margaret, Bob suffered a massive Cardiac arrest. Fortunately Margaret was by his side and performed CPR on him. Bob was resuscitated and after many months of care by Margaret was able to start living a normal life again.

I proposed Bob into Freemasonry and he was initiated into the Humber Lodge No 57 in April, 1998. He was made a Fellow Craft in May, 1998 and eventually made a Master Mason in March, 1999.

Within the Humber Lodge Bob held many Offices over the years. He held the offices of Junior Warden, Senior Warden, Mentor and perhaps a role that he made his own – the Lodge Director of Ceremonies. He became the Master of the Lodge in December, 2004. The Provincial Grand Master saw fit to invest Bob as his Provincial Grand Sword Bearer and subsequently promoted him to Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden.

Bob was an enthusiastic Member of Knight’s Templar for a number of years.

Bob was also a Member of Humber Installed Masters Lodge and held the Offices of Junior Deacon and surprise, surprise, Director of Ceremonies.

Bob was a member of the Humber 57 Royal Arch Chapter. He was exalted in November, 1999. He held several offices in the Chapter and took the Chair of Zerubbabel in May, 2008. Bob was also a Member of the Humber Installed Principles Chapter until ill health forced his retirement.

We mourn Bob’s passing but at the same time celebrate the time we shared with him. Bob took good people and made them better. I just hope that the residents of the Grand Lodge above have had a haircut and bulled their boots !!!

Bob is survived by Margaret, his wife who nursed him selflessly throughout all of his illness; his children, Pamela and Carl, their Spouses, Jack and Sam (a Lady), his Grandchildren Robbie, James and Kacie Leigh, his great grandson Daniel and great granddaughter Elsie.

Pax Vobiscum Bob, you are and will be missed.


On my first training day as a Police Cadet, I had to report to the East Hull swimming Baths. Bob asked me how far I could swim. I told him that I couldn’t. He was incredulous! He picked up one of those old cork float kick-boards and threw it at me. He said “get in there”, indicating the shallow end. I was terrified of this guy. So much so that within an hour I swam a length. Bob then shouted for everyone to get out of the water and dive off the top stage. I duly got out of the water and lined up with everyone else to go off the top board. I can still hear him screaming at me as I sailed through the air like a house brick, “ Not you, you bloody idiot, you can’t swim properly.” I hit the water with the biggest belly flop that had ever been witnessed at East Hull Baths.

Blackpool RLSS Conference. Bob’s alarm going off at 0230hrs woke him up and I told him to switch it off. - He fumbling on the bedside table whilst apologising, and then  swore at me and said that he didn’t even have an alarm – alarm still going off – he got out of bed , looked out of the window, climbed back into bed and nonchalantly announced that it was the Hotel fire alarm – I jumped up and shouted that we had better evacuate the building – him “ Will you stop shouting, I’m trying to get some sleep” he rolled over and went back to sleep. Fortunately it was a false alarm.

I had the great pleasure of working with Bob at the old Police Training Unit – Legoland. Bob was always a miserable beggar in a morning but you knew when he was driving over Drypool Bridge on his way into work. He would have his windows rolled down and the Band of the Royal Marines would be blasting out something suitably stirring. He would sit in his car on the car park until the tune had ended I might add that he would still have his windows rolled down.

 Bill Burnett



60 years in Masonry: W Bro Dr Clifford Leslie Jones PAGDC 

Saturday 19 November 2011

On 19th November 2011 the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Yorkshire North & East Riding, Very Worshipful Brother Jeffrey Gillyon was joined by Brethren of the Humber Lodge 57 and their Ladies at Connaught Court in York. This special occasion was to mark the presentation of a 60 year Certificate and Jewel to W.Bro. Dr Clifford Leslie Jones, PAGDC.

W. Bro. Jones receiving his 60 year Certificate from V.W. Jeffrey Gillyon ProvDGMVW Bro Gillyon gave a very informative overview of the life and times of our Lodge Father, which was interspersed with amusing anecdotes from W Bro Cliff.    

Cliff was born in London 18th August 1926.  He received his education at Quintinians School followed by Degrees in Chemistry and Physics from London and Reading Universities.  A PhD from an American University acknowledged him as one of the world’s foremost authorities on his specialised subjects of waxes and resins.

Later, as a Director of Reckitts his real expertise it would seem was in soft soap, a point not lost on those who knew him well.

An faithful and active member of the church, he has been Secretary of the Lay Readers Association and chairman of a special committee appointed by the Archbishop of the time to deal with matters of finance within the diocese.

As a young man he was not only a Boy Scout but County Commissioner for Middlesex, in charge of Scoutmaster Training.

Cliff was very happily married to his wife Peggy, who sadly died several years ago and he felt her loss terribly. Always an active and caring member of the community, after Peggy died Cliff devoted much of his time counselling recovering alcoholics and drug addicts.

Cliff and Peggy were blessed with two children, Martin and Elizabeth.  Martin is a Captain in the Royal Navy and his wife Joan is a senior officer involved in Environmental Protection; she often briefs government ministers. They live near Southampton and have two children. Elizabeth is married to David and they also have two Children. Liz is a maths teacher in a local school on the outskirts of Hull. 

In his long Masonic career Cliff has achieved wide acclamation; in particular he is remembered as an erudite and excellent orator and lecturer.  His masonic career is as follows:

1951      Initiated into Old Quintinians Lodge No 3307

1963      Companion of the Holy Royal Arch – Old Quintinians Chapter No 3307

1976      Knight Companion of the Red Cross of Constantine – De La Pole Conclave No 132

1976      Knight of the Holy Sepulchre and Knight of St John the Evangelist - De La Pole Conclave No 132

1977      Mark Master Mason – Humber Lodge No 182

1991      Knight Kadosh 30of the Supreme Council of the 33o

In 1967 he was elected as Master of Old Quintinians Lodge No 3307 and between 1977 and 1993 was the Lodge Chaplain.  In 1967 he was also installed as the MEZ of Old Quintinians Chapter no 3307. In 1979 he became the MEZ of Humber Chapter No 57.

1980 saw him installed in the chair of the Ancient York Chapter of Redemption, and in 2005, at the age of 79, he became the Master of Humber Lodge No 57.

Cliff holds Grand and Provincial Grand Rank in Craft and Chapter:

 Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies (PAGDC) - Craft     -      1998

 Past Assistant Grand Sojourner (PAGSoj) - Chapter                    -        1996

 Grand Standard Bearer (GStB) - Chapter                                   -          1988

 Third Provincial Grand Principal (3rdProvGPrin, Yorks. N&ER)     -       1991

 London Grand Rank (LGR, MetGL, London)                               -          1986

At the end of the presentation, the Master of Humber Lodge, W. Bro. David Terry thanked VW Bro Gillyon for agreeing to present W Bro.Cliff with the Certificate, and for such a wonderfully told life story.  He also thanked all those who had taken the time to mark this a special day, not forgetting the staff of Connaught Court, the York RMBI residential home. The presentation was concluded with group photographs and a buffet lunch.

A very good and enjoyable time was had by all, especially W Bro Cliff who could not understand why so many people had bothered to come and celebrate this landmark.  Only Cliff could be so genuinely and generously modest.

