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Tuesday 14th January 2025

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followed by a Festive Board




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 Archive 2021

Tuesday  30th November 2021:

An important message has arrived from UGLE - please read the Coronavirus entry for 30th November.


Saturday 27th November 2021:

A number of Humber Brethren are in the Masonic Order of Athelstan and attended the annual convocation at Wetherby; to find out about this Order, see or simply ask Craig!



Friday 26th November 2021:

The Ridings Tablers' Installation saw Bro Connor Ferguson become Worshipful Master in an impressive ceremony with W Bro Terry Fisher as the Installing Master under the direction of W B Barrie Jeffries, Installing DC (see 23rd October below.) However, he graciously left the kernel of the installation, the obligation, in the hands of Connor's father, Don, who took his son through the necessary promises that would promote the well-being of the Lodge in the ensuing year. It was well attended, with visitors from as far away as Stanstead (where Connor had lived as a boy and his father had been introduced into the Craft), from North Lincolnshire and from Sykes Lodge in Driffield, where two Fellow Crafts made their first visit and said how impressed they had been with the evening. The RTL 9586 was honoured by the presence of the VW Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Dr David Chambers, and a Provincial Team. The DPGM spoke of new beginnings and complimented the Lodge on the number of young members taking part: some excellent ritual had been delivered by a Brother who had only joined the month before. The Festive Board continued the euphoric mood; Ridings Tablers' has some very good singers and W Bro Andy Green, WM of the Leo Lodge (see 23rd November below) gave a magnificent performance of the Worshipful Masters' Song. Connor was pleased: "One of the best nights of my life," he said, addressing the Brethren in response to the toast given by his father. Well done all.

[Photograph by Andy Green]


Thursday 25th November 2021:

W Bro Terry Lynn and I gave a brief Daggards presentation on "I know the answers, but what do the questions mean" which was well received by the Lodge of St Michael 7833 at Dagger Lane. The WM, W Bro John Watkins commented that it had reminded him of his early days in Freemasonry, a time of questioning the terms used and finding out answers. There was some discussion afterwards regarding the disposition of charitable funds, which was eventually postponed to a later date, and after the closing of the Lodge the Brethren enjoyed a convivial Festive Board. Alistair Kenyon-Brodie  (see 21st September below) gave greetings from Phoenix 9963 and the Lodge of St Michael, on discovering he was my godson, immediately awarded their organist with the title "Godfather". But I will get my own back, never fear.


Wednesday 24th November 2021:

I am rarely able to visit the Lodge of St Andrew 4683 as it coincides with another Lodge where I play the organ, but the date had been changed on this occasion and I enjoyed an evening with this youthful Lodge as guest organist and, of course, as WM of Humber 57. The initiation ritual was delivered superbly, especially by the WM, W Bro Edward A Brook, who set a very high standard. The Candidate, Lee Cawood, deported himself admirably and the Brethren welcomed him literally with open arms in the "Chain" ceremony at the Festive Board. His proposer, Will Charlton said that this was the first person he'd brought into Freemasonry, but when he considered what should be expected of a Mason, Lee ticked all the right boxes. Many thanks to the Lodge of St Andrew, which is ninety-six years old and still fresh-faced and vibrant. A good night.

[Photo L to R: Bro Cawood, WB Brook, Bro Charlton. Photo: Bro Charlton.]



Tuesday 23rd November 2021:

Leo Lodge 9822, as it is colloquially known, is nothing to do with lions. The initials stand for "Lodge of Established Order". Consecrated in 2007 for the benefit of those Brethren associated with public service, it generally meets in Barton-on-Humber (see 5th October below) but as the numbers attending the Installation of W Bro Andy Green exceeded the limitions permitted in the smaller Lodge Room, Grimsby's capacious Masonic Hall was chosen as the venue. Founding Master W Bro Phil Spicksley remarked at the festive board that the consecration had been held here; it was good to return after fourteen years. The outgoing WM, Barrie Jeffery had brought along a can of WD40 as he expected, along with the Brethren, to be rusty, but the installation ceremony didn't need lubrication. (Several visitors were well oiled afterwards however.) The Lincolnshire APGM, W Bro Peter Brooks was in attendance (with several UGLE officers) but many of the visitors hailed from the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 which meets in Beverley in the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings, as both the outgoing and incoming masters are members of that Lodge. It was a splendid evening (the more so as I was driven there and back by W Bro Terry Fisher, who as a retired policeman was a Brother associated with public service as well as currently being WM of 9586 and a valued member of Humber Lodge 57, premier Lodge in the Province.) Congratulations to Andy for taking the Chair - Leo Lodge is now led by a lion!


Monday 22nd November 2021:

Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 raised Bro Lewis Kirkby to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in a sincere ceremony with only a few members present. That some substitutions had to be made at the last minute did not impact unduly on the Lodge: the ritual floorwork was of a very high standard. Now in its 94th year, this Beverley Road Lodge takes its name from the Hull-born metaphysical  poet pictured on the Lodge logo, as the WM had remarked at an earlier meeting. The Master, Malcolm Forbes, is also an officer in the Humber Lodge 57. 

 "But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near" - Andrew Marvell.


Saturday 20th November 2021:

Privileged to stand in at the last minute for the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master (Covid is still impacting on us unexpectedly) I was pleased to discover that my official DC was again W Bro Geoffrey John Toulmin who had looked after me in York on November 1st (see below). I was already expecting to visit Technical Lodge 5666 for the Installation of Rob Atkinson, but not with such elevated status.

It was a pleasure to arrive and find tea and coffee there - and home-baked cakes and buns made by (and served by) ladies of the Lodge. It was also good to see the reception room full - though precautionary measures were still being taken and bottles of gel were by the door and on the bar. ("Covid's not going to go away," advised one of the visitors, "but we will learn to live with it." He took precautions to protect his insides with a large gin and tonic.)

The ceremony was impressive. W Bro Allan McKay relinquished the Chair to Rob Atkinson, having steered the Lodge through the Covid crisis with equanimity. The Installing Officer, Rob Gorman, directed the procedure with quiet authority, and the subsequent floor-work was excellent. The working tools, delivered by a new MM, a Fellow Craft and an Entered Apprentice, showed that the quality of delivery was undiminished; the calibre of the latest members matching that of the Antients. The Light Blues were there in force - and there were three proposals for new candidates: W Bro Atkinson has a busy year ahead. There were fifteen visitors from twelve Sister Lodges - but this is not the vehicle for statistics.

At the Festive Board, after the fifth toast, to which I responded, I felt able to resume my usual office of Organist, for the Technical Lodge 5666 has a number of quality singers, and I was able to accompany W Bros Daniels, Chapman and Turner for the Master's Song, the Anthem and the Visitors Song, while W Bro Toulmin kept my place next to the WM at the Festive Board. It was a happy meeting, and the Brethren left with smiles on their faces. Thank you, W Bro Toulmin, for keeping me in order - congratulations, Technical Lodge, for the brilliant start to your new Masonic year.

[Photograph by W Bro Paul Hillary. L to R Eddie Wildman, Rob Atkinson, Geoff Toulmin]


Thursday 18th November 2021:

Central Hull was packed on account of the turning on of the Christmas Lights; for those trying to park for a Lodge meeting it was a nightmare. Especially in the case of Eminent Preceptor Eminent Knight Nicholas F Brokenshire, who had to park a twenty-minute walk away from Dagger Lane, and was consequently unable to open the Preceptory for the Knight Templar meeting.

As there was extensive business to perform before the installation of Companion David Stapleton into the Order, the Immediate Past Preceptor,  E Kt Ian Syddal relinquished his place as Guard and took the Chair for the opening of the meeting, which was punctuated by the sound of fireworks from the festivities nearby. Consequently the running order was somewhat modified. Our Candidate had heard the Anterior Address and was ready to begin the ceremony proper when Nick arrived, footsore and a little flustered, but eager to install the man he had proposed.

This was the first ceremony since lockdown and it must be admitted the Knights were a little rusty, but Bro Knight David said at the festive board how impressed he had been at the deep meaning and the amount of material he was looking forward to studying. The festive board was also an opportunity to exchange ideas regarding the centenary celebrations which will take place next year. As the Humber Preceptory 223 is also the host preceptory for the Provincial Convocation (see 13th November below) it was felt that particular effort should be made to boost our profile. Good advice from the guest organist, E Kt Graham Miles PGtA-de-C was taken on board.

All in all, it was a rewarding meeting despite the initial difficulties, and the Brother Knights retired in good order after the parting toast.

[Photograph of Nick Brokenshire by Ian Sydddall. Photograph of Ian Syddall in full regalia by Eddie Wildman]



Tuesday 16th November 2021 at Dagger Lane:

Humber Lodge was represented by W Bros Malcolm Forbes and Eddie Wildman at the Hull Old Grammarians' Installation meeting. The Lodge Room was well filled (there are still concerns about the coronavirus, but they seem to be diminishing) - there were seventeen visitors from three different provinces, as well as the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Denis Raymond Stubley, PSGD and his team of Provincial Officers (not pictured here.)

W Bro Mantas Montvydas installed his successor, W Bro Ian Dalton Storey into the Master's Chair and the Brethren came downstairs to a traditional Old Schools Lodge Festive Board of Steak and Ale Pie. The Song to the new Master was rendered by W Bro Michael Anthony Harding, accompanied by this author who had stood in as organist for the evening.

Both Humber Brethren won raffle prizes.

Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 was consecrated in 1929. The rumour that the Lodge Treasurer is one of the founders is unwarranted.

[Photograph by W Bro Nigel Collier, Lodge Mentor. The IPM is on the left of the picture; the WM in the middle.]



Monday 15th November 2021 at Dagger Lane:

Lodge of Instruction report by the Lodge Mentor.

The LOI was opened by our new WM Elect W.Bro Michael Potts in due and ancient form.
The minutes of the last LOI from nearly two years ago were read and accepted.
During the brief discussion it was noted that we are having a decent number of the new Candidates and a good progression of the Entered Apprentices and Fellowcraft Masons in the Lodge so the WM Elect will be pleasingly busy during his year in the Chair.

The closure was rehearsed twice to make sure everyone knows what they are doing at the Installation ceremony next month.

We closed in due form.

The festive board downstairs involved the usual list of toasts for the WM and Bro Wardens to go through, and a raffle was drawn, the proceeds of which go to the Almoner's fund.
We finished with the parting toast in a cheerful Masonic manner.


Segei Belov, Mentor.


Monday 15th November 2021 at Beverley Road:

The  Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Jeffrey Gillyon was impressively accompanied by a team of Provincial Officers at the Holderness Lodge. The main business of the evening was the presentation of a certificate for fifty years' service to W Bro Charles Maltby, and the RWPGM interviewed Charles with his customary good humour and wit, encouraging the old farmer to talk about agricultural life in the fifties and beyond, and the days when the Holderness Lodge met close to the Meridian Line. After the Festive Board, the RWPGM answered questions about Freemasonry; though a couple of questions had crept in amongst those submitted regarding Hull City - knowing that the leader of the Province is a supporter. There was a pleasing number of newly-made Masons present in addition to those of the flourishing Holderness Lodge. Many thanks to the WM, W Bro James Ashby-Kelly, for hosting this delightful evening.

Eddie Wildman, Organist.


Saturday 13th November 2021 p.m.:

Some of those who had received KT honours in the morning (see below) took part in the Beverlonian Craft meeting in the evening. Beverlonian Lodge 9084 had requested a dispensation to hold an extra meeting in order to raise two Brethren, Bros Ben Fuller and Mark Fox to the degree of Master Mason. The Lodge has a number of young members in office, and this ceremony ensured that Ben and Mark will be able to participate in all three degrees henceforth. As this meeting was out of sequence, (Beverlonian generally meets on the first Saturday) a number of older Brethren were required to take office and perform ritual, which they did with panache. Well done! 


Saturday 13th November 2021 a.m.:

It is a privilege to play the terrific four manual organ at Selby Abbey. By William Hill and Sons, it is over a century old, but one of the finest romantic organs in the country, and it made a magnificent sound for the Chapter of Provincial Priory, the annual Knight Templar service and convocation. On this occasion REKt Timothy Grant Dillon was officially installed as the Provincial Prior of Yorkshire North and East Ridings by the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master Paul Raymond Clement GCT. The setting was ideal for the Knights in their regalia, and the parade of the banners of the respective priories and commanderies. But for me, sitting at the organ, the highlight was the trumpeter, undergraduate Oliver Fowler, who played with exquisite tone and expression. The fanfares were electrifying, and the descants effortlessly soaring above the massed voices of the congregation were angelic. My grateful thanks to Oliver, and to the Vicar and Organist of Selby Abbey for allowing me this privilege.

It was a pleasure to see four Eminent Knights of the Humber Preceptory 223 awarded Provincial honours. The incumbent Eminent Preceptor, E Kt Nick Brokenshire announced that this preceptory would host the next annual meeting.

[Photograph of Oliver Fowler and Eddie Wildman by Jazz]


Friday 12th November 2021:

Worshipful Brother Ben Kelly, Master of the De la Pole Lodge 1605 enjoyed an initiation ceremony wherein he introduced his youngest brother, Michael Kelly, into Freemason. "You're my Brother brother now, Mike," he observed at the festive board - "as is Brother brother James (currently the WM of Holderness Lodge 3563) and Brother brother-in-law Paul." (Paul Marshall is a member of the Lodge of St Andrew 4693, and married to the Kellies' sister. It was an impressive ceremony - as the UGLE Officer present I remarked that had they been able to bottle whatever it was that made the evening so spectacular, they could have made a fortune. Afterwards, W Bro John Appleby was presented with a certificate for forty years' service to Freemasonry;  he spoke of the enduring nature of the Craft, and his faith that despite the vicissitudes of the pandemic, Freemasonry will continue to flourish. In response to the toast to the visitors, James Ashby-Kelly said that taking the essential Masonic criteria of Greeting, Meeting and Eating, De la Pole has scored full marks on all three. Thanks to the Lodge for an excellent night!

[Photograph by kind permission of (L to R) Paul Marshall, in Master Mason regalia, Michael Kelly, latest 1605 member with his Entered Apprentice apron, big Brother Ben Kelly, clean-shaven WM of DLP, and James Ashley-Kelly, WM of Holderness Lodge 3563.]


Thursday 11th November 2021:

E Comp Ian Syddall was the DC to the Representative in Bridlington 

Londesborough Royal Arch Chapter 734 installed the Three Principals for the Year. The meeting was at the Masonic Hall, Bridlington, starting at 7.00pm

This was my first visit as a ProvGStwd in the office of Director of Ceremonies, the Representative of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent was E. Comp Stephen Horner, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals.
I arrived early 17.40, Oh no! the building was not open, so while waiting I went through the words I would have to say, and while I was doing this a car passed me a number of times. It eventually parked and another early bird stepped out. It was: E. Comp Stephen Horner,  I suspect he was nervous as this was; this was his first time as a Representative in the Chapter, although he had represented in the Craft.

Once inside I familiarised myself with the building and went to the Chapter room to practise, I was in good hands as Stephen had been a steward and helped me through the procedure. All went well.

There was a dispensation read out to hold the meeting by Comp. Scribe E.

The MEZ gave the Kohima Exhortation to mark Armistice Day.

‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them.’

This was followed by a reflective period of silence.
E. Comp. Robert I. Baker PPAGDC acted as the Installing Director of Ceremonies. He presented E. Comp. Paul C. Morrison as duly elected Zerubabbel to MEZ, E. Comp. Kenneth E. Shaw as duly elected Haggai to E. Comp. Paul C. Morrison and E. Comp. Garry Sunley PGStdB as duly elected Joshua to E. Comp. Kenneth E. Shaw.

The Three Principals were then Installed in their respective Chairs by their predecessors. As they were all Past Principals, the Addresses were omitted. 

Following the meeting the festive board was plentiful and delicious: thanks to the Chef!

I got home around 11.00pm, tired but happy. It had been a small but convivial gathering, and as the Director of Ceremonies for the Representative, I felt we had both acquitted ourselves well.


Thursday 11th November 2021:

While Ian Syddall was DC-ing in Bridlington, Eddie Wildman was organist for the Knights Templar in Catlegate, York

The Malta degree is my favourite aspect of the Knights Templar. The red tunics with the black mantles and white eight-pointed cross of Malta make an impressive display, and the unique seating arrangements within the Priory lend an immediacy to the proceedings; the octagonal and pentagonal tables are occupied by particular officers, who integrate rather sitting at the sides. The last regular meeting of Ancient Ebor Priory 101 had been on the 10th October 2019; now, after two years, the Knights were together for the Installation of Sir Knight Gus McLaren as Eminent Prior. The new EP was ably installed by E Kt Michael Graham, PGt2ndLt, after which two new Knights were instructed in the secrets and mysteries of the Degree of Knight of St Paul, and afterwards created Knights of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta. Once again, I had travelled with Mike Graham to York to provide music for the ceremony.


Wednesday 10th November 2021:

W Brother Kevin Marshall, WM of the Minerva Lodge 250 presided over the initiation of Mr John Robertson in a sincere ceremony wherein the Brethren delivered some moving ritual in a well coordinated sequence. The festive board was lively, full of banter and good humour, and Brother Robertson acquitted himself well in the response to his toast, despite the rendition of some verses of the Entered Apprentice's Song! Well done, Minerva Lodge!


Tuesday 9th November 2021:

Writing as WM of the Humber Lodge, I was well pleased with the November meeting. Generally a business night, the business of naming the Master Elect (W Bro Mike Potts) and Treasurer (W Bro Terry Fisher) was expedited efficiently, and other items of business concluded swiftly. Mr Robert Parkinson (who because of a Covid scare had been unable to attend in September) was initiated and became a Brother amongst us. The meeting was well attended with lots of visitors, and the WM of Lord Heneage Lodge 5979, W Bro Robin Gracey, responded on their behalf with a detailed analysis of the ceremony and kind remarks about the ritualists. The festive board, brightened with floral displays was good and wholesome and the singing, led by W Bro Richard Smedley was harmonious.

In addition to the usual toasts, including that to Bro Parkinson who responded well, the Senior Warden, W Bro Carl Cross gave the traditional annual Humber toast to Prosperity, Unanimity and Perpetuity, usually given on Founders' Night, but, like so many other events, postponed because of Covid. W Bro Winston Pannett responded eloquently, explaining the terms and their application to the premier Lodge in the Province, and gave a toast to the Humber Lodge. The Worshipful Master gave a brief toast to the Master Elect, who named his team for next year, reminded the Brethren of the rehearsal on Monday and regretfully cancelled the proposed Carol Concert on December 19th because of the Covid implications so close to Christmas. There was also a toast (which would generally have been proposed at the Lodge of Instruction Open Night had not the pandemic intervened) to the Lecture Master thanking him for the frequently unrewarding hard work undertaken during the last two years. It was evident that his efforts had paid off, however - the ritual and floorwork delivered during the evening had been outstanding, as more than one of the visitors remarked.

Having said all the above, I am looking forward to relinquishing the Master's Chair at my Outstallation next month and taking up my familiar place on the organ stool. I will however, continue to manage this website, and encourage all the Humber Lodge readers to contribute their comments.

[Photographs top to bottom, Robert Parkinson,Mike Potts by Eddie WIldman]


Friday 5th November 2021:

A report from the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, W Bro Ian Syddall, Secretary of the Humber Lodge. As the Escrick meeting was for all the Charity Stewards and Almoners in the Province to apply to every Lodge, Ian's notes are given here rather than on the Charity Page, which is specific to Humber 57.


Report on the Charities/Almoners Information Day

 The Parsonage Hotel, Escrick, York.

 14th October 2021

 Ian Syddall  ProvGChStwd


In writing this blog I have to thank Colin Hunton ProvGChStwd (Chapter) who took the minutes, which I have used some parts of his report.

This was my first Provincial Charity Day as ProvGChStwd. I would also like to put on record and my thanks for the time and hard work W Bro Gareth Frost ProvGStwd has put in with helping me organise this event.

The venue was well organised for our day with one real criticism, the internet was poor and a number of speakers could not get Wi-Fi access, however with a few nervous moments and no leg breaks the show went ahead as scheduled

The meeting was opened by RW Bro J Gillyon PGM / MEGS who tendered the apologies of the APGM I Johnson who would have Chaired the day.

 A warm welcome to all, especially those non-Masons, and thanks for their contribution to the day. These information days have proved very successful over the years as the PGM explained he was the Charity Steward of his Lodge between 1991 and 1995 and found he had much to learn.

 We would hear presentations from the following:






MCF Report by Mike De V Roberts, Mike opened by introducing himself and Malcolm Booth as the Provinces, voted in, representatives to the MCF. A short history of the MCF followed and then an introduction to the work of the MCF.

Association of the Friends of Connaught Court.


Kevin Priestley, explained that Connaught Court was a Care Home, in our area, run by the RMBI, and rated as excellent.

Masons Charity Packs.

Ian Syddall, ProvGChStwd, informed all that on their seats were envelopes containing Charity information for new Masons, at one time given to Master Masons on Raising, but now given to an Entered Apprentice at his Initiation.

If any Charity Steward required more, they are available from him


Wills and Power of Attorney


David Burnett who is a retired Solicitor gave a talk on Wills and Power of Attorney.


Closing remarks.

The Chairman once again reiterated that the last 18 months had been a difficult time for everyone, with some suffering personal loss. Many were still not comfortable in attending Lodge/Chapter and large meetings. The Almoners of our Lodges and Chapters were to be thanked for time and efforts over the last 18 months. All the speakers were thanked for their attendance and time in giving their presentations.

On behalf of the Brethren of the Humber Lodge 57 and indeed, on behalf of all those involved in any way with Masonic Charity, I extend a hearty thank you to W Bro Syddall for the enormous work he does on our behalf. The meeting he has written about above represents only the tip of the iceberg.



Ian Syddall

Thursday 4th November 2021:

A report on the Humber Chapter meeting at Dagger Lane can be found on the Humber Chapter page.


Thursday 4th November 2021:

Recently bereaved Mike Potts writes about the Memorial Service in Howden

The Provincial Mark Masons for Yorkshire, North and East Ridings held a memorial service for those Brethren who had passed away over the last year, also family members of Masons who had passed. The service was held in the beautiful and old Howden Minster. Ten Masonic orders were represented. There were approximately 59 names read out, some of the late brethren I did know, and my wife the lovely Violet Rose was mentioned. I know she was there with me, and I know she would have been so proud to hear her name mentioned in front of over a hundred Masons and their families and friends, Knowing Violet Rose as we do, she would have possibly blushed. It was quite moving.

Mentioned also was W. Bro Jack Wildblood a member of Humber 57, who had passed away earlier in the year. My good friend Shaun Traynor accompanied me to the memorial. After which a buffet was held. Wonderful service.

Violet Rose I really do miss you, I feel so empty without you.

Report by Michael Edwin Potts.


Wednesday 3rd November 2021:

In the light of the still-present pandemic, Eddie Wildman's lecture on the reasons for some Lodges declining was well received by the Brethren of Kingston Lodge 1010 and by the visitors, and many worthy and positive contributions were made in the discussion afterwards. "If the Brethren leave with a smile," remarked W Bro Cox, ProvGAstDC "they'll want to come back." This, and other positive advice from the Brethren, kept the Secretary busy making notes, but was well worthwhile. My thanks go to W Bro Neil Armstrong, who had supplied the accompanying Power Point presentation. This was also the occasion of the first visit by the Lodge's Provincial Liaison Officer, W Bro David Terry of the Humber Lodge who is part of the Provincial Initiative to strengthen relationships between private Lodges and the Province. We trust that the exercise will prove useful to those Lodges attending the presentation, and that the Grim Reaper is not approaching to seize the Warrant!


Monday 1st November 2021:

It is an honour and a pleasure to represent the RWPGM, and circumstances contrived to allow me to do so for the Installation meeting of the Forest of Galtres Lodge 9438 in Easingwold. I set off early (I am not fond of driving) and was rewarded by the vista of the Vale of York bursting magnificently into view at the top of the hill. The sun was going down, tinting the sky with subtle colour, while the landscape below grew duskier by the minute. Rush hour traffic round York soon dispelled the good feelings, but I arrived at the Galtres Centre in good time. Unusually, this Lodge meets in a community centre, which boasts a gym, keep fit, dance classes, etc. but the Brethren have a room upstairs which was being prepared as I pulled up in the car park. My DC, W Bro Geoffrey Toulman ProvAsstGDC appeared shortly afterwards, and we compared notes and greeted the Brethren as they arrived. Apart from a business meeting last month, the Lodge had last met in November a year ago, with the WM, W Bro Paul Holland proclaimed as master for another year.

It was a lovely friendly atmosphere, with Paul Holland well in command of the ritual. The Inner Working was delivered by W Bro Peter Gray, younger brother of Jon Gray, who was happily installed and invested his officers. The Immediate Past Master was presented with a Past Master's jewel. After the reports from the Charity Steward and Almoner, who had not been idle during the Lodge's fallow year, the Brethren went to the adjacent George Hotel for the festive board. Delicious.


Thursday 28th October 2021:

Although an honorary member of the Lodge of St Michael 7833 I took the opportunity to give greetings as WM of Humber 57, Premiere Lodge in the Province, to be capped by a visitor who was a member of the newly consecrated Juno Lodge 10001, less than a week old, who greeted the WM from the youngest Lodge in the Province. The WM, W Bro John Frederick Watkins, had graciously offered the Chair to his predecessor, W Bro Shaun Rennison who during the Covid shut-down had been unable to perform a second degree; Bro William Failey was passed thereto, with floorwork delivered by some of the younger Brethren who have had little opportunity to meet hitherto. Bro John Burton (who stood in as SD) gave a fine rendition of the Second Degree Tracing Board. There was a halloween flavour at the festive board, the WM's wife Brenda having supplied scary spiders and other items to adorn the tables. 


Wednesday 27th October 2021:

"The best laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft agley," wrote the Bard of Ayrshire, celebrated eighteenth century poet and Freemason. Indeed, the plans for the installation of the three Principals in the Thesaurus Royal Arch Chapter were to some extent scuppered as Covid restrictions demanded that the Haggai Elect, E  Comp. Rob McKenna remain in isolation. He will of course, assume the role at the next opportunity, but in the meantime, his office was well filled by E Comp Mike East. His son, Richard East, yielded the Zerubbabel's throne to E Comp Neil Chapman, and Comp Malcolm Dale took the light blue robe of Joshua. This first meeting for two years was honoured by the presence of the Third Provincial Grand Principal E Comp Christopher Thomas and a team of Active Officers. "It is nice to see you all enjoying yourselves," remarked the latter in response to the fifth toast at the festive board. "You are a small Chapter and in these difficult times have put together a ceremony, and I congratulate you." Indeed, there was a friendly atmosphere throughout the entire evening, and I enjoyed providing the music.

E Comp Eddie Wildman PPGScN

Monday 25th October 2021:

A successful exercise in mutual inter-Lodge support took place at the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642; the WM, Malcolm Forbes (also a member of Humber Lodge 57 along with W Bro Craig Maurier and the guest organist, Eddie Wildman) had kindly agreed to pass Bro Mark Starkey of the Phoenix Lodge 9963 to the degree of a Fellow Craft under the somewhat different ritual of the older Lodge. The event was well supported by eleven visitors, many of whom were Phoenix Brethren, including the Primus Master, W Bro James Steele and the Worshipful Master, W Bro Ian Parkinson (who delivered the obligation.) Eddie Wildman (also a Founder Member of the Phoenix Lodge) explained the second degree working tools. Other offices and floor work were taken up by Andrew Marvell Brethren in a smoothly coordinated ceremony. The meal afterwards was excellent, and the musical firing after toasts proved a novelty to the younger Phoenix Brethren, as this is not practised in the upper room of the tavern where they generally meet. It was pleasant to see the various Masonic Lodges combining their efforts, and Ian Parkinson thanked all those responsible in the response to the toast to the visitors afterwards. The DC W Bro Neil Chapman ProvGStB kindly took a photograph of the Andrew Marvell WM and the Brethren of the Phoenix Lodge, using James' mobile phone. Doubtless there will be other pictures and comments appearing on the Phoenix Facebook, website and elsewhere.

[Left to right: Alistair Kenyon-Brodie, James Steele, Peter Kenyon-Brodie, Ian Parkinson, Mark Starkey, Malcolm Forbes (WM), Eddie Wildman, Tony Calvert and Craig Maurier.]


Sunday 24th October 2021:

Coronavirus comments - please see this date on the Coronavirus page.


Saturday 23rd October 2021:

We have the Travelling Gavel! Visitors to the Invictus Lodge 9960 at York enjoyed a double first degree ceremony delivered with military precision - and amongst them were six members of Humber Lodge 57, while their WM, Eddie Wildman was representing the RWPGM on this occassion. Congratulations were extended to Bros Brown and Laurence on their joining the Craft - they are now part of a long line of Candidates augmenting the ranks of this newly-established Lodge, now under the able leadership of WM Sean Carroll.

The Humber contingent, itself including a number of military and ex-military men, appointed the JW, Bro Charles Alexander to claim back the Travelling Gavel which has been locked-down at York during the pandemic.

The Humber Lodge now invites the sister N&ER Lodges to put together teams to take the Gavel round the Province again.

Many thanks to the Invictus Lodge for giving us such an enjoyable evening.

[Photograph by Tony Randle, Provincial Grand Membership Officer]


Tuesday 19th October 2021:

The funeral celebrating the life of Jack Whileblood at Howden was well attended: the Minster was full. The service began with Elgar's Nimrod, and included the Brightman & Bocelli Time to Say Goodbye, during which the congregation reflected on the life of Jack ("A true gentleman"). Humber Brethren Tom Lee, Trevor Whitfield and David Terry read selections from The Book of Life and the Hull Ladies Choir was there in force to perform Rutter's The Lord Bless You and Keep You. The Masonic Closing Hymn was delivered by the many Brethren present, and (Jack's favourite song) 500 Miles by the Proclaimers brought a smile to our faces in the processional. The afterproceedings at the Brough Golf Club were equally well supported. David Terry's eulogy for Jack can be seen on the Celebrations Page.

Monday 18th October 2021:

Holderness Lodge 3563 was well attended, and the Brethren included nine visitors from seven sister Lodges. Brother Mark Huggins was raised to the third degree in a powerful ritual, obviously well rehearsed by the Brethren despite the limited time back together. It was heartening to see the number of younger Brethren there; congratulations to the Wardens and the Deacons, in  addition to the WM, W Bro Ashby-Kelly and those Brethren who performed the floor-work. Unusually, an explanation of the third degree tracing board was given on this occassion. Humber Lodge 57 was well represented, and Bro Craig Morrison (who had himself become a Master Mason the week before) was delighted to take possession of a pair of Masonic socks in the raffle afterwards!


Thursday 14th October 2021:

Despite an excruciating backache, this writer gave greetings from Humber Preceptory 223 at a meeting of the Ancient Ebor Knights Templar in York whereat he played the organ for the installation of the Preceptor Elect, Sir Knight Gus McLaren by the outgoing Eminent Preceptor, E. Kt Michael Graham, PGtHer. The Right Eminent Provincial Prior paid a surprise visit to present the Past Provincial Prior with a forty year certificate; it was an evening of dignity, pomp and ceremony, followed by a hearty pie. Should any Freemasons have an interest in the Knights Templar and wish to know more about this Christian Order, please contact either Eddie Wildman or Ian Syddall on 

Wednesday 13th October 2021:

Other than in discrete groups of half a dozen and through the occasional zoom, it has been a long time since the Ridings Tablers' Chapter 9586 met, and its return to an unrestricted meeting at Trinity Lane Beverley saw a succesful ballot for two joining members, and for the Exaltation of Brother Andrew Cooke. A surprise visit of the Provincial 2nd Grand Principal and a team of Officers added to the occasion. Although still in its infancy, the RTC has begun a number of "traditions" including the wearing of red socks for the occasion. Perhaps a new tradition has begun with the Principal Sojourner from Yorkshire, who rendered his script in an accent redolent of the Dales.


Tuesday 12th October 2021:

Humber Lodge 57 enjoyed a very successful Third Degree Ceremony in which Brother Craig Morrison was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. The WM expressed his gratitude to those senior officers who delivered the flawless floorwork, and indeed to all the Brethren who attended and made the evening a special one for Craig. It was a long night, for the long closing was enacted (an annual Humber tradition) and the chef's Shepherd Pie afterwards was very welcome. Here are Craig's comments on the evening:


Last night was my third degree, and firstly can I thank all that took part and for giving up their time to make this occasion truly memorable, all I can say is that I honestly feel blessed to be part of this brotherhood, the ritual that was recited was superb on a completely different level to what I have heard in the past, I felt a lot of emotions: hesitant, joy, in awe and a touch of horror, but this will truly stay with me for the rest of my life. As I was told last night this is the beginning and there are a lot of memorable occasions to come, I look forward to them all.
Yours sincerely and fraternally.
Brother Craig Morrison


Great to have you in the Lodge, Craig, Master Mason amongst us!


Friday 8th October 2021:

The Installation of W Bro Ben Kelly into the Chair of the De la Pole Lodge 1605 was a tour-de-force as W Bro Michael Bastiman performed the ceremony with enviable skill. Ben had taken the Master's Chair before, so the ritual was somewhat reduced but it was impressively administered, and well supported - the Senior Warden remarking at the Festive B that there were twenty-two visitors from nine sister Lodges. The singing was well managed, with W Bro Russ Garbutt giving the anthem in the Lodge Room and W Bro Peter Spencer delivering the Master's Song downstairs. It is hoped that singing will become more popular in this Lodge now that covid restrictions are diminishing - watch this space! The Lodge was consecrated in 1876. You care invited to read about it on the Lodge's website - it has a strong maritime connection. Sir William de la Pole was a wealthy wool merchant and first mayor of Hull. It has been remarked that W Bro Ben Kelly bears a strong resemblance to him.

 [Marble sculpture by William Day Keyworth Junior]


Thursday 7th October at Constitutional - Malcolm Forbes' comments!


Worshipful Master Eddie and myself both visited Constitutional Lodge 294 for their regular Lodge meeting. As a member of Constitutional Lodge I was wearing two hats (or was it three as I am also Worshipful Master of Andrew Marvell Lodge?) Eddie gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57 (the premier Lodge in the Province) and the Senior Deacon of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 gave their greetings. I sat alongside my Senior Deacon rather than taking a place on the dais.
I had become a joining member of Constitutional Lodge following a trip with other members of Constitutional Lodge to visit US Lodges in Washington and Boston in 2019. By coincidence it was two years to the day that the party from Constitutional Lodge and their wives set off for the USA. The generosity of the American hosts was outstanding and the visit was awe-inspiring.
Prior to the Lodge meeting there had been a scare that due to the interruption of gas supplies to the kitchen it would not be possible to have a full Festive Board. The chef was however able to prepare an Indian meal with two main choices and accompaniments which satisfied the palate. The ice cream dessert cooled our mouths. Congratulations to the chef on his ingenuity. I had attended Beverlonian Lodge the previous Saturday where there had been a similar problem with the gas supply and we were provided with pizza, chips and garlic bread so if nothing else visits do provide an international culinary tour.
The meeting itself was well attended following the lifting of lockdown restrictions in the summer. It had been intended that there would be an initiation ceremony but unfortunately the candidate was unable to attend. In his absence an enactment of the first degree ceremony took place.
The Junior Deacon was not in attendance at the start of the meeting so I volunteered to step in at the opening of the Lodge. Never was I so pleased to hear a knock on the door and a report that the Junior Deacon had arrived so that the Junior Deacon could conduct the stand-in candidate around the Lodge room in the ceremony.
The ceremony was different from that conducted by Humber Lodge. The ritual was of an equally high standard, however. Differences in ceremony do add to the flavour of the evening.
Visiting other Lodges is always a very enjoyable experience. As I had not seen members of Constitutional Lodge since before the lockdown in March 2020 it gave me a chance to catch up with friends old and new. One visitor had travelled from Leeds although he is a member of Londesborough Lodge in Bridlington.
Both the meeting upstairs and the Festive Board were embellished by Worshipful Master Eddie’s musical contributions and his wit and wisdom.
To add to the conviviality of the evening I even managed to win a box of After Eight mints in the raffle. If you wonder where the chocolates come from in the Humber Lodge’s raffle on 12th October now you know. There is no limit to the generosity of the Charity Steward!
Altogether the evening showcased everything that is good about freemasonry. The camaraderie of those present; the hard work put in to make the ritual upstairs flow; the ingenuity in providing food for the Festive Board; and if anyone has any doubts about the value of visiting other Lodges put them asunder.
Thank you.

Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward of the Humber Lodge



Thursday 7th October 2021:

The MMHA has moved swiftly to rectify the problem of the leaning pipes in the organ at Dagger Lane, and this morning Eddie Wildman went to the Masonic Hall to admit Graham Smales and his assistant Ron, who carefully re-set the pipes in position and retuned the instrument; a long job but very necessary! It was decided to tackle the problem from the front rather than by the side panel. The big pipes were carefully taken down, and the swell shutters removed, and Graham hand-adjusted the hundreds of pipes which had strayed from the vertical. Some of the pipes are diminutive - only an inch or two in size, while the larger ones are massive (the bigger the pipe, the deeper the note, of course.) The instrument was built by Forster and Andrew in the late nineteenth centure - F&A were well known for the fine tone of their pipes, and for the introduction of the radiating pedal board. Interestingly, Eddie Wildman was playing the organ at the Trinity House Chapel the day before - a sister instrument to the one at Dagger Lane, and which had originally graced the Masonic Hall at Osborne Street before the latter was bombed. Both instruments have the sweet sounding pipes characteristic of the Hull-based organ building firm.

[Photographs by Eddie Wildman]


Wednesday 6th October 2021:

W Bro Michael George Price's intention that the social side of Freemasonry be reintroduced at the Kingston Lodge 1010 was well realised following the brief Lodge meeting. While the Brethren were opening and closing the Lodge in due form upstairs, the Reception Room below was filling with the Brethren's wives and visitors. After a preprandial Prosecco and nibbles, they were invited to brave the fearsome guard with his sword (W Bro Neil Armstrong, PPGSwdB) to join the Brethren, and to discover the answers to a "warm-up" quiz, which asked about various features displayed in the Lodge.

Brethren from sister Lodges attended including Humber 57, De la Pole 1605 and Letchworth Lodge, Gibraltar 3503.

The WM took the opportunity to present a cheque to Bro Andrew Foster, Chairman of the WhiteKnights Bloodbikes, a charity responsible for delivering vital supplies over the region. After the delicious turkey Festive Board, another quiz took place, testing the skills of the various groups to identify ancient TV adverts and other challenging (but fun) questions, presented by Mr Kevan Hough, who attended with his wife Win.

Well done, Kingston Lodge!

 [Photographs by Rachel Watkinson.]



Tuesday 5th October 2021:

The Lodge of Established Order 9822 in the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire meets (for the most part) at the Masonic Hall in Barton - though for next month the Installation meeting has been transferred to Grimsby to accommodate an expectedly large contingent of visitors. The drive from Hull to Barton took over an hour - the weather was foul, there were diversions, and the traffic was manic. There was so much rain going over the Humber Bridge was like driving through the River Humber. It was well worth it, however. This being the first post-lockdown get-together, and not on the regular meeting date as it was an emergency meeting by dispensation, was not massively attended, but the Master, W Bro Barrie Jeffery PPAGDC (a member of the Humber 57 Chapter) was supported by an able and willing team with an impressive third degree ceremony in Emulation working. After a lapse of two years (the Province had recommended no Lodges met while the pandemic was at its height) it was heartening to see how swiftly the Brethren shouldered their Masonic responsibilities and routines. Brother Stephenson was succesfully raised to the degree of a Master Mason - complete with mask.

Many thanks to the Worshipful Master, and indeed, to all the Brethren, for making their visitor from north of the Humber so welcome. The festive board was lovely! The journey back took less than half an hour, and the rain was no longer a nuisance!

[Photograph of W Bro Jeffery by Bro Tony Collins.]


Monday 4th October 2021:

Although there was little business on the agenda at the first post lock-down meeting of the Humber Installed Masters Lodge 2494c there was a prestigious line-up of UGLE Officers including the RWPGM, W Bro Jeffery Gillyon  and the APGM, W Bro Ian Johnston. Significant offices were filled at the last minute, but the WM, W Bro Tim Dillon, PPGSwB expressed his pleasure that a score of Brethren had attended - and thanked them for bringing their wives and partners, who would join the Brethren for the meal afterwards. (W Bro Dillon is the Provincial Prior in the Knights Templar - next month the Provincial Service will be held at Selby Abbey - watch this space. One can only become a Knight Templar after having become a member of the Royal Arch degree - and that is only available to Master Masons.) Humber Lodge was represented at the meeting by the Organist, Eddie Wildman and the Secretary, Terry Fisher (see 24th September below.) Sharp-eyed Terry had noticed a Hull Daily Mail article about the Queen Elizabeth Cruise Liner making her first post lock-down journey on which Tim Dillon was travelling with his wife - and saved the newspaper to present to the Master, indicating the article wherein Tim had been interviewed and remarked that after double vaccinations and various other precautions, he didn't know how much safer one could be. It is evident that the man is not only a pillar of Freemasonry, but also a column in the Daily Mail.

The Brethren stood in silent respect for W Bro Whileblood (see below) before a ballot was succesfully taken for a new member and another proposed. This Lodge, with its membership of Worshipful Masters and Past Masters, is faring well.

Your intrepid reporter didn't stay for the meal, which promised to be delicious.


Monday 4th October 2021:

Losing eighty-three year old W Bro Jack Whileblood to the Grand Lodge above after his distressing health difficulties over the last two years is a blow for the Lodge as well as to his wife, family and many friends. A more appropriate entry will appear in due time in the Celebrations and Regrets page, but for those able to attend Jack's funeral, it will be held at Howden Minster at 10 am on Tuesday 19th October, followed by a convocation of friends at Brough Golf Club. See also HUMBER ZOOM 14 on the Zoom page for an account of Jack's online interview on 8th December 2020.

A great man and Mason - he is already sadly missed.



Saturday 2nd October 2021:

The Provincial Grand Charity Steward, W Bro Ian Syddall, writes about the consecration of a new Lodge in the North of the Province.

I attended the consecration of the newest Lodge in the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings The consecration was held at the Holiday Inn, Scotch Corner, North Yorkshire on Saturday 2nd October 2021.

The new Lodge is called Lodge of Diversity N9994. It will meet four times per year the home of Lennox Lodge N123 at the Masonic Hall in Richmond. The Lodge banner incorporates the Lodge seal in the central circle. The explanation of the banner follows:

The Rainbow encompasses the whole spectrum of light and symbolically represents the entire and diverse nature of man. It is supported by two Doric columns which, in the Noble orders of Architecture, represent strength.

The World reminds us that Freemasonry is a Global organisation, The Latin motto "In Diversitate Vires" translates as "Strength in Diversity" and reminds us that our lives are enriched by embracing people of diverse creeds, cultures and religions.

The New WM Paul Spencer stated that in his time in Freemasonry he has only three times been moved to tears; when he took the Chair of King Solomon in his Mother Lodge, when he received Provincial Honours, and when he took the Chair of Diversity.

The WM was unable to give the founder members their Founders Jewels: due to COVID there had been a delay with the makers. However they did state they would have them by their next regular meeting which will be held on 27th January 2022 at 18:45 in Richmond.

W Bro Ian Syddal, ProvGChStwd is the Secretary of Humber Lodge 57


Friday 1st October 2021:

The Technical Lodge 5666 saw an excellent Lodge of Instruction Open Night despite the paucity of rehearsals due to the pandemic, and it was heartening to see the younger Freemasons demonstrating their skill with floor work and in Office. Particular mention should be made of Bro Rob Atkinson who took the WM's Chair and set a very high standard with great clarity and poise. There were few visitors, but the guest organist was pleased to stand and reflect the greetings of W Bro Ian Syddall, who spoke for Humber ". . . And I know the Worshipful Master will wish me to mention the Premier Lodge . . ." - Ian also responded eloquently to the toast to the visitors, following the superb festive board. The Technical Lodge is evidently in good heart and good hands.

 We look forward to Rob taking the Chair for real next month.


Monday 27th September 2021:

Humber's Charity Steward lectures as WM of the Andrew Marvell Lodge

Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, consecrated in 1937 took the name of one of the eminent sons of Hull when the first choice of title was turned down by Grand Lodge as it was being used elsewhere. The WM, W Bro Malcolm Forbes, told us this, along with other interesting facts about the Lodge's development. But the main thrust of his dissertation was a look at the man behind the name, his birth in Winstead in 1621, his move in childhood to Hull where his father became a minister at Holy Trinity Church (now Hull Minster), his Grammar School tuition followed by his continued Cambridge education, grand tour and political career. W Bro Forbes spoke of his poetry, asserting that it is only in the twentieth century that Marvell has been recognised as a metaphysical master: it was as a political figure he was best known in his time, for he held office in Cromwell's government and represented Hull to Parliament during the Restoration. There is a statue of Andrew Marvell outside Hull Minster - a two minute walk from the Lodge at Dagger Lane, and the secondary school takes its name from him, of course. It was a pleasure to hear so different a talk - thanks, Malcolm!



Friday 24th September 2021:

Humber Treasurer W Bro Terry Fisher is WM the Ridings Tablers' Lodge and initiates two  Candidates

The Ridings Tablers’ Lodge No 9586 was consecrated in 1995 and was the culmination of many months work by several ex Round Tablers. The first Master was W. Bro. David Burnett, followed by Barry Eyre, Clive Smith, and myself – all retired Round Tablers.

In the early days, and being a new Lodge, we attracted many initiates, and so was the eagerness to join that it was necessary to frequently have double Firsts, Seconds and Thirds. Occasionally it was necessary to ask other Lodges to Pass candidates, so that they could progress that bit quicker.

It has been many years since those heady days, but the Lodge still attracts enquiries and in recent months all have been interviewed and accepted.  However, the pandemic has resulted in those candidates having to wait their initiation until the Lodge could resume working.  That time came last month and so it was decided to initiate two candidates at the same time, reminiscent of those early days in the 90’s

The last time I did a double first was the year I first presided over Ridings Tablers’ Lodge in 1999, and then we brought in each candidate separately, until they had taken their obligation, after which both candidates continued the remaining ceremony together.

RTL - Copy.jpgOn Friday 24th September, the two candidates were brought into the Lodge together, took their obligation together, instructed on the Secrets and Dangers together, (although the Ridings ritual is similar to Humber’s, there are differences, which makes it unique) and presented with their Entered Apprentices’ aprons together.  They remained together throughout the rest of the ceremony. 

Even though this was the first initiation the Lodge had done in almost two years, the floorwork was excellent and everyone knew exactly what their role was; they did it to perfection.  A very moving ceremony and I was and am still immensely proud of those brethren who participated. 

For me, this was an unusual way of bringing in more than one initiate on the same night, and in some respects was quite daunting. Friday 24th September is a day the two candidates will remember, and one that I will cherish, for as we are told many a time, ”try and make a daily advancement in masonic knowledge.”  I did.     Terry Fisher


Thursday 23rd September 2021:

Brother Tony Tyler (that's his name, not his office) was succesfully passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft Freemason on the Founders Night meeting of the Lodge of St Michael 7833. He'd been waiting for some considerable time for this ceremony, having been initiated in the pre-covid era, but enjoyed the full dignity of the Emulation ritual, ably conducted through the ceremony by Bro John Burton, who also gave a flawless performance of the Second Degree Tracing Board. (The Lodge Founders decreed in 1962 that the full Emulation working should prevail: there are no shortcuts and the visitors should be prepared for a long-haul ceremony; the Brethren are punctillious in this.)

Covid shielding concerns had reduced attendance somewhat, but this in no way reduced the importance of this degree, often regarded as a mere mid-way point in Freemasonry. The UGLE Officer attending pointed out when giving greetings that the Candidate enters the Fellow Craft Lodge with an awareness not experienced at his initiation, and he is exhorted to apply his mind, to study the mysteries of the Craft as part of his masonic development.

The Festive Board (with the Lodge Birthday Cake generously supplied by the Senior Warden) continued at the same relaxed pace, and the SW gave the toast to the Founders in addition to those generally honoured. The Junior Warden remarked how good it was to be back in the company of familiar faces, and the murmur of agreement was unanimous.

[Photograph of Bro A T Tyler by Bro Peter Stokes]


Wednesday 22nd September 2021:

W Bro Smedley represents the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master at Beverley


One of the enjoyable aspects of working within the Provincial Team is the request occasionally to represent the RW Prov GM at a Lodge meeting. So it was that I was called upon at late notice to visit the Beverlonian Lodge No 9084 on the role of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). The event is preceded by a number of administrative tasks, not least of which making sure a meal is booked and the events of the night are clear. To this end, a Representative of the RWProvGM is afforded the luxury of their own Director of Ceremonies, a member plucked from the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No 9611. My DC for the evening was W Bro Colin Hunton who lives in Middlesborough and travelled all the way to Beverley to act in his capacity as my DC. I am always grateful for the support the DC provides. Not only administratively, but they afford company on the journey to and from the Lodge when circumstances are such that the journey can be made together. When from different ends of the Province it also facilitates an understanding as to how things are across the Province.

Anyway my arrival was not unexpected and as it’s a local Lodge for me, I knew many of the faces that greeted me. The Masonic Hall at Beverley on Trinity Lane has (as well as a number of lodges) recently lost a stalwart of the fraternity in W Bro Chris Hairsine (Fluffy as he is known to the Daggards) who had recently entered the Grand Lodge Above after illness struck him down. His memory will live on and his importance was remembered during the meeting. As this was an Installation meeting, there was a change of WM and the proceedings went well with Bro Baxter (an EA) a leading light in his explanation of the 1st degree Working Tools.

The meeting over, we went to dine, but as the Lodge building was still looking for a Chef, the festive board had been prepared at a local Hostelry and brought in and served in situ. It was an excellent meal, ample in quantity and quality. There is nothing like visiting a lodge as either a Representative or as a visitor with nothing to gain but good company and an enjoyable social outlook. I recommend the pastime to all our Brethren and Companions.


Tuesday 21st September 2021:

Alistair Kenyon-Brodie, son of Peter Kenyon-Brodie and godson to Eddie Wildman, became Brother to both as he was initiated into the Phoenix Lodge 9963 on the last day of summer. It was a warm evening and the fans were working hard in the upper room at the Sailmakers Armsthough not as hard as the Brethren and Officers of the Lodge who were determined that this night would be one to remember. Ian Parkinson, the Worshipful Master, courteously allowed W Bro Wildman to perform Alistair's obligation; Bro Peter Kenyon-Brodie presented his son with the Phoenix welcome pack on behalf of the Lodge Mentor. Also there were colleagues from Alistair's workplace: those that were Phoenix members delivered ritual admirably. It was indeed a memorable evening and the air of enjoyment prevailed into the bar afterwards where many of the Brethren and visitors elected to continue drinking Alistair's health. 

[Photograph by James Steele]


Monday 20th September 2021:

James Ashby-Kelly, Worshipful Master of Holderness Lodge 3563 presided over a sincere and moving initiation ceremony at Beverley Road. It was an opportunity for some of the younger members who had never before performed ritual in public to show their skill: the Lodge is progressing rapidly in these difficult times. The new Brother, Shane Rawson proclaimed himself well impressed in his response at the festive board: that so many people had made an effort to welcome him properly had a powerful impact on him. It is characteristic of the Holderness Lodge that while the work is undertaken seriously and delivered to the best standards the Brethren can achieve,, there is an underlying good humour and tolerance. This continued afterwards - the guest organist left with a smile on his face.

Originally meeting in the wilds of Holderness, many of the original members belonged to the farming community - and indeed, some still do, despite the Lodge having relocated to Hull. While the reproduction here lacks clarity, it can be seen that the Lodge logo still portrays the open countryside with a sheaf of corn by a rivulet set against the rising sun - the significance of which will not be lost to Fellow Craft Masons.

Monday 20th September 2021:


Under normal circumstances a marquee seems inappropriate for a funeral service, but a fire at the crematorium has necessitated alternate arrangements, and on this unexpectedly beautiful day the dignified drapery proved an ideal setting for the celebration of the life of the late Joan Camm, who died on 30th August aged ninety-nine. The WM of her late husband's Lodge, Humber 57, attended, along with W Bro Phil Watts, who had kindly brought along Joan's friend, Mrs Joan Hoe, another Masonic widow; W Bro Trevor Whitfield, and W Bro Gordon Wiles with his wife Joy were also there. The funeral director was the Revd. Kathy Lonsdale, Chaplain at Willersley House Rest Home, who had given a eulogy at Vera Pinchbeck's funeral only a fortnight ago. She spoke of Joan Camm's sharp brain and positivity, and her deep faith.

Joan's family was well represented - there were over forty attended, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, some of whom gave readings. Wendy Camm and her sister Tracy spoke of their mum, reading extracts from her copious diaries which had begun in the Great Depression, mentioned her scholarship in 1933 and her subsequent library work; for Joan loved to read and passed this passion on on to her children. After the war, Joan wrote of her travelling to Australia, then Malaya on her way back to Hull - where she settled in 1958.

A fond mother of four, she was never idle, busy with knitting, sewing and the making of patchwork quilts, but she was also a keen cyclist and an inveterate traveller. She enjoyed sequence dancing: "Retirement," Wendy remarked, "didn't slow her down."

The service was web-cammed to Australia, and Sands Camm had recorded her thoughts inspired by her mum's journal and cherished the time they'd spent together. These were broadcast as part of the service.

Included with each service sheet was a bookmark bearing Joan's photograph.



Saturday 18th September 2021:

There is a pleasing upsurge in membership in the Craft in some Lodges, and Technical Lodge 5666 in particular is doing well. The intake of members recently is happily lowering the average age of the Brethren, and a youthful vibrancy characterised the delivery of the floor work at the latest meeting, whereat Edward Thompson was initiated. Though visitors were still in short supply the Lodge was well attended and it was a pleasure to hear the Brethren sing -  especially the melifluous tones of W Bros Chapman, Daniels and Turner who delighted the festive board with their vocal contributions. The guest organist won a bottle of whisky in the raffle - which for him, at any rate, was a bonus!


Wednesday 15th September 2021:

Minerva Chapter 250 added lustre to the business night meeting by inviting E Comp Craig Maurier to give an illuminated talk "Lifting the Veil on the Royal Arch" which looked at the universality of the mysteries in the Craft, their historical application, and their continuance into the deeper meaning supplied in the Chapter. As usual, Craig made some of the profoundest thoughts appear simple with his modest and deceptively light-hearted delivery as he explained the concepts underlying the symbolism of the Order. The organ continued to behave, having worried everybody by ciphering at the Craft meeting the previous week (see below).


Tuesday 14th September 2021 - evening:

Congratulations and a very warm welcome to Brother Matthew Warkup, who was initiated into the Humber Lodge 57 to a well-filled Lodge room, including eleven visitors on this evening. Possibly the youngest Brother there (though there were initiates from other Lodges in their early twenties) Matthew responded confidently in his obligation, and also managed to win first prize in the raffle at the festive board! W Bro Andrew Nicholson, who had gifted the Lodge with a Humber Centenary Jewel he had acquired in an auction (see 2nd September) gave Matthew an old penny in the form of a keyring and spoke elequently about its masonic symbolism in his response to the visitors' toast. Possibly for the first time, the dining tables were decorated with Spider Plants - see the Table Nuggets page! The Humber Lodge is delighted to have a number of candidates waiting in the wings; our ceremonies for next year are all spoken for! 

[Photograph of Matthew and Eddie by Craig Morrison]

Tuesday 14th September 2021 - morning:

An organ is a big box of whistles. Like most machinery it can go wrong from time to time and on the 8th of the month, it began to cipher. This meant that one pipe (a principal F sharp) wouldn't stop playing. This has happened before - a bit of fluff, or a moth could have got in and stopped the connection from closing properly so that air was blasting through the pipe - bad news. Having been out of use for so long, it is not unsurprising that a fault had developed - leave your car without using it for an extended period and some connections will corrode - organs are the same. Accessing the pipe was a problem - the big pipes at the front had to be taken down, then the swell box slats removed so that the offending pipe could be reached. Graham and Patrick unhooked the monster pipes at the front (Brethren will have notived the square and compass motif which appears on three of these bass pedal pipes) and removed two of the enormous slats which are part of a huge venetian blind affair which is called the swell - the slats can be opened or closed to control the volume. The pipe was found, but the blockage was lower down - Graham managed to remove it, and then tuned the pipe, plus some others that needed attention.

Worryingly, the larger pipes inside the instrument were leaning badly - undoubtedly because the instrument has been struck by the door on a number of occasions - the door stop which was in place seems to have disappeared. Please be careful if making an entrance, Brethren! I trust this will be addressed soon, or some meeting in the future might be accompanied by the sound of pipes crashing into each other, which would be a disaster. Fortunately there were no electrical issues, and Graham and Pat tuned those pipes which had wandered off-pitch before carefully slotting the organ components backinto place. 

The organ was now fit for use that evening - a first degree ceremony - see above.


Saturday 11th September 2021:

Eddie comments on the Annual Meetings

Humber Brethren were well represented at the coronavirus-deferred annual convocations of the Provincial Grand Chapter and Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire North and East Ridings which were held at the York Race Course as the University site was not yet ready to accommodate visitors. Consequently, numbers were restricted, but it was a pleasant venue and the air conditioning was a relief after the sultry air outside. The morning session was devoted to the Chapter; E Comp Steve Hastings performed his Office as Provincial Grand Sword Bearer admirably, and it was good to see E Comp Ian Syddall in Provincial Chapter Steward regalia (pictured). E Comp Richard Smedley kept the Companions in order in his capacity as Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies - he had been working hard on seating everyone and finessing the final details in the inevitable last-minute flurry of changes..

I took the opportunity to wander during the lunch break, and as work was being done to change the room from a Chapter to a Lodge configuaration, I wandered to where a car boot sale was closing down after an evidently succesful morning, and to visit a book sale - sellers from far afield had brought shelves of rare and interesting volumes for perusal. I decided not to buy any.

In the afternoon (now in tails) I enjoyed seeing our secretary Ian Syddall shaking hands with the RWPGM in recognition of his role as Provincial Grand Charity Steward. Others received honours, of course, notably the Ridings Tablers' Chapter and Lodge, and it was good to see the WM of the RTL, W Bro Terry Fisher, supporting both RTL and Humber Brethren - both he and I were there in the capacity of serving masters, which was fortunate, for places were limited.

Other Brethren will doubtless add their blogs, so that's enough from me.

[Photograph of E Comp Syddall by Barrie Jefferies]

Here is Richard Smedley's Blog:

Life in the Day of a Mason at the Provincial Convocation. (Or how many jobs can one person get in a day.)

The day started early for me with arrival at the racecourse at 7:00am. I had already had a call on the way in from E Comp Ian Syddall who was in a traffic jam trying to get parked at York Racecourse and tried to explain to him where he needed to be. I met him at the main doors to the Ebor Suite where the meetings were to be held and headed upstairs to the auditorium. Ex. Comp Syddall assisted me to complete the layouts of the seating, a job I have done for the last five years for both the Craft and Chapter meetings (job 1 and 2). As Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies in the Holy Royal Arch (job 3), the day is very much set out and rehearsals start promptly at 8am. Each of the incoming processions and last minute changes to formations and military precision floorwork are run through. 10am, the Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Jerusalem is officially opened and proceedings begin. All goes smoothly and the role of Dep ProvGDC is one which I enjoy. Halfway through the investiture of Honourees, I had the privilege to escort our Craft Assistant Prov Grand Master W. Bro Ian Johnson for his first appointment in Chapter (Job 4). At lunch time the Chapter closes and the whole room is stripped and changed into the Craft layouts for which seats are re-labled and the dais and layout of the room are rearranged accordingly. The whole team of Craft and Chapter Stewards muck in. (job 5). Normally at this stage I can sit back and relax, but on this occasion, I was asked to be the stand in Craft Prov Grand Sword Bearer in the incoming procession (job 6). All went smoothly and the day finishes with the room being cleared and all equipment collected and returned to Alcuin Chapter at Castlegate. (Job 7)

A fantastic day meeting old friends and new. Keeping busy makes the day even more enjoyable and pass quickly. The next meeting in May returns to York University where it all happens again. I look forward to seeing you all there.

By Richard john Smedley (Past Z Humber Chapter No 57, MEZ PGSC 9611, Dep Prov GDC (HRA))

[Photograph of W Bro Richard Smedley by Eddie Wildman]

Here is the Blog from Steve Hastings, MEZ of the Humber Chapter 57

It was an honour and a privilege to attend the Provincial Grand Chapter Convocation at York
Racecourse. The ceremony was sixteen months later than planned, a hastily rearranged venue change from York University also limited the numbers, but could not detract from the pride I felt at attending such a prestigious event. It has been a very long time since we have been able to meet under more normal circumstances and it was heart-warming to see so many familiar faces, share the traditions, a hearty meal and sense of companionship.

From my seat I was honoured and privileged to the the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent as he presented each companion with his honours in the warmest and sincerest way. 

At the end of the ceremony, I proudly took my place as Provincial Grand Chapter Sword Bearer with humility and respect.

Here is Ian Syddall's blog:

At the Provincial Convocation at York Racecourse.

I was there for the whole day, which was for the Chapter Convocation in the morning, and following lunch it was the Craft Convocation.
In the morning I was honoured to receive the rank of Provincial Grand Steward.
Then in the afternoon I was given the honour of Provincial Grand Charity Steward.
The Jewel of this office is a trowel.
The humble trowel has a far greater role in the history and symbolism in Freemasonry than many people realise. 

Its main symbolic purpose is still referenced in one of the most famous parts of ritual in the Ancient Charge: ‘In every age monarchs themselves have been promoters of the art, have not thought it derogatory to their dignity to exchange the sceptre for the trowel…’ 
We all know this line and we get the point being made – that our most senior dignitaries have not been afraid to take the most junior positions in our lodges.

For a hundred years or so, the trowel was the symbol of the Inner Guard. Back then, probably dating even back to operative masonry, this office was given to the most recent initiate, i.e. literally the most junior member of the lodge, and he was responsible for guarding the door of the lodge from the inside while the Tyler guarded it from the outside. He was armed with a trowel. Yes, armed.

The primary symbolism of the trowel was that of spreading or smoothing, being applicable to not only any cracks or divisions between the brethren of the lodge (in other words, promoting brotherly love) but also to the door itself, effectively sealing it to secure it.

The end of the trowel, being sharp and pointed, was also presented to the initiate's naked left breast on his first admission to the lodge. You could say the initiate had to prove himself worthy to be included in the fraternity and harmony that existed on the other side of the door.

The trowel also served another practical purpose: Presented flat side up, it could also be used as an alms plate, representing another one of our tenets – charity or benevolence.

If you cross the Prince of Wales Bridge from Wales to visit a lodge in Bristol or Bath, you are likely to still see the trowel being used by the Inner Guard.

However, it is probably because of the connection to charity that we are now more used to seeing the trowel attached to the collar not of the Inner Guard but of the Charity Steward. It is no coincidence that its shape has been modified to resemble a heart.
By Ian Syddall (Provincial Grand Steward (Craft), Provincial Grand Charity Steward (Chapter))
[Photograph of the Chapter set-up at the racecourse from Facebook]

Friday 10th September 2021:

Election Night

Worshipful Brother Michael Bastiman, Master of the de la Pole Lodge 1605, presided in the Chair of King Solomon in the pre-installion meeting when business matters were settled and various Brethren were nominated for office for the following Masonic year. This included four Master Masons to the Lodge Committee, two Auditors, the Tyler, the Treasurer, and, of course, the next Worshipful Master, W Bro Ben Kelly, who stood to thank the Brethren for the confidence placed in him. This, along with the confirmation of the minutes, two ballots, a proposition for a new member and various reports was managed expeditiously, reflecting the efficiency and attention to detail which has distinguished W Bro Bastiman during his difficult (and extended) time in Office. At the next meeting he will of course install his successor. The Lodge room was very warm in the current heat wave, and the meeting was mercifully short. The Brethren left the two-course festive board in record time - some of us will be travelling to York tomorrow for the annual convocation and are grateful for the opportunity of an early night.


Thursday 9th September 2021:

Quod Petis Hic Est - That which you seek is here.

Thesaurus Lodge 3891 saw the initiation of Mr Carl Moore. "At last," said W Bro Garry Millett, Worshipful Master, for Brother Moore had been proposed in Open Lodge on the 9th January 2020, and ballotted for later that year - but the pandemic had precluded meetings for some time thereafter.  The organ was still misbehaving (Eddie Wildman and Terry Lynn had located the offensive pipe but were unable to resolve the issue, which may be electrical rather than the intervention of an inquisitive moth) but the opening and closing odes were sung more or less melodically. Interestingly, the substitute Junior Deacon was the IPM, W Bro Ian Paul Johnson, PJGD and Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings;
few Candidates can boast so eminent a conductor on their first masonic meeting! Carl enjoyed the full festive board, with nine visitors from seven Lodges including a number from Phoenix 9963 (one of their recent Candidates took the photograph) and of course Humber Lodge 57 - the highest and lowest numbered Lodges in the area. The Entered Apprentice Song was sung and musical points given. Brother Carl was surprised when his proposer announced it was also the date of his birthday - and a cake had been provided for the occasion. For many of us it was a recognition that we had missed our Masonic meetings so much - and the Thesaurus motto, which features on the Lodge logo, summed it up admirably: That which you seek is here. A splendid evening.

[Photograph by Mark Starky]

Wednesday 8th September 2021:

A successful First Degree even without the organ.

Minerva Lodge enjoyed an initiation with W Bro Kevin Marshall, the newly installed WM leading the proceedings, ably supported by his Wardens, Bro Dean Marshall and Bro Daniel Marshall (the Senior Deacon was Bro Richard Marshall - the Minerva Lodge is marshalling its forces, evidently). The organ began to cypher - i.e. one note refused to stop playing, so the music upstairs had to be a cappella, but despite this hitch, Mr Will Derlaud was beautifully initiated, with some excellent floorwork. The lively festive board (with keyboard accompaniment from Eddie Wildman) was another occasion where the Brethren sang with gusto, and the Entered Apprentice Song was rendered with enthusiasm. It was a delight to see so many there: it seems that the covid virus is being beaten back at last - though we continue to be cautious!


Monday 6th September 2021:

Account of the funeral of Mrs Vera Pinchbeck, Lodge widow, by David Terry, Lodge Almoner:

Mrs Vera Pinchbeck

28th February 1920—21st August 2021

The sun was shining on 6th September 2021 as I, and several members of Humber Lodge No 57 joined the family and friends of Vera Pinchbeck to say farewell to a lady who had lived for a hundred and one years.

The service was held at All Saints Church, Hessle, the village where Vera had lived for over seventy years and in the church she had attended (and for which she had worked) for many of those years. Some of the kneelers used to this day had been embroidered by Vera.

We were greeted at the church by Celia and Brenda, Vera’s two daughters, who, along with their families made us most welcome.

The service was conducted by Reverend John Walker who addressed the suitably masked and sanitised congregation. We did our best to sing the three chosen hymns through the face masks!

A lesson, 1 Corinthians 13 was read by David, Vera’s son in law and a reading of the poem “She is gone” was bravely recited by Tom, Vera’s young Great Grandson.

We heard of Vera’s life as the eulogy, which had been written by the family, was read by the vicar.

The memory that I take away from the eulogy is how important family life was to Vera and her generation. In many ways they lived their lives through their children. Vera was a wonderful wife to our late Brother Tom Pinchbeck: a kind and caring mum to her daughters, her grandchildren and her great grandchildren. She was an extraordinarily good cook and her cake tins were always full of treats for visiting children (and the occasional passing almoner).

Tom, Vera’s husband, (pictured here with Vera at their 50th Wedding Anniversary) who I remember very fondly from my early days as a member of Humber Lodge, passed away on 5th August 2003. W.Bro Gordon Wiles was the almoner of Humber Lodge in those days and I know he was a great help to Vera after Tom’s passing, encouraging her to meet up for meals with Mrs Joan Camm and Mrs Joan Hoe who had also lost their husbands (both members of Humber Lodge).

Vera continued to live alone for many years until her loss of hearing and deteriorating eyesight necessitated a move to Willersley House Care Home in Willerby. Mrs Joan Camm was also a resident at that home over the same period.

A very quiet and reserved lady by nature, Vera took some time to settle but enjoyed the church services that are held at Willersley twice weekly. Kathy, the Chaplain of Willersley House, also spoke at the funeral, telling the congregation of how important faith was to Vera. Her 100th birthday was quite a day of celebration. A celebration at which our Worshipful Master Eddie and your Almoner were delighted to attend!

Vera lived a long and happy life and we at Humber Lodge No 57 pass on our condolences to all her family and friends.

David Terry



Saturday 4th September 2021:

Ian Syddall, ProvGChtyStwd takes a trip to the seaside

I visited Dennison Lodge 1248: they are a daylight lodge and meet at the Masonic Hall St Nicholas Cliff, Scarborough.
The Lodge tyled at 11:00am; the business was to ballot for a joining member and to demonstrate a first degree ceremony, and on this occasion the candidate was none other than the Deputy PGM VW David Chambers.

The First Degree Ceremony was carried out by both Dennison members and invited visitors; the ceremony / ritual was excellently carried out. The Candidate played his part beautifully, well done David.
When it was time for greetings, Grand Lodge greetings were given followed by visiting Lodges, I gave greetings on behalf of the Humber Lodge 57, afterwards I asked why they did not have Provincial greetings, I was told it was because the traditions of the lodge are such that if Grand Lodge greetings are given Provincial ones are not.
On this occasion I did not stay for the Festive Board.

Thank You WM Chris Harland PPJGW for the warm greetings I received. 


Friday 4th September 2021:

Beverlonian Lodge 9084 held its Installation meeting; the gathering was a little smaller than in previous years, particularly regarding visitors, but the pandemic is still making people cautious. As guest organist there, it was nice to play the familiar songs at the festive board ("Though we will not join hands in the final song, Brethren," warned the DC) and to hear the Representative, W Bro Richard Smedley, singing in his fine bass-baritone. I asked Richard if he could do a report of the meeting from a Rep's point of view - this can be seen by scrolling up the page to September 22nd.

Thursday 2nd September 2021:

Humber Lodge receives a gift of a Centenary Jewel discovered in an auction package:

Masonic visiting is a joy, and I went to visit Constitutional Lodge's first post lock-down meeting at the Masonic Hall, Trinity Lane Beverley. Constitutional Lodge 294, originally a travelling military Lodge that eventually settled in Beverley has seen many trials and tribulations since it began in 1793, and has survived the covid crisis with the same insousiance; though numbers were not yet up to full strength, it was a very respectable turn-out and the First Degree enactment, with W Bro Daniel Longley in the Chair, was a sterling demonstration of the Constitutional ritual.  Towards the end of the meeting, however, the IPM, W Bro Andrew Nicholson, stood to say he had a presentation to make. "It is appropriate that the current Master of Humber Lodge is here," he said. He went on to explain that he had taken part in an online auction held at Cornwall, bidding for an Air Raid Police Badge such as had been worn by his grandfather, and was successful. Amongst other items in the lot, was a hallmarked centenary jewel with the Humber Lodge number 57 on its bar, and the year 1756 on the enamalled rondel (the year the original warrant was issued by the Duke of Atholl.) As the Humber Lodge number went through various changes (originally it was 53, then after a number of adjustments it became number 57 in 1863.) The name engraved on the back is George Robinson - and one George F Robinson appears on the roll of Past Masters in 1918. But how the jewel found its way to the southern tip of England - and happily, back again, is a different story. Clearly some research is needed here - perhaps a job for our Librarian and record keeper, W Bro Terry Fisher,

W Bro Nicholson presented me with the jewel, which I will present to the Lodge at the next meeting. 

(The following day I took the jewel into Segal's Jewellers where Mr Ben Beal examined it. "It is sterling silver, " he said, "that is 92.5% silver - it is quality work." He studied the hallmarks through his loupe. "With the queen's head and the letter B in a shield," he mused, "this was made in 1877." I thanked him for his expertise, and Ellie, the lady assistant who kindly replaced a couple of watch batteries for me. I wondered at the conflict of dates - there is a twenty-one year difference between this and the actual centenary - but I am sure wiser heads than mine will provide a solution.)

Many thanks to the Constitutional Lodge for a most enjoyable evening - and for the splendid festive board put on by the Masonic Hall's new cook!

 [Jewel photographs by Eddie Wildman]


Saturday 28th August 2021:

Eddie Wildman travelled to York to play the organ for a ceremony initiating four Candidates:

Invictus Lodge 9960 is a military Lodge, recently consecrated, and is increasing its membership rapidly. A dispensation was required to hold this meeting at St Saviourgate, York, where the WM Shaun Carroll initiated four Forces Candidates in a ceremony which obligated first two, and then another two. Another "double bubble" is planned for October. It was a late night, despite the early start: the Invictus Festive Board incorperates the drinking of port as part of its toasting ceremonial and mirth and merriment prevailed. Congratulations to all who took part. Eddie Wildman, who had been asked to play the organ and piano for the occasion was very grateful that Bro Shaun from Lord Bolton Lodge 3263 had kindly offered to take him to York and back!


Wednesday 25th August 2021:

W Bro Ian Syddall witnessed the closing of a Lodge, an unusual event; here is his report:

I attended a meeting of the Dales Lodge 9554, a daylight lodge which met at the Masonic Hall, Newbiggin, Richmond, Yorkshire  at 10.30; an Extraordinary Meeting by Dispensation.

The business on this occasion was Pursuant to Notice of Motion given on 23rd June to vote on the proposition that due to lack of members, the Dales Lodge had ceased to be viable and the affairs of the Lodge be finally wound up and the Warrant of the Lodge returned to the MW The Grand Master.

The Lodge’s Warrant of Constitution was dated 28th April 1994 and the Lodge had been Consecrated 19th October 1994. The vote was successful and the Warrant was handed to the Deputy Provincial Grand Master W Bro David Chambers PAGDC.

This was the first time I had seen a Lodge return its warrant, and although a sad situation, the meeting was a celebration of what the Lodge had achieved. Most of the members were in fact also members of other Lodges and those who were not had made enquiries to join elsewhere.


Saturday 21st August 2021:

Hims Ancient and Modern

Technical Lodge 5666 initiated another new member (see 17th July) in a well-supported meeting at Beverley Road with some stunning ritual delivered by the Brethren. It is good to see this thriving Lodge increasing its membership with young people, and a pleasure to find them so enthusiastic and ready to participate. At the same time, the senior members continue in strength; Bro Bennett's initiation was followed by the presentation of a fifty years service certificate to W Bro D Gambles by W Bro Steve Berry. W Bro Gambles spoke of the regional and national variations in ritual observed in his experiences all over the UK, but maintained that looking beyond the delivery and the artifacts, the message underlying the Craft was the same everywhere. Picture: Bro Bennett and W Bro Gambles after the ceremony.

 [Photograph by W Bro Paul Hillary]

Tuesday 17th August 2021:

Phoenix Lodge 9633 (WM Ian Parkinson) initiated another new Brother in the upper room at the Sailmakers Arms in Hull Old Town. It was a warm evening, but a pleasant one, and a number of the younger Brethren delivered ritual for the first time. W Bro Danny Betts gave a magnificent rendition at the Northeast Corner. W Bros Smedley and Broughton led the singing in "Here's a health unto her majesty" and Brother Solomon confessed himself well impressed in his response to the toast to the Candidate. There is no festive board following the Phoenix meetings, but drinks are prepurchased from the tavern below, so the conviviality continues after the Lodge is declared "Free and Easy."


Tuesday 17th August 2021:

W Bro Ian Syddall represented Humber Lodge 57 visiting Wilberforce Lodge: here is his report:

Wilberforce logo (Mobile).jpgAlong with W Bro Malcolm Forbes and MM Ian Douglas I attended Wilberforce Lodge 2134 for a double 2nd degree ceremony. There was a good attendance which included seven visitors. The ceremony was carefully orchestrated and the two Candidates thoroughly enjoyed themselves -as did all the Brethren.

The festive board was an excellent buffet; what made it even better was the cost - £5 per head.

It is a pity that Wilberforce and Humber usually meet on the same night, and therefore we cannot generally visit. However, this being Wilberforce's moved meeting allowed our visit to take place and the welcome we received was truly Masonic. Thank you, Wilberforce Lodge, for an excellent meeting.

Monday 16th August2021:

Richard Smedley gave a brilliant Zoom presentation for the Lodge: see Zoom page.

Friday 13th August 2021:

In his capacity as an Officer of Grand Lodge and an honorary member of the De la Pole Lodge 1605 W Bro Eddie Wildman was delighted to interview Brother William Lawrence Revell, Past Provincial Assistant Grand Standard Bearer, and, on behalf of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, to present him with a badge and commemoration certificate marking his sixtieth year in Freemasonry. Bill spoke eloquently of his upbringing during the war years, (he was born in 1938) his schooling and military service and his fascinating career with shipping logistics. His charm and modesty endeared him to all present - a Brother remarked afterwards that he could have listened to his reminiscences for hours, it was so interesting. For observant readers, Bill proudly wears a Provincial apron, but with roundels instead of the level shapes customarily seen. This is because he has never been through the Chair as Worshipful Master, and to have been awarded Provincial rank in such circumstances is very unusual, but Bro Revell's work as Almoner received special recognition by the RWPGM. The presentation was followed by a brief lecture by W Bro Jim Kerr, Provincial Grand Mentor, assisted by W Bro Russ Garbutt, on the Pathway Initiative and key performance indicators for the De la Pole Lodge. 

At the end of the meeting Bill Revell was introduced to De la Pole's latest member who has only been in the Craft for six weeks, "Make sure the family comes first," Bill advised.                       [Photograph by W Bro Russ Garbutt]


 Thursday 12th August 2021:

For the first time in eighteen months Brethren of the Province of Yorkshire North & East Ridings gathered in force. It was a happy occasion. Hosted by the Old Hymerian Lodge 6885, the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Jeffrey Gillyon, accompanied by his team of Provincial Rulers and Officers, entered the Lodge in splendid ceremonial. The WM, W Bro Christopher Shuttleworth kindly relinquished the Chair and the RWPGM led an initiation ceremony, bringing his grandson, Nicholas William Jeffrey Gillyon into the Craft, a third generation Old Hymerian Freemason. Nick was an excellent Candidate, and his response to the toast at the magnificent festive board echoed his grandad's eloquence and humour.

It was good to meet friends again at an event which marks the end of lockdown and the beginning of the burgeoning of Freemasonry. Well done to all who took part!


Wednesday 11th August 2021:

The Lodge of St Andrew 4683 displays the Scottish flag, possibly in reference to St Andrew's Church in the old Drypool Parish in Hull. Early meetings took place in the Parish Hall. The Founding Master, W Bro the Rev Edward Berry was vicar of Drypool. This evening, the Lodge of St Andrew enjoyed an excellent Third degree Ceremony in which Bro Paul Marshall was raised to the degree of a Master Mason. The WM, Eddie Brook (who looks about sixteen) had an impressive team of equally young Brethren in addition to the older members, and the commitment and enthusiasm of his officers show the Lodge to be thriving even in these difficult times. The excellence of the ritual was a tribute to work undertaken by the Brethren during the lockdown period. Humber Lodge was represented by W Bros Ian Syddall and Eddie Wildman, who played the organ for the ceremony. It was a pleasure to be there.


Tuesday 10th August 2021:

"The best-laid schemes o' Mice and Men" wrote Brother Robert Burns in 1785 "Gang aft agley." The Brethren of the Humber Lodge were rehearsed and prepared for the initiation of a keen new Candidate who had been waiting for eighteen months to join us. But a member of his family proved positive to the coronavirus, and the gentleman regretfully rang the Secretary to say that as a responsible paramedic, he could not in all conscience attend. It was too late by this stage to ask another on our waiting list, but a ceremony was performed with one of our visitors, Bro John Burton of the Lodge of St Michael 7833 acting as our Candidate. As the Lodge of St Michael practises Emulation Ritual, the differences in Humber working were, he said, most surprising, but he proved an excellent Candidate, the Brethren performed well, and the festive board afterwards was joyously musical, with our guest organist, W Bro David Nicoll at the keyboard and W Bro Richard Smedley leading the singing. In response to the visitors toast, W Bro Neil Armstrong gave a learned dialetic concluding that while there was little evidence of Beethoven being a Freemason, his final symphony was a powerful statement extolling the Brotherhood of Man. Many thanks to all who took part!


Tuesday 20th July 2021:

Phoenix Lodge 9963 succesfully initiated Mr Starkey in the upper room of the Sailmakers Arms in Hull's Old Town. The relaxed dress code of this Lodge and the very warm weather persuaded some Brethren to appear more casually than one might expect, but the Candidate was clearly impressed with the ceremony and the Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro Chris Thomas PGStB said he'd enjoyed himself. In the afterproceedings, the WM, Ian Parkinson, explained that the Lodge had further Candidates awaiting initiation so the next year would be a busy one. As the Covid pandemic had intervened following his installation in 2020, the WM was proclaimed as continuing the role for a second year, and invested new officers. Congratulations to those who had striven to perfect their ritual during the lock-down.


Saturday 17th July 2021:

Congratulations to Technical Lodge 5666 who initiated a very keen Candidate - the young man had been waiting since 2019 and on the hottest day of the year (the temperature in the Lodge Room was 30° with both doors open) enjoyed an excellent ceremony. One of the visitors remarked afterwards that only when he had visited other Lodges for comparison would Bro Walker realise the high quality of the ritual and the lengths to which the Brethren had gone to achieve this standard. At the festive board, someone remarked how splendid it was to be bantering with friends again. The Lodge was very well attended, given the restrictions of social distancing still in force.


Wednesday 14th July 2021 p.m.:

Minerva Lodge 250 enjoyed a surge of enthusiasm at Dagger Lane, the Brethren taking the opportunity to enact this traditional Open Night celebration, with the new WM, W Bro Kevin Marshall in the Chair, and his predecessor, W Bro Mark Hartley acting as the Candidate. The Lodge was Called Off for this light-hearted event, with a specially designed apron for Mark (this Lodge goes to extraordinary pains to reflect the profession of it's IPM) but the skill with which the ritual was delivered was testimony to the dedication the Brethren had applied to the task. A delightful evening, full of laughter and good fellowship - W Bro Eddie Wildman congratulated all concerned as he gave greetings from Humber Lodge 57.


Wednesday 14th July 2021 a.m.:

Meridian Lodge 9597 installed Bro James Costello as WM in its daylight meeting beginning at 10.30 in the Lodge Room at Castlegate, York, attended by the Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro Mark Iveson PJGW. Covid restrictions still being in place movement was minimised and singing forbidden but Eddie Wildman, representing Humber Lodge 57, provided approprate music nonetheless. The Brethren were obviously happy to see each other again after so long an absence.


Tuesday 13th July 2021:

Bro Thundercliffe interrupted his holiday in the Lake District to drive to Hull, where he was passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft, and set off back immediately afterwards. It being over two years since his Initiation due to the pandemic, it was a particular pleasure for the Lodge to see him take this important step, and to commend him for the pains he had taken to achieve it, shown by the applause as he bid the Brethren farewell. Covid restrictions dictated that the ceremony took place in the Red Room, which allowed more room to manouver. (The usual room was to be used the following day for a first degree enactment by Minerva Lodge 250 and Humber Lodge agreed to accomodate this by moving next door.) The meeting was enhanced by the presence of the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Johnson, introduced by the Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Steve Cox. The escort, comprising only Humber Lodge Provincial Officers, was equally impressive.

The festive board was augmented by two non-masons, who had been balloted for and accepted that evening. They (and other Candidates, will be joining us later - our first post-lockdown initiation will be next month. The WM's brief nugget about UGLE's updating of the words can be found in the Nugget Cache.


Saturday 10th July 2021:

Greetings were given from at the Lord Bolton Lodge 3265 by the WM of Humber 57 who was pleased to represent the premiere Lodge in the Province, and to attend an interesting meeting whereat W Bro Ian Paul Johnson, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master interviewed W Bro Graham Witty PPGrand Reg before presenting him with a lapel pin and certificate recognising fifty years Service in Freemasonry.



Wednesday 7th July 2021:

Brother Marcus Whereat gave an interesting illustrated presentation on Freemason John Wood the Elder and his son, JW the younger; English architects responsible for the development of the City of Bath. It was followed by a delicious meal at the Lodge, Beverley Road, Hull, but proceedings were not protracted as many Brethren were keen to return home in time to watch the EUFA Euro 2020 semifinal. England beat Denmark 2 - 1 after extra time. National jubilation following the victory has proved a welcome shot in the arm for the country, though coronavirus levels are again on the rise.


Tuesday 6th July 2021:

Technical Chapter 5666 exalted Bro Chris Fuller at the first post-lock-down meeting. Social restrictions were still in force, but Companion Fuller proclaimed himself delighted to have made this next step in his Masonic career. The Third Grand Principal, E Comp Chris Thomas was in attendance, and presented Companion Fuller with the latest Chapter tie to mark the occasion, remarking that it was a pleasure to see the Companions looking so happy and eager to resume Chapter meetings after a long absence.


Tuesday 29th June 2021:


June has seen a tentative but pleasing resumption of Lodge activities, and the WM of the Humber Lodge 57 has given greeetings at various venues (see below) beginning with Kingston Lodge 1010 on the second, where W Bro Neil Armstrong delivered his lecture about "That Bright Morning Star". The Humber Lodge Membership Officer W Bro John Ellwood was active even before being officially appointed, organising a meeting with a potential new candidate along with the Lodge Mentor, W Bro Sergei Bylov and the WM, it being permissible to have coffee together by the dockside, and the gentleman, particularly impressed after a look at the Lodge Room, has joined our waiting list of people wishing to become new members, being proposed and seconded by W Bros John and Sergei at the Humber meeting where Eddie was proclaimed WM for the remainder of the year, and John officially appointed as LMO.

This has been the first month wherein the number of live meetings has outnumbered the virtual ones, and in this writer's opinion, marks the transition back to "normality". It will be a different normality, of course, and it is hoped that the use of Zoom and social media will not decline: indeed, next month our Chaplain, W Bro Richard Smedley, will be giving a Zoom presentation about the Second Degree Tracing Board - of particlualr significance to our brace of Fellow Crafts, in particular as the next few months will be taken up with Initiation ceremonies.

May I thank all the Brethren who have worked hard during the interim to maintain the interest and involvement of the Brethren? Without your splendid efforts, we should not be so well integrated as the Premiere Lodge in the Province. I'm looking forward to the removal of government restrictions when all of us can meet in safety.

Eddie Wildman


Monday 28th June 2021:

For their second post lock-down meeting, Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 (Master W Bro Malcolm Forbes) enjoyed a convivial gathering with visitors from sister Lodges to hear the Daggards presentation Hansel and Gretel in the Freemasons Lodge by Eddie Wildman and Craig Maurier, with Fish and Chips afterwards. There was a real sense of returning to normality, and a positive feeling as a joining member was ballotted for and accepted, and another proposed. The Lodge kindly made a donation to the Daggards, which will of course be used towards supporting local charities. Eddie and Craig gave greetings on behalf of Humber 57, Premier Lodge in the Province, of which the Andrew Marvell WM is also a member.


Saturday 26th June 2021:

This evening saw the installation of W Bro Kevin Marshall at the Minerva Lodge 250 at Dagger Lane - the Lodge Room was as full as covid restrictions would allow and there was a palpable  atmosphere of happiness, the Brethren enjoying companionship even though accompanied by the odour of sanitising gel. Smiles all round! Such was the keenness of the members to attend that visitors were not invited; it is testimony to the integration of the Brethren, many of them in the younger age bracket, who through WhatsApp and other social media has been in contact during the period of lockdown. Congratulations to this ancient but youthful Lodge, which has met in Hull from 1783.


Friday 11th June 2021:

De la Pole's first post-lockdown meeting at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Hull saw the proclamation of W Bro Mike Bastiman as WM until the Installation in October. The Lodge now has a new website: and facebook and instagram accounts.  Greetings from two sister Lodges were given: St Andrew 4683 and the Humber Lodge 57, premier Lodge in the Province. The meeting was well supported by the Brethren, though not all stayed for the meal afterwards. It was a lovely evening, and still light outside when the Brethren took their leave of each other, happy to meet again.

Thursday 10th June 2021:

W Bro Garry Millett was proclaimed WM of the Thesaurus Lodge 3891 the Covid-19 pandemic having extended his year in office, and he wished the Brethren well, remarking how good and pleasant it was for the Brethren to dwell together in unity once again. The convivial gathering in the Dagger Lane Lodge Room continued in the dining hall below.

Nonetheless, measures are in place to ensure social distancing at this and other Masonic Halls, and the Brethren are being cautious. Nonetheless, the meeting was a welcome intimation of the  return of normality: it was good to meet.


Tuesday 8th June 2021:

Humber Lodge's first post-lockdown meeting at Dagger Lane saw the proclamation of the Current WM to continue in that role until the Installation of his successor in December. He spoke of change, strength in adversity and the future, telling the story of the restoration of the north wall of the building in 1957 (see the Nugget Cache) and appointed those Officers who had been severally elected and volunteered, including the new office of Lodge Membership Officer, held by W Bro John Ellwood, whose efforts alongside the Lodge Mentor, W Bro Sergei Byelov, bode well for the future. A fish and chip meal afterwards was a fitting end to the evening, which had been a happy occasion - hopefully, if the government "road plan" is not disrupted by Covid variants, our July meeting should increase our numbers even more. The WM thanked all those who had attended.


Wednesday 2nd June 2021:

Kingston Lodge 1010 had its first live meeting since the lockdown, and the WM, W Bro Michael Price faultlessly raised the Lodge to the Third degree and down again after he was officially proclaimed as continuing in the Chair until the next Installation. The Brethren wore masks throughout. W Bro Neil Armstrong gave an illustrated lecture on the Bright Morning Star, looking at the application of Venus in mythology and Masonry. It was pleasing to meet properly again, though I am sure that others, like me, will feel more comfortable without the masks!


Monday 31st May 2021:

The official feedback report on the Daggards' Aliens with Attitude following the Masonic Learning Circle presentation hosted by Bazza Longstaff was "World Class". Read about it on this website and the Daggards website.

Wednesday 26th May 2021:

It is always sad to lose a Brother, and the death of W Bro John Chew saddened many. But the funeral - a celebration of his life - saw the Chapel at Chanterlands Avenue as full as the Covid-19 restrictions would permit, while the driveway was lined by over fifty Freemasons and friends paying this last, sad mark of respect for departed worth. John was not a member of the Humber Lodge, but a good friend to many of the Humber Brethren, some of whom were there. The service was a fitting tribute to a man whose integrity, kindness and respect for others marked him as a great Freemason and a fine human being. John was a member of the Daggards, having sung in the Masonic Opera, in the Festival Extravaganza and at intallations and consecrations.

In the evening, the Daggards Quartet performed Aliens with Attitude for the Beverley Road Learning Circle. Read about it on the Daggards website.

Monday 24th May 2021:

Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 enjoyed its first meeting at Beverley Road, observing social
distancing and omiting the opening and closing odes, but we were happy to be back together again and to welcome a rejoining member. The Worshipful Master, Malcolm Forbes - who is also a member of the Humber Lodge, was proclaimed as WM until the end of this, his second year in office - which will be, I suspect, the norm thnroughout the country. It was pleasant to see the familiar faces again, and despite not shaking hands, there was a real sense of fraternity.

Considered one of the best metaphysical poets, Marvell, from Winestead, near Hull, was an important political figure in the seventeenth century. There is a statue of him outside Hull Minster. 

Read about the Andrew Marvell Lodge on their website


Friday 30th April 2021:

Today the United Grand Lodge of England launched its first annual report in its 300 year history in its continued move towards transparency.

The annual report includes the new mission statement, which sits alongside the UGLE’s four key values of integrity, respect, friendship and charity. In addition, a recent study found that 75% of Freemasons take part in civic or charitable activities, compared to only 31% of non-Freemasons, in a matched geodemographic profile.

Dr David Staples, Chief Executive of the United Grand Lodge of England states:

“Our first ever annual report is a major step ahead for the organisation in terms of the transparency and normalisation of Freemasonry, we want to tell the public who we are and what we do. This year, we have raised more than £42m for charity and given more than 18.5 million hours of our time in unpaid social and civic volunteering. I am enormously proud to serve an organisation with such a story to tell.”

The full report is too large to be reproduced here, but all Freemasons will have received a copy online.


Saturday 17th April 2021:

There has been much publicity following the death of HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth and Baron Greenwich, 10th June 1921 - 9th April 2021 whose funeral took place today in St George's Chapel, Windsor. He was initiated into Navy Lodge 2612 in 1953 and took his second and third degrees the same year. He has remained a member ever since. We mourn his passing. A letter from the UGLE Chief Executive and Grand Secretary dated Tuesday 13th April speaks for us all: "Dear Brethren, Last Friday we were all deeply saddened to hear of the death of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and on behalf of the Craft our sincerest condolences have been extended to Her Majesty The Queen and the rest of the Royal Family."


 Wednesday 3rd March 2021:

It was heartening to see the line-up of Brethren lining the pathway to the Crematorium to show their respect for W Bro Malcolm Coates who died last month. The Provincial Grand Master was in attendance, and Brethren from other Provinces as well as a good number from Humber Lodge 57. Covid restrictions precluded all attending the service, but it was broadcast; fortunately I live close enough to the cemetery to be able to return home and watch. Appropriately, Alastair Devine, son of the late Brian Devine of the Humber Lodge, gave a moving tribute to Malcolm, recounting episodes from his working and social life, painting a picture of a loving husband, father, grandfather, man and Mason. "We remember Malcolm," said Alastair, "as a remarkable man."We mourn his passing. A eulogy can be found in "Celebrations and Regrets".


Friday 26th February 2021:

question S&C (Mobile).jpgIan Syddall, our Secretary, sent an email to all of us today asking if we remembered the last Lodge of Instruction we'd attended. He went on to pose the question "Why do we square the Lodge?" The question (and an answer - though there are indeed several explanations) is reproduced in the Nugget Cache. Thanks Ian!

While the covid-situation is looking considerably more hopeful than it was a year ago, it seems unlikely that there will a resumption of LoI until at least September. Watch this space!


Thursday 19th February 2021:

Thanks to W Bro Oxborough who has provided the eulogy on Malcolm Coates which may be found on the Celebrations and Regrets page. Stewart has also given details of the funeral which I duplicate below:

Malcolm’s funeral is to be held on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 at 11.00am. for private Cremation at Chanterlands Crematorium, Chanterlands Avenue, Hull. Contact Mike East & Family funeral directors 01482375214 for information. The service will be webcast, though with a 150 limit; the Brethren have been emailed with details.  No flowers by family request, donations if desired to the Masonic Charitable Foundation, collection plate at service. R.I.P.

They are a strong, close knit, and supportive family who will prevail and have been truly heartened by the wonderful cards and messages of support they have received.
Catherine, after a short stay with son Michael, is living back at home in Hedon. The business is also to continue from there in Malcolm’s memory.

Our thoughts and prayers go to Malcolm’s wife, all family, and friends at this sad time.


Tuesday 9th February 2021:

Over twenty of our own Brethren and several visitors attended the Zoom meeting on our regular February Lodge Night. Given the state of the weather (the country was covered in snow) several of us reflected that it was nice to see familiar faces from the comfort of our warm homes. (Report on the presentation on

W Bro Stewart Oxborough gave a moving eulogy on W bro Malcolm Coates, speaking of his many Masonic achievements on both sides of the Humber, his family tradition of Craft membership going back to the Grand Lodge of York, which is being promulgated now in his son Michael, also a member of Humber Lodge. Stewart drew us a verbal picture of Malcolm, his regalia business and his passion for Freemasonry evidenced in the good advice freely tendered to his customers. He spoke of the ill-health which had rendered Malcolm immobile in the later years, and his sudden death just over a week ago. He will publish some words on this website (see "Celebrations & Regrets") at a later date.

The WM thanked Stewart and proposed that the Charity Fund make a donation to Malcolm's much loved Masonic Charitable Foundation in lieu of supplying flowers for the funeral, in keeping with Malcolm's insistance on helping others.. Brethren can support this through our Almoner, who has organised a Raffle Draw for a Humber Chocolate Bouquet in April - an email has been sent out with details.

W Bro Terry thanked the Brethren in advance for their generosity and exhorted the Brethren to try to ring a Brother now and again during the Lockdown period, explaining that loneliness was a great trial to some of our elderly Brethren who are not able to access each other electronically. He then introduced the Zoom presentation The Night Soil Men (see the Zoom page.)

The WM thanked all who attended and invited them to join him in a toast to All Isolated Brethren.


Wednesday 3rd February 2021:

Sent to the Humber Brethren from the WM


Dear Brethren

It is sad to begin with regrets. We will miss W Bro Malcolm Coates, who died on 31st January after a long illness. He was a stalwart member of Humber Lodge and also Masonically involved on the south of the river. He was known to hundreds as the owner of Humber Masonic Supplies Ltd., and always had time for a chat should anyone call regarding regalia.

Our condolences go to his wife, Catherine, and of course to his son Michael, who is a member of our Lodge. His business partner, W Bro Stewart Oxborough will provide a eulogy which will be published on this website.

Now February is upon us, and the anti-covid vaccine is being distributed. Some of our Brethren have already “been done” and some have appointments booked.

I’m not sanguine that the crisis will be over soon: injecting over sixty-eight million people (twice) will take time, and we are dependent on supply. But I look ahead to us meeting safely again at Dagger Lane – hopefully while I’m still in the Chair. But don’t hold your breath.

In the meantime, I look forward to seeing you at our next Zoom. Warning: you are advised not to eat during this presentation as some of the subject matter is rather off-putting – but please have a drink handy for the final toast! We have a good programme of presentations planned, including items by W Bros Smedley, Syddall and Smith (sounds like a firm of solicitors.)

Please keep in touch – my router gave up the ghost and I was unable to access the Internet for a week. I suffered withdrawal symptoms – I couldn’t update the website, I couldn’t join Zoom meetings. I was lonely – and very grateful to those Brethren that rang me for a chat. Please do ring round some of your friends if you get the chance – especially those who are not so computer literate!

Thank you to those who have already sent in their contributions to the Charity Fund April Draw for the Humber Chocolate Bouquet. I’m sure our Charity Steward and Almoner will speak about this at our Zoom on Tuesday 9th – the date and time of our regular meeting.

Very Best wishes to you all.


 Sunday 10th January 2021:

Sent to the Humber Brethren from the WM


Dear Brethren


The past year has radically changed the world. We have witnessed unprecedented times, good and bad. As Freemasons we don’t discuss politics in our meetings and refrain from controversial comments, but this is a time of change.

Two words have joined our vocabulary, Brexit and Covid, the former affecting Europe and our now sovereign nation, the latter affecting the entire world.

We are all following the increasing advances of the mutating virus; in an amazingly short time vaccines have been created to fight it – and I pay tribute to those scientists who have strived to produce them, along with all those, great and small, who have selflessly put themselves at risk to reduce the affliction of others, including our own Brethren.

I’m delighted that two of our more senior Brethren has now had the injection, along with their wives, and trust it won’t be long before we can all come together safely. There’s hope!

Once again, I thank you all, Brethren, for your continued support in these troubled times.

I look forward to seeing you on Zoom on Tuesday for our regular updates. There’s a presentation “Hand Over Back” about a duel where Grand Lodge became involved, which I hope you’ll enjoy.

Keep safe!




Thursday 31st December2020: New Year's Eve

Sent to the Humber Brethren from the WM

Dear Brethren

Let me take the opportunity to thank you for your support through the crisis. I have been impressed – and humbled – by your generosity, kindness and helpfulness, not only in your contributions to the Almoners Fund but in the communications showing how you have kept an eye on each other and offered assistance where needed – even in doing shopping for those unable to leave their homes. Your support in our regular Zoom meetings is well appreciated; it is a pleasure to see your faces albeit on a screen and a way of keeping in touch, and it is good to know some Brethren frequently communicate by Facebook and Twitter. Our Secretary has worked tirelessly this year in keeping everyone informed and up to date, and you will all have read his inspirational Christmas message. I know our Almoner will soon be preparing a review on the health of our Brethren and widows in 2020: look out for his update.

Regarding our meetings at Dagger Lane – despite the ruthless spread of the pandemic we strive to suppress the virus until the vaccine makes us safe. There are some Brethren actively working in this ongoing battle, while others are taking the necessary precautions: isolating, masking, washing hands, keeping within our spaces and staying safe. But there is hope! Vaccines are now being administered. It will take time – but hopefully it will not be many months before we can meet again in person.

In the meantime, please continue to keep in touch. We are quietly thriving, despite the lock-down; there are at least two Candidates wanting to join as soon as all is safe. I’ll do my best to update you on the website (the diary page is understandably bleak at the moment, but there’s a Zoom presentation prepared for our regular meeting on January 12th – click on the dates for details, and check the WM’s blog. – I’d like to say that I managed to revamp this page all by myself, but I couldn’t have managed without Craig Maurier’s help!)
Brethren, thank you all. I’m so proud of you! I look forward to seeing you later and wish you all a safe and happy New Year.

Sincerely and Fraternally



Tuesday 8th December 2020

Today the Covid-19 vaccine began to be distributed in the UK, showing a glimmer of light from (hopefully) the end of the tunnel. While this is great news, our efforts must not relax.

Hull and the East Riding are still in Tier 3; what would have been the Installation/Proclamation Meeting at Dagger Lane has therefore not taken place; however, in a Zoom meeting W Bro Ian Syddall kindly explained that under the circumstances the current Worshipful Master (with the agreement and recommendation of the Lodge Committee) would remain in office for a further year. There are few changes to the team, details will be emailed to all Brethren.

Ian Syddall himself was then congratulated by the recycled WM for having been awarded the prestigious active senior office of Provincial Grand Charity Steward, a demanding role which requires both a sympathetic mind and a hard head for figures, which will commence in May. Ian is exceedingly familiar with charity work and the necessary administrative procedures involved: his quiet advice to the Humber Lodge and elsewhere has always proved invaluable. They say that if you want something doing, ask a busy man, and W Bro Syddall is always in demand. 

The Zoom meeting continued with a few words from the Almoner, summarising the year, and thanking the Brethren for their very generous support for the Almoner's fund, which is used especially at Christmas time for our widows (sadly, another two this year) and for those in distress. 

Our Technical Wizard, W Bro Craig Maurier then explained he was going to mute all on the Zoom except for Jack Whileblood and Eddie Wildman. 

Craig managed the pictures during Jack's interview: for a brief account of Jack's life - including the test driving of Formula 1 cars - please see the Zoom Page.

W Bro David Terry announced that through the generosity of the Brethren, £775 had been raised for the Almoners Fund. He thanked the Charity Steward, W Bro Malcolm Forbes for his splendid initiative in suggesting the raffle for the Christmas Hamper. The Worshipful Master drew the tickets, and the winners were declared.

It only remained for the WM to thank the attendees - including potential candidates, Masonic visitors and wives - (over forty in all) for their support, to wish them a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year, and to share a final drink together:

To all isolated Brethren

Wheresoe'er dispersed,

Wishing them health and safety

And a happy return to their Lodges

When circumstance permits.

So mote it be.



Tuesday 18th November 2020

 Brief November Message from the WM emailed to the Brethren of the premier Lodge:


It is very unlikely that the December meeting will take place, Hull is still the most badly affected city in the country and while the national lockdown may end at the beginning of December it is highly probable there will still be tier restrictions in place. If a Rule of Six meeting becomes possible, I’ll contact those senior Brethren who expressed an interest in a proclamation meeting with the possibility of a brief afternoon session, but don’t hold your breath!

However, please reserve Tuesday 8th December in your diary for a Zoom meeting at 6.30. There’ll be a raffle draw for a Christmas Hamper, proceeds to go to the Almoner’s Fund. Our Secretary has sent out a flyer with details but I’ll put them at the end of this message. Please dig deep, Brethren – some of our widows are going to have a very lonely Christmas this year! You can take part in this even if you don’t have Zoom – and our Charity Steward has kindly offered to deliver the hamper to the lucky winner.

Also at the Zoom meeting there’ll be an interview with our ex- Formula 1 driver, Jack Whileblood. Some aspects of his James Bond lifestyle are still secret, but Jack has a fascinating story to tell. Please try to attend – with a Christmas jersey or hat! Feel free to invite the wife along, there’ll be no Masonic secrets given away!

Looking forward to seeing you!


Eddie Wildman




The above was deliberately brief, and the bank details are not published here, of course, but here is the "expansion" for those Brethren who have the time and inclination to listen to my ramblings.

It's anybody's guess what will happen next with the virus, which appears to be mutating - will the lockdown prevent it spreading? Will the vaccine provide a cure? Will we be able to walk the streets safely?

Perhaps you, like me, fluctuate between hope and depression, fed up with being at home, unable to visit family and friends, or simply go to the pub. I was pondering these gloomy thoughts earlier, when it suddenly occurred to me that waking up in the morning is the first thing we should be thankful for. Most of the things we take for granted are simply ignored. How dare I grumble? What effontery!

I wiped off the grumpy expression and essayed a grin. Yes, the happy muscles were still working. "Be positive," I told myself, "the possibility of an effective vaccine being available is high." Indeed, checking the news today, Pfizer and BioNTech said they were submitting their vaccine for US and EU emergency approval within days, and the 95% efficay rate matches the results from Modena. No doubt it will be a long time before we can all be innoculated. In the meantime, there are demonstrations from the anti-mask brigade. 

Masonry is affected in the meantime; like many other Lodges, the Humber Lodge is likely simply to be recycled for next year. When I took my obligation as WM eleven months ago, it was "until a successor shall have been elected and installed in my stead." There's little to do, though happily there are Candidates keen to join us. I'm happy to continue to serve, particularly as this premier Lodge is blessed with a good eclectic membership: I congratulate you all - thanks for your support.



Wednesday 11th November 2020

According to the news, Hull is the worst area in the country for weekly coronavirus infections; the weekly infection rate climbing to 743.3 cases per 100,000 of the population, with 1,931 new cases in the week leading up to November 9. North East Lincolnshire is also dramatically above the national average which remains below 200. Over the UK new coronavirus cases have soared by 33,470 in the past 24 hours, and the death toll is higher than the other worst-affected countries in Europe. These are difficult times. 


Tuesday 10th November 2020

In the light of the suspension of meetings noted below, the Second Degree Ceremony planned for Dagger Lane could not take place. The Brethren met virtually via Zoom to greet each other and hear W Bro Tom Lee's account of his career as a policeman: see this date on the Zoom page.


Monday 2nd November 2020

In view of the latest Government restrictions announced on 31st October 2020, the MW The Grand Master, His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, KG, has directed that all Lodge meetings in England will be suspended with effect from 12.01 a.m. on Thursday 5th November until such time as those restrictions are lifted. 

The ME The Grand Principals have given a similar direction in respect of Chapter meetings in England.


Saturday 31st October 2020

While tomorrow sees Hull rise to the Tier 2 level in battling the pandemic, on Thursday 5th November the entire country is going under lockdown until (at least) 2nd December, a severe measure as the virus is increasing rapidly and it is uncertain that without prompt action the country will be able to cope. (See this date on the Coronavirus page.) These are worrying times. While we as Freemasons are under an obligation to abide by the law, it amazes me that others cheerfully flout it. I was in a supermarket the other day when a father and his two sons were making a noisy fuss as they wandered down the aisles. They wore no masks and were vocal about the size of the queue at the till. Christmas goods were on display, and the older son picked up a bright red Santa sack and put it over his sibling's head, pinioning him by the arms and saying "How's this for a Christmas present!" as the youth struggled. A tiny store assistant bravely admonished them: "We have to sell that, please put it back!" They did, but I thought that now it was possibly crawling with germs. Unabashed, the trio laughed at the lady: "Only a bit of fun." To my shame, I didn't interfere, but like the other shoppers, pretended it wasn't happening.

I know how unpleasant it is to wear masks. After five minutes my moustache goes horribly limp, and breathing isn't easy. But I object to those folk - old enough to know better, who wave their pensioner's cards at the bus driver and totter, properly masked, to their seats. As soon as they're sat down, they push the masks under their chins. "I know," one driver told me, "but what can we do? There are no proper sanctions."

And don't get me started about partying. Princes Avenue is great for a social drink, but after a couple of them, social distancing disappears. The ten o' clock curfew hasn't helped much - the number of drunken imbibers who stagger into Sainsbury's for a couple of cans to enjoy on the way home has increased. Full marks to the security staff who do their best, even with inebriated wenches pushing themselves forward "Let us in, luv, I just want a bottle of vodka." Cough. wipe. Stagger. "Ooh, I fergot ter sterilise me 'ands."

It is not that these people are a danger to themselves, it is the thoughtless impact on others that concerns me. I abhor selfishness. We need to share responsibility.

Worryingly, there are a number of people nearby who live alone and have virtually no contact with the outside world. While under normal circumstances you and I would automatically give a helping hand, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so. "Hello Mrs Ellis, have you changed your clocks? I know its a bit of a stretch, would you like me to do it for you?" "Now then, Colin, do you want anything - I'm passing the supermarket." Fortunately, where I am the neighbours are friendly and we do tend to look out for the more vulnerable ones. But at restrictions become tighter, we shouldn't forget these lonely folk, some of whom are frankly frightened to venture out of doors. Sometimes just a friendly word helps - even at two metres distance.


Friday 30th October 2020

The loss of a loved one is hard to bear at any time. It is particularly difficult when the loved one is a son or daughter. We can only express our sympathies to our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master on the death of his son, Philip, after a long illness.


Thursday 29th October 2020

Whoops! Not entirely unexpectedly, it has been announced that Kingston-upon Hull and East Humberside are now under Tier 2 restrictions from midnight on 31st October, for fourteen days (and possibly longer.) The second wave of the coronavirus has proved stronger and more ecumenical than the former not only in Britain but elsewhere. France has reverted to national lockdown. Looking at the global impact, our being unable to hold our regular meeting pales into insignificance. Commiserations to Jack, however, who was hoping to pass to the second degree on the 10th, and to two potential Candidates who were intending to meet a few of us socially - though we have spoken on Zoom. Watch this space . . .


Tuesday 27th October 2020

Newsletter from the WM


Greetings, Brethren.

As we’re into autumn and the clocks have changed it seems we are not a great deal further in combating the deadly coronavirus. It’s not surprising that some of us are thoroughly fed up with the whole issue, the social isolation, the ubiquitous masks and the uncertainty about the future. Some of us have been furloughed, work demands have increased on others and it is no wonder that we’re struggling a little. But there is light at the end of the tunnel: there’s a distinct possibility a vaccine will be available in the not-too-distant future. It’s not entirely doom and gloom. We still have a distance to travel, however.


To Lodge matters: regrettably, we’ve had a resignation – the dangers of the pandemic impact on some of us more than others, and where there are serious issues of vulnerability, it is understandable. We’ve lost another Brother through exclusion; sadly, dues must be paid and the Lodge can ill afford to keep Brethren on the roll unless they pay their way.


Our most recent sad loss is Brother Alan Brown to the Grand Lodge Above. Earlier this month he felt unwell, and a visit to hospital found him to have terminal cancer. He returned home to set his affairs in order and died on the 16th October, two months short of his eighty-third birthday. Our sympathies go to his wife Jean and to his children and grandchildren. His son Adrian is a member of the Humber Lodge and will publish a tribute to Alan on this website in due course.


Meanwhile W Bro David Terry is continuing to monitor the health of the Brethren and widows, and his reports will of course be included either with the minutes of our meetings or in separate emails, and I take the opportunity here to thank him for his sterling work in what has not been an easy year for any of us, our Almoner included.


The Rule of Six continues to thwart our meetings, but at least Hull is not in lock-down at the moment, unlike the north of the Province. This month saw Brother Craig Morrison passed to the degree of a Fellow-Craft with a team of five Brethren (see the website for details) and in November Brother Jack Thundercliffe will pass to the Second Degree if all goes as planned. (Whoops! Thwarted! Hull and the East Riding have gone into Tier 2 Lockdown - sorry Jack!) In the meantime, I thank you all for your patience. I know many of you are itching to came back, but as Freemasons, we keep to the law.


Assuming that the Rule of Six will continue into December, the Installation meeting will be a Proclamation ceremony with myself and a handful of Senior Brethren. Our Secretary is under strict instructions not to call it the Codgers’ Bodge in the minutes. I am hopeful that 2021 will see our numbers increase, both in the Lodge Room, and in membership: there are a couple of potential Candidates keen to join us.


Let me bring to your attention Mark Lindsay’s enterprise for Christian Aid on behalf of St Alban’s Church. Despite his extreme arthritis (which precluded him from the London Marathon) – hard to believe someone so young looking could be smitten like this – Mark is going to attempt to jog over the Humber Bridge and back in memory of those who have lost their lives through Covid-19. Pictured here with his son Mason, Mark will be wearing a facemask which will add to the pressure! Any contributions will be well appreciated.

May I thank all those who have attended the Zoom get-togethers? At the last meeting the Brethren in the Lodge joined the Zoomers (with our new Fellow Craft) where David Terry had been entertaining everyone with a talk about Festive Boards in times past (it’s now on the Humber website and on 10th November the Dagger Lane Brethren hope to catch you all at the end of Tom Lee’s account of his experiences in the Police Force – which promises to be very entertaining. We have had some very interesting Zooms, with a Daggards presentation, Winston Pannett’s dissertation on his life and Masonic career, Phil Watt’s tales of his life at sea, and of course, David’s reminiscences about his veterinary work linked to Masonic Creatures – which has been delivered since elsewhere. W Bros Sergei Byelov and David Terry produced quizzes to test the Brethren on their Masonic know-how; W Bros Terry Fisher and Ian Syddal were winners. There is more to come – and any offers will be welcome. A number of Brethren have remarked how much the Zoom meetings (through the kind technology of W Bro Craig Maurier) have brightened their times in isolation, and I thank you all for being there.


There will be a committee Zoom on Wednesday 4th November at 6.30 pm where the accounts and other business will be dealt with: it is not a closed session, and all Humber Brethren are welcome to attend, though “Committee Rules” will apply. There is no requirement to wear a tie for our Zoom meetings. As before, the link will be sent the day before by our super-efficient Secretary.


All in all, at a time when some Lodges are in covid-hibernation, I have to say that the Humber Brethren are doing well. You are working hard to keep the Lodge moving forward, and as WM I’m proud to have your willing support. Without such splendid assistance, we would not be able to boast that Humber 57 is indeed the premier Lodge in the Province.


As contact is still forbidden, please wash your hands carefully and give yourselves a pat on the back.

Eddie Wildman


Wednesday 21st October 2020

What a pleasure to receive official notification of Provincial Honours received by our Brethren: W Bro Sergei Bylov given his first promotion to the Office of Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works in the Craft and Excellent Companions Stephen Hastings and Ian Syddall to Active Rank as Provincial Grand Sword Bearer and Provincial Grand Steward. Well done all.

Tuesday 13th October 2020

Five Brethren of the Humber Lodge passed Bro Craig Morrison to the Degree of a Fellow Craft at Dagger Lane, while at the same time W Bro David Terry, PPSGW hosted a Zoom lecture, accounts of which may be found on the Zoom page and in the Nugget Cache.

Performing a Second-degree ceremony while observing social distancing and the Rule of Six currently in place as a precaution against the spiking coronavirus presented some difficulties.

Looking at the ritual, the first questions were "Who is essential, and who can we do without?" Some offices could be doubled, of course. Historically, the officer line-up has changed: the Deacons, for example, did not generally feature in English Freemasonry until after the Union in 1813. While the Almoner has been a regular office since 1884, the Charity Steward wasn't official until 1975.  The Office of Mentor is a recent creation - many Humber Brethren will recall it being introduced.

The Humber Lodge ritual "flight check" at the beginning states there are three principal officers; the WM and his Wardens, plus three "Brethren in Waiting", i.e. the Inner Guard and the Deacons. There's also the Tyler - the implication is that because he's outside the door he doesn't count. This is of course historical, alluding to the days when the Tyler was a professional outer guard, with the responsibility of setting up and dismantling the Lodges by which he was employed.

Whoops - three principals, three in waiting, that's six already, not counting the Tyler, who is essential. And we need a Secretary.

Okay, we doubled up. The Inner Guard assured us that the place was secure, then continued as Senior Deacon. Our Candidate stood in briefly as Junior Deacon for the opening, but the actual duties of that office were absorbed by the Senior Deacon.

Those of you who were at the last Open Night will recall the WM reintroducing the practice of summoning the Tyler by two knocks - a useful procedure here as the Tyler was also the Secretary.

There were essential modifications to the ritual - there was no exchange of handshakes, for instance, but the Senior Deacon had thoughtfully printed pictures of the passgrips needed in the 2°, and another of how the apron is worn. These were shown to the Candidate at the appropriate junctures.

Unencumbered by the traditional staff of office (and there are interesting variations regarding that which I'll save for another day) the Senior Deacon led the Candidate round the Lodge "Follow me" maintaining a careful metre's distance. We were all masked, of course. The obligation was taken on the Candidate's own VSL, carefully sanitised.

Craig took a photograph before we started. His smartphone has a camera which has a ten-second delay, which was not enough time for the WM to put on his collar and apron, but the picture marks the event for posterity - we were, after all, making history here. The ceremony flowed, despite glasses steaming up behind masks and the absence of any rehearsal.

Pictured Left to Right are: W Bro Ian Syddall, Tyler, Secretary: Communication of the Secrets, Propositions, Notices of Motion, Apologies, AOB etc. and Greetings from the Past Masters; W Bro Craig Maurier, Inner Guard, Senior Deacon: leader of the Candidate, Charge after Passing, Greetings from Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge; W Bro Eddie Wildman, Worshipful Master, IPM, Chaplain: Prayers, Obligation, Working Tools, Greetings from United Grand Lodge; Bro Charles Alexander, Junior Warden: Address at the South East Corner; W Bro Sergei Byelov, Senior Warden, Mentor: Questions before Passing, Investiture, Greetings from the Humber Brethren; Bro Craig Morrison, Junior Deacon, Entered Apprentice passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft.

It was a unique ceremony. As WM I was proud of the Brethren who had all worked hard to make the evening a success. Time was pressing: there was a virtual meeting we wanted to join and I closed the Lodge in short form - we were in time, David Terry had just finished his lecture. I was buzzing afterwards, I admit, as we joined the Zoomsters. W Bro Craig Maurier, our Lodge Guru had already set up the screen, and the Brethren warmly congratulated Bro Morrison. There is more information on the Zoom page, and David's lecture can be found in the Nugget Cache.

As WM of the premier Lodge in the Province I have great pleasure in thanking the Brethren for their fantastic support. To W Bro David Terry for hosting the Zoom, to those attending the Zoom meeting - W Bro Terry Fisher logged in from France! To the Officers working behind the scenes to keep the Lodge moving forward, often with unseen acts of kindness and unannounced charitable donations, to those keeping our Brethren in the loop with Facebook and whatsApp, to those whose encouraging words and attendance at Zoom meetings brighten our lives, you all strengthen us with your support. The unanimous vote to carry on at a time when some other Lodges are closing down for the interim is a credit to us all. I congratulate you all on your positive attitude and thank you most sincerely.

On this occasion, of course, the final congratulations must go to Bro Craig Morrison, Fellow Craft Freemason amongst us!



Friday 2nd October 2020

As the Covid-19 virus is increasing in the Middlesborough area the RWPGM has suspended Masonic Lodge and Chapter meetings with immediate effect in the Middlesborough Council area. Currently issued summonses are to be withdrawn and no further summonses issued until advised. Province and UGLE are monitoring the situation.

Tuesday 29th September 2020

The Humber Lecture Master, W Bro Philip Arthur Watts, was interviewed on Zoom - and mariners from other Lodges attended to learn about our quiet eagle-eyed Captain. Read about it on the Zoom page for this date.


Thursday 17th September 2020

A number of the Humber Lodge Brethren are also members of the Knights Templars Preceptory 223 which meets in the same building, though in the "Red Room" which has been recently recarpeted. The "Rule of Six" has precluded any more than those pictured here attending, but the business meeting at which the Eminent Preceptor, Eminent Knight Ian Syddall proclaimed his successor for the next year was conducted with the decorum and dignity which dignify the Order. Pictured here properly garbed in tunics, mantles and masks (left to right) are Michael Potts, Eddie Wildman, Mark Richardson, Ian Syddall, Malcolm Forbes and Steve Longthorp.

[Photograph by Eminent Knight Mark Richardson VR, PProv Herald.]



Tuesday 15th September 2020

Lodge 9963 meets in a tavern - the Sailmakers Arms in the High Street, in Hull's Old Town. Taking its name from an early nineteenth century Hull Lodge, it goes back to some of the early Masonic "traditions" - the tavern venue, the use of a table round which much of the ceremony is conducted, the wearing of a tricorn by the WM. Aimed at the working Freemason, there is no festive board (though invariably convivial libation, given the setting) nor is morning dress mandatory; it is understood that some Brethren will arrive straight from work and not be expected to dally too long at the Lodge. However, the "Rule of Six" prevented the attendance of more than half a dozen, and the Lodge was opened and closed on this occasion expediting essential business. W Bro Antonio Ramirez who took the photograph remarked that the masks were a positive improvement before beating a hasty retreat down the stairs to the bar. The Brethren returned home to tune into a Zoom presentation by the Primus WM, W Bro James Steele who dilated upon the original Phoenix Lodge. See the Zoom page for details.



Monday 14th September 2020

Andrew Marvell logo 2 (Mobile).jpgGovernment legislation has reduced the number of people who can meet together to six; UGLE has sent a letter instructing Lodges to comply with the spirit of the ruling until further notice. See the WM's letter to the Brethren on the Coronavirus page. There was a Zoom meeting with the WM and Brethren of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 this evening to discuss the implications of this latest government decision and the annual installation meeting.

Subsequent advice from the Province has clarified that individual Lodges should canvas opinions from the Brethren how best to accommodate those wishing to attend - perhaps on a rota basis, so the Zoom discussion; this Lodge regularly discusses Masonic issues and was well ahead of the game.



Wednesday 9th September 2020

Minerva Lodge 250 enjoyed an excellent First Degree Ceremony in the Lodge room at Dagger Lane (negotiating with the Humber Lodge 57 who agreed not to use the room the previous night so that Covid restrictions could be observed - see below.) W Bro Richard Theaker not only proposed Mr Wayne Sutherby as a suitable candidate to join this ancient Lodge but on the evening acted as Junior Deacon and explained the secrets during the ceremony. As the Brethren had been unable to rehearse since the lock-down in March, it is a tribute to their dedication that the proceedings were managed so aptly, observing necessary caution, all participants masked or visored. The congratulations from the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Ian Johnson were well deserved. There was not, of course, a celebratory festive board, but I believe certain Brethren took the opportunity to drink Brother Sutherby's health afterwards in a nearby hostelry. A most pleasant evening, and the first post-Covid Initiation ceremony at Dagger Lane.

[Photograph by W Bro Christopher Brown]



Tuesday 8th September 2020

The Craft meeting took place in the dining room: the WM, Wardens, Inner Guard and Tyler used spoons for the exchange of knocks. This meeting broke new ground for the Humber Lodge in other ways too: it was the first time we connected to other Brethren without the Lodge using the Microsoft Team programme, and it was the first time our lecturer for the evening, Dr Robert Lomas was operating using this particular presentation technique. Between us, especially after the lecture, there were enough learning curves to build an arch. Arches, or bridges, are much needed at the present time, but I will come to that later.

We met in the dining room because the main Lodge Room was going to be used for an initiation ceremony the following day (see 9th September above) and the house rules of the Minerva Masonic Hall Association preclude the same room being used within forty-eight hours. Besides, there is a splendid screen and projector in the dining room so we were able to see Dr Lomas's presentation more comfortably than upstairs.

It had taken a little while to organise the tables and chairs, especially as there were kitchen items carefully stored on some of the tables as the kitchen rooms were being renovated. (See blog on 31st July for picture.) It was well worth the effort however.

The Brethren arrived early -there was time for the stand-in officers to glance over their words before the prompt 6.30 start and for the WM to improvise an introductory stanza:

 "A Lodge is where the Brethren meet - Somewhere to gather off the street; It doesn't matter of it's small, Or some vast Masonic Hall. Tonight, with all this kitchen gear, what's most important is: you're here. 'Midst pots and pans on makeshift shelves, I trust we'll all enjoy ourselves."

We did enjoy ourselves. The Lodge business was rapidly concluded - a succesful ballot for a joining member - and we look forward to welcoming John Ellwood when circumstance permits. The Lodge was closed in due form, leaving time for our Charity Steward, W Bro Malcolm Forbes to organise a collection which realised a surprisingly handsome sum - thanks, Brethren!

Then followed the Team presentation.

I have a horror of using electronic devices - Craig Maurier. our Lodge guru, believes I radiate a malign influence on anything to do with electrical current - especially phones and computers. Inevitably, things went wrong - not only in Dagger Lane, but also over the Pennines. While I argued it could hardly be my fault that the Microsoft programme decided to choose that exact time to update, Craig shook his head darkly and muttered something about "Bad vibes, Worshipful Master - it could only happen with you in the Chair." Seriously, Craig's help is invaluable.

Blissfully unaware, the Brethren divested themselves of their aprons. Still masked (a definite improvement in some cases) we sat socially distanced and enjoyed Robert Lomas's deep and thought provoking explanation of the cultivation of one's inner spark while undergoing the mysteries of the third degree ceremony. It was an illuminating interpretation, as one might expect from this internationally acclaimed Masonic author.

Afterwards Robert confided to me that he had found it difficult without the live feedback he'd experienced when he had lectured at the Humber Lodge before, but I was happy to reassure him that his illustrated talk had been effective and meaningful, a daily advance in Masonic knowledge for us all. The Humber Brethren on screen had also gained a great deal: David Terry's eloquent vote of thanks was accompanied by sincere nods of agreement.

We took our leave of each other observing all caution and the WM was careful to wipe down all items which had been touched - tables, chairs, light switches, door handles and of course the spoons which had featured in the ceremony.

Many thanks to all those who attended, and to the stand-in Officers. Your support is well appreciated. You have been captured on camera by W Bro Richard Smedley, who magically appears on the picture through W Bro Craig Maurier's scary editing skills. Thanks, too, to those who attended via Microsoft Team from far and wide, and of course to Dr Robert Lomas, pictured elsewhere on this blog.

I spoke of building bridges. The virtual shaking of hands over the country is probably more important now than ever before. Within a few hours of locking up the Lodge, a directive from the Prime Minister has reduced the number of people who can gather together to six. So please keep in touch with each other - by phone or Facebook, Website or WhatsApp, text or telegram - let us continue to promote our fraternity through adversity and look forward to getting together again in health and safety.

I wish you all well.

[Photograph by W Bro Craig Maurier, Lodge Guru]

Eddie WIldman, WM

Thursday 3rd September 2020

Humber Chapter 57 held its belated installation at Dagger Lane: for details please see the Humber Chapter page.

Tuesday 18th August 2020

W Bro David Terry gave a lively presentation of Creatures in Freemasonry to the Wilberforce Lodge 2134 Zoom gathering. For more imformation, see the Zoom page.

Monday 17th August 2020

Humber logo (Mobile)(1).jpgThe Humber Lodge Committee zoom-met to discuss the way forward within the strictures of the Covid-19 regulations and the recommendation that the current WM continue in the Chair for the ensuing year was made, with the unanimous support of all present. The WM confesses to feeling humbled at the honour, but will continue to do his best to serve the Lodge. See the Zoom page.



Saturday 15th August 2020

Technical Lodge 5666 met for the first time after lockdown at Beverley Road with the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Ian Johnson in attendance, it being a decision of the RWPGM that all post-lockdown first meetings should have the support of the Executive. The Brethren enjoyed being back at the Lodge and admired the new carpet; the Worshipful Master W Bro Allan McKay welcomed everyone and was pleased to receive reports. Singing being forbidden as it may spread spores, the Opening and Closing Odes were replaced by brief nuggets from Solomon; the redundant guest organist acting as Inner Guard for the evening. He was pleased to mentally acknowledge the authorship of the final nugget, however. Greetings were given of course from Humber Lodge 57.

[Photograph by Paul Hillary. James Steele says they look like chess pieces.]

Friday 14th August 2020

de la Pole logo (Mobile).jpgThe Masonic Hall at Beverley Road is large and there was no problem accommodating those who attended De la Pole Lodge's first meeting after lockdown, but anti-Covid measures were enforced, the Marshals ensuring that everyone was properly masked and that social distancing took place. There was little need for an organist (singing being forbidden) other than to play a verse of "Abide with me" while the Brethren stood in respect for the departed W Bro Raymond Innes PPJGW. While this was essentially a business meeting discussing the way forward, it was, good to see familiar faces (or parts of them) and to learn that the current Worshipful Master, W Bro Michael Bastiman will continue in office for another year. It was a pleasure to see the Executive representation in the familiar form of W Bro Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith PGStdB, who spoke positively about the progress made and assured the Brethren that despite their worries to the contrary, de la Pole Lodge 1605 was doing very well.


Tuesday 11th August 2020

Learning Curve

The first meeting back at Dagger Lane after lock-down and the first Masonic meeting was held by the Humber Lodge. I was delighted that we had sixteen Humber Brethren there, plus an Executive of the Provincial Team, W Bro Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith PGStdB. The screen linking us to the virtual contingent showed we had a pleasing number of visitors in addition to our own Brethren, bringing the total attendance to thirty-five.

Our Chaplain, W Bro David Terry PPSGW had kindly volunteered to stay at home and host the Zoom part of the proceedings. In the meantime, Bro Craig Morrison distributed masks to the Dagger Lane Brethren so we all conforming to the latest government guidelines. These stylish black and white chequered masks coordinated nicely with the smartly dressed Brethren and the Lodge Room carpet.

This is where I made a mistake. The masks were adjustable; a piece of elastic at each side has to be tied so as to fit round the ears. In the bustle of organising at the start, I made the loops too small. Consequently, when the meeting was under way I realised my ears were being pulled forward and the mask was stuffing my beard into my mouth. I looked like a wingnut. It is difficult to speak clearly with a mask on anyway, and my splutterings may have given the impression I'd had a drink beforehand. This was not the case. Towards the end I was panicking a little, I admit - I feel ashamed that I forgot some of my words. Mea culpa.

The Virtual Brethren could not see the opening as there should be no transmission of an actual Lodge meeting on social media, but the Brethren (including stand-ins Steve Lowthorpe and Segei Bylov as Senior Warden and Junior Deacon) performed admirably, the VSL was opened and the S&C placed by the WM alone. The Lodge was called off (for those unfamiliar with the term, this is a temporary shut-down) for the premier performance of Dennis and the Mentors Forum by Bros Mike Noble, David Terry and Craig Maurier. W Bro Malolm Coates proposed an eloquent vote of thanks, seconded by Bro Craig Morrison.

The next presentation was from W Bro Mark Richardson, whose Health and Safety recommendations have been useful to both UGLE and Province. The Senior and Junior Wardens respectively proposed and seconded a vote of thanks to Mark.

I made another mistake here. When talking on Zoom, the speech signal apparently bounces off various convenient satellites orbiting the globe before sounding through the speaker on the screen. Thus it is a fraction late as it has probably been to America and back. The Brethren in the Lodge had the strange effect of my voice being echoed as it came through my lips and then through the speaker. I should have spoken quietly into my phone. So I somewhat disconcertingly mentioned the next meeting at which Team viewers will be able to see international Masonic author Robert Lomas talk about the Third Degree; (he having spoken about Initiation and Passing to us in 2018 and 2019.) This ineractive presentation will be shown at Dagger Lane.

The WM thanked the Zoom Brethren, remarking that some were watching from as far afield as Worcester. I don't think that the Brethren were too confused by the vocal echo.

We bade farewell to our Zoom Brethren (who would conclude with a toast to isolated Brethren, though some had left by the time of the screen shot), the Lodge was called on, and reports were given, including an RAR nugget from Bro Mark Lindsay which will appear elsewhere on this website. He mentioned the first Chapter meeting after lock-down: W Bro Richard Smedley (in attendance at Dagger Lane) was now the MEZ of the Provincial Grand Stewards Chapter. W Bro Smith commended the Lodge for its splendid work in promoting the Craft in these difficult times. The Lodge was closed in due form (with some slips by the WM who is still kicking himself) and the Brethren replaced their regalia in their cases and retired in single file,

It was, all in all, a worthy and historic meeting, and the WM sincerely thanks all who attended. 


Thursday 6th August 2020

Personal Disaster Day

On Tuesday I had several tasks planned which had nothing to do with Cid-19 strictures, sanctions and suggestions, and didn’t impact on the Lodge. It began as an ordinary day – or as ordinary as may be managed in these troubled times.

There was a birthday card to post, and I wanted to buy some past music theory exams from Gough and Davy in town, and to visit my bank in Jameson Street regarding a Pay-Pal account.

I laced up my stylish yellow pumps, (this is what we called canvas shoes when I was a lad) checked I had my face mask in my pocket (people have remarked it considerably improves my looks) and stepped outside, locking the door, which gave an ominous click as I did so. I realised it was starting to rain and decided to go back in to pick up an umbrella.

The lock had other ideas. The key turned nicely, but the internal mechanism refused to operate. I stood helplessly on the doorstep, locked out of my own house.

Okay. Change of plan. My mobile phone was in my pocket, but when I tried to text Alison to tell her she wouldn’t be able to get in to clean the house, the phone wouldn’t work. I’m afraid I said a few words I shouldn’t use, and decided that instead of going to town, I’d walk to Chanterlands Avenue where I knew there was a locksmith. Perhaps he’d be able to help.

Ouch! My toe was hurting. I realised that I’d not cut my toenails in a while, and in the rather tight pumps, my left little toenail was scratching the neighbouring toe. It was painful, but there was nothing I could do about it there and then, so I set off hobbling towards Chants (as the locals call it) as the heavens opened. I was not having a good day.

The Locksmith was helpful. He gave me a card. “Ring this number, he’ll sort you out,” he said.

Right. Phone not working. My only option, I reasoned, was to walk to Alison’s – only ten minutes, she lives on Ella Street. I loosened the laces in the vain hope my toe wouldn’t hurt so much. Wearing slippers during lock-down had made me lazy about cutting my toenails, I had only myself to blame.

Alison was in, happily, and let me use her phone to ring Drake Locksmith, who said he’d be at my home in Welbeck Street in half an hour. Alison obligingly lent me her nail clippers, and I removed my bloody sock and trimmed the sharp corner on the offending keratin. “For water on the knee, wear pumps,” I recalled from my childhood days, “and for water on the brain you need a tap on the head.” I’d thought it was funny when I was eight. Sixty years later it didn’t seem so amusing. Second childhood? No thanks.

The Drake Locksmith van arrived exactly on time and a personable young man with a bag of tools assessed the problem. “I’m going to have to break in,” he apologised, “and then we can look at the lock.”

I had expected no less. I watched from the comfort of a borrowed brolly, fascinated as he wielded a tool which looked like a cross between a chisel and a shovel, and carefully inserted it in just the right place to force the locking bolts open. It is not simply the bolt engaged by the key that secures the door, but others came into play automatically. Once he’d managed to move these, it wasn’t too difficult to gain entry, which was an enormous relief.

It transpired that a metal lever had snapped. Mr Drake had a replacement mechanism with him. Despite his expertise it didn’t go in easily, and the barrel lock, when returned to the door, still felt reluctant.

Alison, who had arrived while the locksmith was working, concurred. “I’ve always had trouble locking the door,” she said.

“Okay.” In for a penny, in for a pound, I thought – this was turning out to be an expensive day. I bought a new lock and keys. The young man must have felt a bit sorry for me, and told me he’d let me have them for the price he’d paid for them.

Eventually, the job was done, and lighter in heart as well as pocket, I bade him farewell.

I changed my footwear to go into town and caught the bus. I remembered to post the card, found what I wanted at Gough and Davy and waited in the bank while an attractive assistant in a mask found the information I needed. It was odd to sit and wait, but there was a no queueing policy inside the building. The air smelled of sanitising fluid.

I queued for half an hour outside the phone shop, and when eventually admitted, had to beg the assistant to look at my phone. “I’m a dinosaur,” I explained, in my distressed pensioner’s voice, “and I don’t know if it needs topping-up or what, or how to find out.” He put on some rubber gloves in case my phone was alive with malevolent bacteria and pushed buttons.

It transpired, however, that I was well in credit, but that the network was down in my area. “They’ve sent you a text about it,” the counter assistant explained. I didn’t point out that the text had been sent at three o’ clock in the afternoon and my phone hadn’t been working since ten that morning. “So what do I do?” I quavered.

He grinned. “Easy. Turn it to airplane mode, then back to normal,” he said. “I’ve done it for you.”

“Faster than the eye could follow,” I complimented him.

“No charge sir,” he said, and then seeing my puzzled expression, elucidated. “Not your phone, that’s fully charged. I mean this hasn’t cost you anything.”

I thanked him sincerely, reflecting that perhaps the day was turning out for the better.

And indeed it was. That evening I zoomwatched Craig, Mike and David rehearse the script for next week’s presentation, delighted that they put so much extra into the words than a simple cold text delivery. I admonished myself for getting so grumpy. I’m blessed with good friends, willing, able and talented, and seeing them had reduced the trials of the day into insignificance. “Thought for the day,” I told myself, grabbing a pencil to jot it down, “Without Freemasonry, I’d never have met any of them.”

Eddie Wildman


Friday 31st July 2020

Visit to Dagger Lane 

Parking wasn’t the problem we expected. Craig slid the hatchback into a convenient space in Zebedee’s Yard and we paid £1.00 for an hour. “We should be done by then,” I said hopefully.

Originally we’d intended to go to Dagger Lane on Monday morning, but Craig was picking up his son’s car from a Hull garage on the Friday and it made sense to use the time rather than journey especially over the Humber Bridge the following week. Craig picked me up in the speed machine, and we loaded up the screen we normally use for Daggards presentations before driving into Hull. The TV screen is quite light and we hoisted it to the Lodge along with Craig’s very heavy bag of electronic wizardry, lap-top, cables and extension lead.

There was nobody at Dagger Lane, surprisingly, but as WM I had keys. We took the gear inside and tapped the code into the alarm system after sanitising our hands at the dispenser conveniently on the wall by Victoria’s bust. It may have been my imagination, but her majesty seemed to nod in approval at this elementary precaution – or it may have been at the prominently displayed “Keep your distance” sign.

There were still tasks to do in the building, we noticed. We glanced at the dining room – the tables by the kitchen doors were stacked with culinary equipment, but we didn’t go further: Terry Fisher had warned us that the wet room opposite the kitchen was being rendered and re-plastered – the mystery of the unaccountable damp was now apparently solved and the problem was being addressed. While I would have liked to have lingered and taken photographs to show you all, we were on a time limit.

The stairway and landings were newly and beautifully carpeted. I have been given to understand that the carpet originally intended for the Red Room was found to have a fault in the design, which given the large area displayed, was unacceptable. The firm supplying the carpet had replaced it, of course, but had no use for the original, so the entrance, staircase, conference room, hall entrance and landing have now been enhanced.

There was no access to the downstairs loo – I’d been told the floor is being replaced. The corridor thereto showed evidence of work in progress – a lonely pedestal stood outside the door as if waiting its turn to go in.

Upstairs, judging by the equipment awaiting the return of the workmen, there were still tasks to be completed, but Craig and I entered the Lodge Room, happy to put down the screen and the accompanying gear.

It was a pleasure to see the Lodge Room again. Work had been done behind the WM’s chair – a striking improvement, I thought. I hadn’t realised how much I’d missed the place until I stood on the chequered floor.

The next part of this narrative takes me out of my comfort zone, for what I do not know about computers, satellites, Internet, and other electronics would fill the Encyclopaedia Britannica.  Craig maintains I have an inimical aura which interferes with electronic equipment: computer programmes crash, watches start to go backwards and mobile telephones die.

Fortunately Craig has the opposite effect; electrons dance to his instructions and his almost intuitive understanding of how electronic functions interface is matched only by his knowledge of the esoteric Orders in Freemasonry. He has, however, informed me that if I ever intend to visit a nuclear installation he wishes to be as far away as possible – the other side of the world for preference.

The reason for our visit was to rehearse the set up for the next meeting, so that the Lodge could be opened in the regular manner (observing social distancing, etc.) and then I would call off the Lodge, and Craig, having prepared everything in advance, would link us all in to the Humber Zoom meeting. That way we and our distant visitors would be able to see the presentation “Dennis at the Provincial Masters Forum” followed by the Masonic Health and Safety Expert, Mark Richardson speaking regarding Dagger Lane, Freemasonry and the coronavirus.

While writing this (2nd August) I am aware there have been changes in government instructions and restrictions; I am not yet sure what the outcome will be but am awaiting guidance from Province. Technically (UGLE rulings) a meeting must be called, and if necessary, abandoned, which I am loth to do. But your wellbeing, Brethren, is of paramount importance. Watch this space! Ian Syddall is in contact with the Province and will let us know as soon as he can what the situation is.

However, back to setting up the equipment – Craig in his element, me in my default state of bewilderment.

Craig showed me how to use my mobile phone to log in while he sorted the screen in front of the SW’s pedestal. We were a while finding the Wi-Fi password. Wi-Fi, Craig told me, is an abbreviation for Wireless Fidelity. This didn’t help much. When I was young a wireless was a big box with valves in it that had to be plugged into a socket on the wall. It was badly named, because it was full of wires. I’m sure it sounded superior, too, but am uncomfortably aware the real reason is that nowadays I’m becoming increasingly deaf. Back in the sixties I could follow the piccolo all the way up to the roof. Sic transit Gloria mundi.

Hopefully, when the Lodge is called off (i.e. temporarily closed) and we connect to Zoom, it should be possible to whizz a camera round the Lodge so that we can all wave to our watchers. While we’re in our own aprons and collars, the Office collars belonging to the Lodge won’t be used – it is going to take some time before we reach anything approaching normality, but I’m sure you are all as eager as I am to resume the fraternal fellowship we enjoy. I was talking to the PGM last week, and he is keen to promote Freemasonry as much as we can during the crisis and is encouraging us to meet when possible (and safe).

While the Brethren attending the Lodge (and do let us know if you’re coming, Brethren, don’t drop in unexpectedly) are opening the meeting, David Terry will be hosting the Humber Zoom. As soon as we call off, we’ll join the Zoom, which for the first part features Craig Maurier (Dennis) and the professorial mentors Skirrett and Tassell (Dave Terry and Mike Noble.) It’s a power point presentation in the usual light-hearted Daggards style. Mark Richardson (who knows Dagger Lane very well and has advised UGLE and Province during the current crisis) will then have a few well-chosen words of advice and encouragement before the Lodge calls on again, and Dagger Lane goes off-line (if that’s the correct expression.) David will close the Zoom while I close the Lodge: have your glasses ready for the final toast!

Fingers crossed, we’re ready to roll on the 11th – providing my phone doesn’t blow up or (as has happened at Dagger Lane) there’s a power cut. The rehearsal had gone well. Craig managed to get everything connected and working (and dismantled again) with five minutes to spare!

I’m looking forward to seeing you all, one way or another.

Keep safe.

Eddie Wildman


Monday 27th July 2020

In the light of the restrictions necessitated by precautions against the pandemic, the meeting of the Provincial Grand Stewards Chapter 9611 at Trinity Lane Beverley was surprisingly succesful. Although numbers were limited (sixteen attended) the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent Jeffrey Gillyon and the Deputy Grand Superintendent, Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith were present for the truncated installation ceremony, in which the MEZ E Comp Bill Glanville installed his succesor, E Comp Richard Smedley of the Humber Chapter. Humber Brethren were well represented: see the more detailed report on the Humber Chapter page.


4th July 2020

 W Bro Gordon Wiles has completed the Rocking Horse! (Scroll down to 9th June for a picture of Gordon and his horse-in-progress.) He sent us a photograph of the completed project: what a delight for the grandchildren! 

 I asked Gordon if he could tell us more about his project: here is his response.


 My love for the horse dates back to the 1940’s. My Father served in the 1st World War. He was shot straight through the chest removing a large section of flesh from his back on its way out. He survived but suffered horrendous health with chest problems.

 He had my totally blind mother and five children. His daily avocation was Shire Horses. I was the young one so I shared his love for the horse. Each Sunday he would take me to the stables, select one of the Shires, promptly place me on its back and take me in town to the “HOSS WASH”. During any air raid he would leave his family of five under the stairs: his priority was the Stables and the Shires. After the raid he would return home and check on the family.

 Sadly in 1946/7 the Shires became redundant along with my father. The winter of 1947 killed him; he was only fifty, and myself still a child of eleven years.

That explains my love for the horse. My life has never allowed me to be involved with horses, however.



 I found the current Lock-down worse than the war.

 I had cleaned my workshop and made the decision that I was to old to use my skills ever again. Depression was coming on me.

 It was my eldest Grand Daughter on the telephone who changed my mind. "Grandad," she said, "you must get involved in one of your projects."

 My brain took control. You need a plan? Look in your archives! There it was, God knows how many years it had been there - I assume from when our Boys were children and I'd never had the time to produce it for them.

 The Timber. I decided what I required: 'Tulip wood’ this an American Poplar, and Sapele Mahogany for the stand, I rang the hardwood merchant I had used for sixty years - I'd met the current manager joining the company when I left school.

     "I'm very sorry, Gordon, we are closed; we're only preparing orders for the NHS," he said.

 I told him If I did not get something to do I would soon be part of the NHS for all the wrong reasons. The boss organised special delivery to my home by 4th May.

 I couldn't move the very rough large sections without Joy to help. We took our time. At our age we do not rise early or the days are too long.

 Slowly, slowly we reduced the timber to our planned sizes: you cannot afford to have any waste.

 Having spent most of my time in management on the phone requiring daily progress reports and with customers wishing to know when their items would be delivered, it was a pleasure to work and create without a time limit.

 Hence the completed item. The perfectionist, however, is never completely satisfied: one always feels one could do better.

 Here endeth my story on how to avoid the depression of coronavirus.

 Peace be with you and keep you safe,

 Gordon and Joy Wiles. 



19th May 2020

Richard Smedley has been doing extensive work in the garden. Here is his account 


So what does a Mason do without Freemasonry?


Dear Brethren


So what does a Mason do when in lockdown from his Freemasonry? There is of course a plethora of answers, and many are equally beneficial to himself, his family or his community.

In my house, the hiatus that is the Annual Provincial Convocation is immediately followed by Hessle West Open Gardens in which we participate. The open garden scheme has been run for many years around the country and raises money for a number of local and national charities. Hessle West Open Gardens consists of about twenty houses in the village who open their gardens to the public. Some of those houses not only open their gardens to view but sell refreshments, plants, ice creams or occasionally have live entertainment. Each year the event raises in excess of £8000 through entry fees and sales. Half of all proceeds each year goes to Dove House Hospice and the other half is usually split between a small group of local charities. The Scouts get a sizeable donation as each year they provide and drive their minibus around a constant circuit of the houses to aid those who can’t walk round the whole village to visit those gardens on the outskirts. 

So what do we need to do to achieve a garden to be proud of, or at least not to be ashamed of? Simply put – bloody hard graft! 

She who must be obeyed (my good lady wife – Isabel) and I start work in January each year and finish at 10:29am on the morning of Open Gardens ready to open the gates at 10:30am, often to queuing families out early to miss the crush. 

Typically my twin sons take it in turns to sit at the entrance to the garden collecting entry money whilst I perambulate around the garden welcoming visitors. Isabel, who is the font of all gardening knowledge, answers those questions beyond “Who mows the lawn?” for it is well known that my role in the garden is to only dig where I am told and only cut what has been pointed out to me. Any other action could suffer the wrath of the titans multiplied ten-fold.

For the last two years I have been working in London during the week and only home at the weekend; the minimum work on the garden has therefore been undertaken in that period. It was apparent that the flora of the garden had snuck up on me in that time. My wife in her dulcet tones considered it to be a good move to go through the garden and remove the ivy that had surreptitiously crept up trees, along hedges and flourished in those areas less than regularly visited. I pulled at the first section of ivy and continued for the next seven muscle-tiring days, gradually collecting and piling it up for disposal. Some of it was almost as thick as my wrist. The pile continued to get larger each day until as you can see we had quite a bonfire. 

The greenhouse was emptied and cleaned and prepared for an abundance of seedlings to be raised for the vegetable plot. 

 The rotovator was dusted off and the vegetable patch was dug, rotovated and tilthed. Potatoes were planted and what was once a wasteland of weed returned to an orderly and productive part of the garden. 

And so to the garden itself. Compost bins were emptied, mulch dug in and well-rotted manure brought a new fragrance to the neighbours. Which reminds me of a piece of corporate text I found which may amuse those in management.






 ~Today's reading is from the Book of Corporate Life, Chapter 1, verses 1-15~ 


In the beginning was the Plan.
And then came the Assumptions. 
And the Assumptions were without form. 
And the Plan was without Substance. 
And darkness was upon the face of the Workers. 
And the Workers spoke among themselves saying, "It is a crock of sh*t and it stinks." 
And the Workers went unto their Supervisors and said, "It is a crock of dung and we cannot live with the smell." 
And the Supervisors went unto their Managers saying, "It is a container of organic waste, and it is very strong, such that none may abide by it."


And the Managers went unto their Directors, saying, "It is a vessel of fertilizer, and none may abide its strength."
And the Directors spoke among themselves, saying to one another, "It contains that which aids plant growth, and it is very strong." 
And the Directors went to the Vice Presidents, saying unto them, "It promotes growth, and it is very powerful." 
And the Vice Presidents went to the President, saying unto him, "It has very powerful effects." 
And the CEO looked upon the Plan and saw that it was good. 
And the Plan became Policy. 
And that is how sh*t happens.




Uncannily it is also how I get to do all the less than glamorous jobs around the garden. Isabel produces the PLAN and I eventually have to follow policy. Many of you menfolk may feel some sympathy with this position! 

One of the areas of the garden for which I am much maligned is my water feature. For those in the know, this masterpiece of engineering and architecture was formed out of two baths that I ripped out of the house during renovation and I couldn’t be bothered taking them to the tip.


Anyway, since that day, my wife and children have always experienced much hilarity as I sit explaining to the garden’s visitors what a masterpiece of sustainable engineering and recycling it is. 

After several months of hard work, the day dawns that is Hessle West Open Gardens and some of my friends and Brethren I know have visited and enjoyed a glorious Spring day wandering around noseying into our gardens. 

Most memorably for me in this period of meteoric calm after the storm, was the year when Isabel was almost apoplectic with rage when a gentleman who was quietly wandering around the garden was periodically seen to point and utter under his breath “WEED”, “WEED”. An enraged Spaniard holding it together is itself a picture to behold. 

Anyway Brethren, as you all know, this year Covid 19 has put the kibosh on the social gathering that is Hessle West Open Gardens. However we have continued to work in the garden as much for our own wellbeing as the need to prepare the garden for those non-existent visitors. I hope you enjoy the photos below.




This year, many charities will have lost their funding through the difficulties of Covid 19. Those charities which we support for Hessle West Open Gardens are no different. Isabel and I hope that we can continue supporting these charities for many years to come and maybe we will see many more of you wandering around our garden next year to replenish the coffers so denuded this year.

All our thoughts to you and your families

Richard & Isabel Smedley.


8th May 2020


May Day, traditionally held on a Monday, has this year been moved back four days to Friday the 8th, to coincide with VE Day, celebrating Victory in Europe, seventy-five years after World War 2 - the day when fighting against Nazi Germany came to an end in Europe. 

While this is not a vehicle for any political observations, I must confess I chuckled when one of our members sent a meme on WhatsApp. 

This is the second time the May Day Bank Holiday has been moved - the first time it was changed from 1st May to 8th May 1995 to mark the 50th Anniversary of the event.

However, the extensive celebrations anticipated some months ago have not taken place; the Coronavirus lock-down has prevented the street gatherings and parties which might have been anticipated, and though the Red Arrows performed with Red White and Blue and suitable programmes were aired on radio and TV, the invidious prescence of another enemy could not be ignored. Hull is not as badly affected as some other cities, but between 29th February and 24th April there have been fifty-two coronavirus-related deaths. At the time of writing, the UK has suffered over 31.000 fatalities.

 Despite this, there have been celebrations for VE Day. Our Royal Arch Representative spent time with the family in the garden for a barbecue; David Terry and Marion dressed in red, white and blue and drank wine while Johny Spitfire sang war-time melodies and spent the afternoon in the garden enjoying the fabulous weather with which we've been blessed. In the early evening, I opened the front room window and played a piano selection of war-time favourites for the neighbours, 

some of whom sang along. I concluded with "Land of Hope and Glory". The spirit of victory despite overwhelming odds has seemed to pervade the country, and the Queen's speech invoked the Blitz spirit, saying "We will succeed and better days will come."

 Never despair.

Andrew Paulls sent a photograph of a WW2 jeep that was on Omaha Beach which he'd seen in Withernwick on VE Day. It survived, he told me, because its engine failed. Andrew said he'd spent the afternoon with a few beers reflecting on that event and the parallels with the current crisis.

 Richard Smedley had been labouring in the garden: he and Isobel subscribe to the Open Garden Scheme (unlikely to happen this year, alas) and was enjoying the break from work - unlike many, he is extraordinarily busy as a number of huge projects have to be completed by the end of the month. Richard's account appears above.

 Phil Watts had also turned his attention to the garden. Linda told me he was very good at it.

 Trevor Whitfield had decorated the outside of his house with a large union flag ("It's only a union jack if flying on a naval vessel" he informed me) and huge red, white and blue rosettes. The village had put out bunting, and though the villagers were self-isolating, there was a tremendous atmosphere. 




20th March 2020

Just before the lock-down, this photograph appeared in the Yorkshire Mason (which was obviously printed before the onset of the global pandemic) showing our own Junior Warden, Bro Charles Alexander presenting a cheque to the City of Hull Street Angels Charity, which looks out for vulnerable people. A tombola held during the day raised a further £600.

In these troubled times particularly we need to turn our thoughts to others: thanks, Chasa, you're a sterling example to us all!





Tuesday 17th March 2020

All Lodges, Chapters etc. suspended for four months by command of the Grand Master.

Devastating news, but in the light of the global crisis confronting us, this decision by HRH the Duke of Kent is the only sensible solution: while there are young, fit and vibrant members, we also have a plethora of venerable and vulnerable Freemasons and attending meetings would put them (and those who look after them) at risk.

The following communique has appeared in a seperate email.


Message from the WM of Humber Lodge 57 (the premier Lodge)


Brethren, it’s with mixed feelings I’m sending this out because I know how well our meetings have been going. It’s been a delight to sit in the Master’s Chair and watch you all doing the ritual with such excellence and enthusiasm. It has been a pleasure to see the smiles on the faces of you all – and of the visitors both upstairs and at the Festive Board. I was looking forward to the next meeting, with Miss Eglin and the Ladies, and to our Founder’s Night with Jack passing to the degree of a Fellow Craft. I’ve been making plans for later in the year. I’ve enjoyed visiting on behalf of the Humber Lodge and given greetings on our behalf at twenty-six Lodges to date.

 It’s with real regret that the plug has been pulled: no more meetings for four months. It feels like a punishment, and I know many of you feel the same way. You enjoy your Freemasonry, and you’re not being allowed to practise it.



I have expected something like this for a while. When the initial warnings were voiced about Brethren at risk, I began to take notice: some of our lads are quite elderly.  Lincolnshire closed as a Province, so did Yorkshire West Riding. A meeting of the RWPGM with his senior Officers and administrators promoted advice to curtail or minimise meetings, with the injunction that only the Grand Master himself was authorised to suspend activities. I began to worry about what to do: with our long and colourful history it seemed ridiculous to interrupt the flow because of some insidious virus. And then common sense brought me up short. This morning’s radio was doom and gloom about far bigger issues than Freemasonry (I don’t have a TV, so you are probably much better informed) and many people’s lives and businesses will be ruined. The national – and global – economy is in crisis. The country is in trouble – and so is the rest of the world. (And here was I worrying about meeting at Dagger Lane.)

 It occurred to me that HRH the Duke of Kent has made exactly the right move.

 However healthy we may feel, at the moment, any of us could be carrying the virus (and possibly already infected and not yet aware of it.) Those of you who are young and fit may be relatively unaffected by it, or merely suffer a few days of distress while you get over it. You could have picked it up inadvertently on a door handle, or on some loose change passed by a shopkeeper. But in the same way, you could unconsciously pass it on to somebody else.

 Our government is acting positively to contain it, and the advice about over seventies and vulnerable people staying at home is sensible, though being in shutdown mode is not great fun.

 I’m not yet seventy but am trying to avoid physical contact with people – I would hate to be responsible for anybody becoming terminally ill because I stood too close to them – or shook their hand.  

 So while I’m regretting that for the next four months (at least) there will be no meetings of the premier Lodge, I confess that I’m glad the decision has been taken out of my hands.


 I don’t want inaction to lead to loss of interest. Perhaps some of you technical experts could set up a Humber Whatsapp or suchlike so that we are still communicating? (I’m aware that some of you use Facebook, but that seems a bit too open outside FM, if you see what I mean.) I will continue to put things on the website from time to time (including this document) and would welcome any material to air on there. I have some comments by Phil Watts and Trevor Whitfield, but there’s room for plenty more. Any ideas?

 Thank heaven for emails! How did we manage without them?

 Communication is important for those of us unable to get out and about much – as our Almoner is currently shutdown in Malaga, I took the liberty of ringing some of our less mobile chaps, and they all said how pleased they were to be able to chat – and if you can spare a few minutes to ring someone you’ve not seen for a bit, please do!

From the WM

Eddie Wildman



Friday 13th March 2020

As this was a third degree ceremony and there was nobody to accompany the 2nd degree Brother during the time he was not in the Lodge Room, the guest organist (currently WM of the premier Lodge) absented himself at an appropriate juncture and acted as Mentor. Stimulating conversation ensued, the questions leading to the third degree giving rise to a discussion of one of the two books in the Bible with a female name and its connection with Freemasonry.  De la Pole Lodge 1605 is rich in Mentors, but many were involved with the ceremony, and some were absent. It is likely that the absences will increase; a recommendation from Grand Lodge that in the light of the imminent coronavirus pandemic the more elderly and less hale Brethren refrain from risking infection through visiting Lodges is being taken seriously. Indeed, a number of Active Provincial Officers who were supposed to be attending the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Paul Johnson on his first official visit, had sent apologies. Nonetheless, it was an enjoyable meeting: Bro Robert Borkowski responded magnificently to the test questions and enjoyed an excellent ceremony of Raising. Your intrepid blogger discovered at the Festive Board that tomorrow's meeting (Lord Bolton 3263) was unable to field a quorum in the evening, but would open and close in the morning with a minimum number of Brethren to ensure continuity: this may have to continue during the crisis. Similarly, the Holderness 3563 meeting on Monday would no longer be a ceremony: yours truly was not required! The APGM spoke of the difficult times ahead, noting that the annual convocation ceremonies of two other Provinces had already been cancelled.

Thursday 12th March 2020

W Bro Garry Edward Millett was installed into the Chair of King Solomon by W Bro Ian Johnson, who during his year in office had been elevated to the rank of APGM. For the former, this was not an unfamiliar role, he having been Master four times previously, but he carefully invested younger Brethren in significant offices with a view to the steady development of the Lodge over the next few years. For the latter, who had steered the Lodge through its centenary with aplomb, it was with some satisfaction that he relinquished to role to so experienced a successor, considering the heavy Provincial responsibilities impinging upon him. Not least of these is the maintaining of Freemasonry during the impending challenge of the coronavirus. Some countries have closed schools and forbidden meetings of large numbers of people; while the UK is keeping calm and not panicking (except for the pandemic purchase of toilet rolls, supermarket shelves being emptied as soon as fresh supplies arrive) there is naturally some doubt as to whether the larger Masonic events may have to be postponed until later in the year. The representative of the RWPGM W Bro Peter Mawer PAGDC alluded to this in his response to the fifth toast at the Festive Board. It is so much a part of our culture in the Craft that it is almost automatic to shake hands: a number of Brethren were nonplussed when I stood back and returned a court bow. No offence is intended. The growing practice of bumping elbows lacks dignity, I feel. Despite this, it was a happy evening, enhanced with Peter Spencer's singing of the Masonic Anthem in the Lodge Room and the Masters Song downstairs. All joined him in the chorus of "Happy to meet again" at the conclusion of the meeting.



Wednesday 11th March 2020

Minerva Lodge 250 was disappointingly low in numbers, and the Brethren could not fail to speculate whether the current concerns about the corona virus were discouraging attendance. Certainly last minute adjustments had to be made and some ritual had to be delivered by some of the Brethren without the benefit of rehearsal beforehand, though every effort was made to give the Candidate a Raising Ceremony to remember. He was well prepared, answering the questions leading to the third degree without hesitation, and obviously had  been impressed by the experience of being raised to the degree of a Master Mason; he mentioned it at the Festive Board, highlighting points which often escape the attention of those undergoing the ceremony. The stand-in Secretary had announced during the opening that the Brethren should get into the habit of refraining from handshakes for the duration of the pandemic, but those who are familiar with the third degree ritual will appreciate that for some of the Brethren, brief contact was essential for part of the ceremony. But  there was not the slightest hint of a cough, sniffle or sneeze from anyone. The Worshipful Master, W Bro Mark Hartley reminded the Brethren afterwards that the Lodge of Instruction Final Night would be on Monday March 30th, and W Bro Danny Betts, Lecture Master, exhorted the Brethren to concentrate on learning their lines. W Bro Eddie Wildman gave greetings from the Humber Lodge, having been organist during the evening.


Tuesday 10th March 2020

In light of the guidance from Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge, the Worshipful Master made an announcement before opening Humber Lodge's regular meeting that until the increasing issues of the corona virus are resolved, the customary handshake shared between Brethren would be replaced by a court bow, an inclination of the head  in acknowlement which precludes physical contact. The Brethren nodded in agreement (or perhaps they were giving court bows) taking these comments very seriously. The WM went on to advise that the virus can be spread through money, and suggested that if the Brethren had any money at home, they should put on their gloves, place the notes and coins in plastic bags and leave them outside their front doors that night. The Master would collect all the plastic bags for safety, thinking of the health of the Brethren. This suggestion was not taken seriously.

The meeting was well supported. Not all the Brethren were able to to stay for the Festive Board afterwards, but the Lodge Room was very well attended. This included W Bro Malcolm Coates and his son Michael, who had come especially to hear W Bro Wheeldon's presentation on Hull General Cemetery and the Grand Lodge Above. John R Wheeldon PPGStwd had worked assiduously researching his material and taking photographs: he began with an exposition about the building of the Cemetery (one of the first garden cemeteries in the country) to supply the demands of the increasing population, and its developments following the two nineteenth century cholera epidemics in Hull. A monument still stands to recognise the 700 victims buried there. Moving from the general to the particular, he spoke of the significant Victorian figures who had been interred in the Spring Bank site (with a map showing how the surrounding area has developed over time) and dilated on their contribution to society in general and to the city in particular. "It's a who's who of Victorian and early 20th Century Hull; a time capsule of the period that can take you back through forgotten streets to lost industries and occupations. Stories of ordinary people and remarkable people; heroic tales of daring and sacrifice, of success and failure; desperately sad tales of diease, poverty and child mortality." He spoke of the trials of the sea-faring community and the grave of Captain John Gravill of the Steam Whaler Diana. In the arctic winter of 1866 the ship was stranded in the frozen sea. Gavill's body returned with the few remaining crew fourteen months later and the funeral was attended by thousands. Illustrated slides of eminent Masonic figures (the busts and portraits of whom adorn the building at Dagger Lane) now entombed in the general cemetery were shown He mentioned, among many others, Keyworth, whose sculptures of contemporary figures can be seen around the city along with those of Thomas Earle (the Earles went on later to found what became Blue Circle Cement and the Earle Shipping Company.) W Bro Wheeldon spoke of John Pearson Bell, nodding to the bust of that character in the Lodge Room) and likewise of Zachariah Pearson and Frank Appleyard. The memorial to the latter was commisioned by Appleyard's daughter and Earle's wife, Mary. A close-up photograph showed details of Masonic symbols on the monument. Thomas Flint and Henry Blundell were also buried in the Hull General Cemetery.

Rarely has this writer heard such attention afforded to a speaker: this lecture was outstanding. W Bro Wheeldon concluded by saying he had only scratched the surface of what HGC has to offer, but that it is a much neglected historical resource, and that the Brethren might consider having a look round next time they pass.

W Bro Tony Randle from the Sykes Lodge 1040 spoke of the Provincial Response to the Members Pathway before the WM closed the Lodge in due form, and the Brethren retired downstairs for a meal. It was not a long evening, but a pleasant one, and this writer, doubtless like many others, went home reflecting on what he'd learned and resolving to pay a visit to Hull General Cemetery very soon. The proceeds of the raffle were donated to the Friends of Hull General Cemetery, of which W Bro Wheeldon is a member. The Friends are constantly in need of help to assist in providing tools and materials to improve this laudable enterprise.

Today has seen an advance in Masonic knowledge by many Brethren. On behalf of the Humber Lodge 57, I thank you all, Brethren and visitors alike, for being there.

[Photograph of J R Wheeldon by ERW. Photograph of  J P Bell (portrait by Benjamin Hudson) by J R Wheeldon.]


Saturday 7th March 2020 pm

Having given greetings as WM Master of the Humber Lodge earlier in the day at the seaside town of Scarborough, Eddie Wildman again gave greetings in the evening at the Antient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Beverlonian Lodge 9084, which meets in the historic town of Beverley. This was once the tenth largest trading town in England, and as a wool-trading centre, one of the richest. It was also a significent venue for pilgrims. Beverley Minster, close to the Lodge building, is one of the largest parish churches in the UK.

Though the attendance at the Lodge was a little disappointing (it is possible that the current Beverlonian Lodge Nº 9084scares of the coronavirus are discouraging people from meeting in large numbers) those who were present enjoyed a brilliant illustrated lecture about The Naming and Numbering of Lodges by W Bro Dr Rod Taylor PAGDC PPSGW. His delivery made what could have been a dry, dusty monologue a vibrant, engaging explanation of the amalgamation of the Ancients and the Moderns, and the circumstances and reasons for the subsequent renumbering of the Lodges. This was of particular interest to the Humber contingent, as their number has been changed three times. This entertaining advance in Masonic knowledge was followed by Masonic Meat Pie, and the festive board finished in good time. This author, for one, was grateful for the opportunity to enjoy an early night!

Saturday 7th March 2020 am 

Denison Lodge 1248 of Antient Free and Accepted Masons (the summons retaining the old spelling) used to meet in the evenings, but is now a "Daylight Lodge" which has made it popular with the more elderly Brethren who do not like to eat at night; this idea has also proved succesful in other parts of the Province. Consequently, it was an early set-off to travel from Hull to Scarborough to arrive in time for the 10:30 start. John Wheeldon, is a good driver, however, and we arrived in plenty of time. As an Officer of Provincial Grand Lodge Stewards Lodge 9611 and as the DC for the Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro Wheeldon considers it only good manners to arrive at a venue before the Representative, and this was the case; W Bro Andrew Popely arrived as John was checking the Lodge Room to ensure the correct seats were marked with reserved notices for the Installation ceremony. A notable absence was the the Installing WM, however. A family crisis prevented his attendance, and earlier that morning the Past Masters had rallied round to find a substitute at short notice. W Bro Michael (Tom) Tomlinson rose magnificently to the occasion, and conducted the Installation of W Bro Christopher R Harland PPSGD with remarkable élan. 

Friday 6th March 2020

It was an unusual night at Brough Lodge 5464: a double initiation ceremony where the two candidates were the son and the son-in-law of the Immediate Past Master, W Bro Tony Calvert. The Lodge was opened in due form by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Anthony Schofield, who then ceded the chair to the IPM for the main business of the evening. The ritual was superb, the younger Brough members in particular impressing the visitors with their able floorwork and confident movement round the Lodge Room. The visitors were there in force: several Lodges were represented, but none so well as the Humber Lodge 57, which had fourteen members standing to order as the Worshipful Master, Eddie Wildman, gave greetings on behalf of the premier Lodge in the Province. Many thanks to Charles Alexander, Tim Brown, Carl Cross, Ian Douglas, David Field, Craig Fish, Terry Fisher, Mark Lindsay, Craig Morrison, Andrew Paulls, Stanley Smith, Ian Syddall and Antony Weeks for helping to make the evening special by being there! Well done all.

[L to R: Lee Meadows, EA; Anthony Schofield, WM; Christopher Calvert, AE; Tony Calvert IPM. Photograph by ERW]


Thursday 5th March 2020

St Cuthbert's Lodge 630 at Howden raised the Inner Guard, Bro Tony Clark, to the degree af a Master Mason in a Lodge well attended by representatives of the Lodge of St Michael 7833 (and the writer of this article thanks Bro Stokes for kindly driving him along with other members of the Lodge to and from the meeting,) Holderness Lodge 3563 and of course Humber Lodge 57. As the Lodge Mentor was heavily involved in the ceremony, W Bro Wildman offered to retire with the  Holderness Initiate and the St Cuthbert's Fellow Craft during the third degree to study the Master Mason's certificate and the Masonic elements thereof. (He returned to play the organ for the Closing.) The Festive Board was excellent, and the caricature of one of St Cuthbert's younger Master Masons, Bro Tom Wade, was scribbled on the paper tablecloth: this Lodge has a fine collection of such portraits collected over the years. Tom wins the prize for the most exciting haircut in the Province. Well done, St Cuthbert's!

[Photograph by Bro Glen Wade]

Wednesday 4th March 2020

kingston logo.jpgKingston Lodge 1010 was understanding when the Worshipful Master did not attend: his wife, who has been ill for some time had taken a turn for the worse and W Bro Michael Price quite correctly elected to stay with her. Consequently the IPM, W Bro Louis Morgan took the Chair for the 2nd degree demonstration. It is possible that the unusually low attendance was because of the coronavirus worries; at least one Brother was consciously self-isolating after a trip abroad, but the ceremonial was untypically patchy, with Brethren stepping in at the last minute to perform ritual. Bro Chris Fuller again agreed to act as the Candidate for the evening, and remarked afterwards on the differences between the Emulation working and the somewhat streamlined ritual of his mother Lodge, Phoenix 9963. W Bro Paul Hillary gave a presentation about the way forward, promoting the importance of social media in today's society, and W Bro Eddie Wildman (representing Humber 57 along with W Bro Malcolm Forbes) presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Kingston's newest Brother. 


Tuesday 3rd March 2020

Eight members of the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 attended the installation of W Bro Barry Reginald Jeffrey as WM of the Lodge of Established Order 9822 in the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire. Barry is a member of the RTL and was pleased to invite Brethren from north of the Humber to see how differently the Brethren do things in Barton. W Bros Terry Fisher (WM of 9586) and Eddie Wildman (organist) being members of the Humber Lodge 57 represented the lowest numbered Lodge from the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings as well as one of the latest - the Ridings Tablers' Lodge was consecrated in 1995. LEO's warrant is dated 2006: it is still a teenager, and full of energy. It was a fun evening. W Bro Andrew Green (a member of both RTL and LEO) sang the Worshipful Masters Song with panache, ably accompanied by W Bro G P Steen - and everyone present joined in the choruses with great enthusiasm. Congratulations to Barry - and to the Brethren of the Lodge of Established Order for the welcome accorded to all the visitors on this splendid occasion.




March 2020


 David Terry, our Almoner, has escaped incarceration in Spain! Here's his account of shut-down in Malaga!


Some years ago, Marion and I found ourselves in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. We had enjoyed a week sailing around and visiting some of the Galapagos Islands and were regrouping at a hotel before taking a small plane out to a lodge on the Napo River, a tributary of the Amazon.  It would be cash only in this remote location.  This was no problem as I had plenty of travellers cheques (remember them?) and four different credit and debit cards.


 The local bank and all subsequent banks we visited rejected our cheques.  We couldn’t understand why. The  cashiers had plenty to say to us but our Spanish was limited to “ dos cerveza por favor” !


 Locating a bank of ATMs I tried my credit and debit cards, all of which were rejected followed by an unintelligible (to Marion and I) screen of Spanish text. I


 t was at this point I started to panic and Marion uttered the words “This is ridiculous! I’m going to learn to speak Spanish”. She was as good as her word and on her return to the UK started her education under the tutelage of Isobel Smedley!


 There’s no substitute when learning a language, I’m told, than to immerse oneself in the country itself. Frequent visits to Spain have been the order of the day since our Amazonian adventure.


 Last year we spent a month in Malaga where Marion attended the Picasso Language School whilst I made an in-depth study of the local bars. I’m progressing, I can manage “una caña, por favor” or “ una copa de vino tinto, por favor”. Friends were made in the bars of Malaga old town so we decided to return this year and enjoy the spring sunshine, the fish platters and the rioja.


 11th March 2020


 We travelled to Leeds Bradford Britannia Hotel where we disinfected all surfaces; had probably the nearest thing to a school dinner I’ve had in years in the hotel restaurant (I’d forgotten what tinned carrots tasted like) and slept like a baby after partaking of “happy hour”.


 The flight, courtesy of Jet2, was full. Crowds of young people heading off to Torremolinos and Benalmadena in search of sun, sangria and whatever else was available!   There were also a few more elderly folk wanting to ease their aching joints in the UV rays of the Costas.



Malaga appeared fairly busy as we were chauffeured to our apartment in Malaga Old Town where we were to meet an agent who would furnish us with keys for our ground floor, one bed apartment which was to be home for the next three weeks. It had security bars on the window and no patio. No problem, we were there to enjoy the fresh air, sunshine, walks by the sea and being spoiled in the restaurants and bars.  This we did for the next thirty-six hours.  Then on the Sunday afternoon all bars and restaurants were told they must close at the end of play that day. All but essential travel was curtailed and folk were told to self-isolate.




 The trip to the small local supermarket was the highlight of the day, walking 2 metres apart for three minutes, me hanging around on the street corner whilst Marion was held in a small, organised queue awaiting her turn to be let into the shop.  Shelves were reasonably well stocked and there was no panic buying.


 The ubiquitous police presence may have something to do with the good behaviour of the Spanish folk?


 We ate some interesting concoctions, prepared on the halogen hob and microwave and washed it down with wine or beer.


 We read the books we had bought at the airport and watched CNN, Sky News and some Malaga TV. The latter made me realise what a good job the BBC and ITV do.


 The police drove past the window of our apartment on a regular basis, stopping people who were out and about and enquiring as to the reason for their journey. Hefty fines could be issued.


  The realisation dawned that we should return home as soon as was possible. Jet 2 sent a text stating that our return flight which was 1st April (back in time for Humber Chapter Installation) was cancelled and gave us the comfort that we would be reimbursed at some stage during the next 28 days.


 They had put on repatriation flights on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th March. I followed the link and discovered that we could both have seats on the plane if we parted with 855 euros each! 


 Wifi in an apartment is essential these days and Marion was able to book a flight on Friday 20th with Ryanair who were not profiteering to the same extent.

The day of departure came and we ate the food left in our fridge and waited for our taxi to take us to the airport. We waited and began to panic; made phone calls to discover our driver had been stopped by the police who had set up a roadblock. He arrived, full of apologies, half an hour late. Never mind, plenty of time to get checked in. We hadn’t bargained on the roadblock on the main road heading out of town. All traffic was at a standstill. Fortunately our driver was a local who knew the back streets and we arrived at the airport in time to be checked in for the Ryanair flight.


 It was interesting looking at the variety of homemade face masks that had been constructed by my fellow passengers. Mine consisted of a freshly laundered handkerchief tied around my mouth and nose in the manner I used to when I played cops and robbers as a child. Marion looked elegant with a scarf draped carefully around her neck, mouth and nose.


 The flight home was only two thirds full so we were able to isolate ourselves somewhat but there was a collective flinch throughout the passengers when someone coughed. Congratulations must go to the cabin staff, who, although wearing masks, dealt with their charges in a most efficient and caring manner.


 The taxi journey from Leeds Bradford Airport to The Britannia Hotel, where I had left my car, was relaxed. No lock down in the UK. Okay there had been some panic buying of toilet rolls but so what?


 We arrived home late on Friday evening ready to start our two weeks of self-isolation, feeling incredibly grateful for being returned to Blighty where we had the comfort of our own home.


 This virus does make me think about what is important to me and makes me incredibly grateful for the love and friendships that we share.


 Brethren, stay in touch; look after yourselves, your families and your neighbours and KEEP WASHING YOUR HANDS!!!!


 Stay safe,


 Best wishes,


 David Terry




Friday 28th February 2020

The Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 saw a performance of Festive Board Entertainment by W Bros Eddie Wildman and Terry Lynn, and the Brethren enthusiastically joined in the singing: W Bro Lynn was in fine form, especially with his rendition of Burns' "Adieu to the Brethren", and the Worshipful Master, W Bro Terence Ward Fisher PPJGW never missed a beat in the final song, "Happy to Meet Again", seamlessly and melodiously inserting his line in the last verse. (Not surprising - W Bro Fisher is a member of the Humber Lodge  in addition to being WM of the Ridings Tablers' Lodge.) RTL has some fine singers, notably W Bro Andrew M Green PPGStB, and the actual Festive Board downstairs continued the musical experience. Indeed, the Lincolnshire Brother responding to the toast to the visitors remarked that the performance of "Brethren from the East and West" had the power of a hundred voices.  The RTL made a kind donation to the Daggards, which, as W Bro Terry Lynn explained, will be put to good charitable use.

[Photograph by the JW]

Friday 28th February 2020

Humber Lodge 57 is blessed with a superb  Almoner, who works quietly behind the scenes checking the well-being of the Brethren and their widows. Occasionally this can be pleasurable, and W Bro David Terry invited the Worshipful Master to accompany him to the care home where the late Tom Pinchbeck's widow, Vera, was in residence. It was Vera's 100th birthday, and David had bought a lovely bouquet for her to accompany the card Eddie had designed (which had been signed by the Humber Brethren at the previous Lodge meeting.) Vera was delighted with the gifts, and very charmed by David. She thanked the Lodge for thinking of her. 

While this blog is a tribute to Vera Pinchbeck, it is also a tribute to the Almoner, who spends much of his time visiting the elderly and unwell. This is much appreciated not only by the people he visits, but by the Worshipful Master and the Brethren of Humber Lodge 57 - thank you, David, for your tremendous work!

[Photograph by Brenda, Vera's daughter.]


Thursday 27th February 2020

Fitzwilliam Lodge 3023 in Rotherham celebrated its 1000th meeting by inviting The Daggards to present The Medieval Engineers to an audience including interested friends and ladies. W Bros David Terry and Eddie Wildman were well impressed by the superb Lodge in The Masonic Rooms at Rotherham Golf Club, and set up their equipment before the meeting; which the Master, W Bro George Haigh PPGReg conducted swiftly and apparently effortlessly before the Lodge closed and the guests were invited in.

The presentation was well received with everyone joining in the choruses; the part of Cedric was well played by "volunteer" Bro Tony Richardson, and the thanks afterwards were effusive and sincere. The generous proceeds of the raffle presented at the Festive Board, W Bro Terry explained, would go towards the Hull Visual Choir and the Hull Deaf Centre, who are putting on a Handsong Festival in July, with participants from all over the country. The Daggards have supported them on previous occasions, knowing that contributions are well applied and very much appreciated.

Many thanks to the Fitzwilliam Lodge for its kindness and generosity.

[Photograph by W Bro D Unwin, DC]

 Tuesday 25th February 20202

It was a pleasure not to have anything to do other than observe; while I visited in the capacity of an Excellent Companion, I was conscious that Companion Malcolm Forbes, who was also present, was the reigning Master of the Andrew Marvell Lodge while I was WM of the Humber Lodge - in which Malcolm is the Charity Steward. However, we were visiting Wilberforce Chapter 2134 at the Masonic Hall, Trinity Lane, Beverley, and setting aside our respective responsibilities of Mastership for the time being, we enjoyed sitting on the sidelines watching Bro Maurice Thorpe's exaltation. The Chapter ceremony has an elevated vocabulary and syntax in comparison with the Craft, but it was evident that the main players in the drama of the Sojourners' discovery had not merely learnt the words, but were enacting the story with understanding and conviction. The depth and warmth of the ritual - all too often garbled and misunderstood, cannot have failed to impress Companion Thorpe. Congratulations to him and to the Chapter.

Monday 24th February 2020

Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 enjoyed a white table evening: the Lodge called off after the minutes of the previous meeting had been confirmed and signed and reports received from various Brethren; and Barry Kensett's nugget demonstration of the size of the pillars at the entrance to King Solomon's Temple in cubits which was a valuable advance in Masonic education. The Lodge being called off, the visitors were invited in to hear W Bro Barry Kensett being interviewed prior to his receiving a certificate celebrating his fifty years' service to Freemasonry. W Bro Eddie Wildman (interviewing) and all present were fascinated to learn of Barry's childhood during World War 2, his grammar school education and teenage years at De Havilland Aeronautical Training School, which led to a career designing and building aeroplanes including the Airbus. Barry's wife and daughter, both present, smiled as he recounted his meeting Pat as a pupil when he was a Highland Dance Instructor, and the Brethren were surprised to learn of his many and varied hobbies. Barry became WM of the Andrew Marvell Lodge in 2005, and held different Provincial Offices, culminating in PPGSwdB. After Barry was presented with his 50 years service certificate, the guests retired and the Lodge was called on and closed. The festive board afterwards was equally delightful.

[Photograph by Ian Montgomery]

Saturday 22nd February 2020

Thesaurus Lodge 3891 held its Ladies Evening at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road; a sumpteous spread which was very well attended, followed by the toast to the ladies proposed by Bro Steve Burns, and the Ladies Song beautifully performed by Peter Spencer. The WM's lady, Mrs Maggie Johnson, responded to the toast with scintillating wit. The generous raffles (whereat the East Brothers demonstrated their organisational skills) followed, after which Hutch, a one-man band with a wide selection of music including Ratpack and Queen, performed superbly. The ladies, of course, looked magnificent.

A memorable evening, full of smiles.


Saturday 22nd February 2020

Phoenix Lodge 9963 celebrated its first Installation with a new Master. While previous meetings have been held in an upper room at the Sailmakers Arms on the High Street in Hull, for this event Dagger Lane was used to accommodate the diners after this 11 am ceremony, in which Ian Parkinson was installed as Worshipful Master, and the tricorn hat previously worn by James Steele was passed on. This "Lodge for busy working blokes" continues with its innovatory slimmed-down ritual; the festive board is only brought into play at Installations, though bar meals are available at the Sailmakers for those Brethren who wish to eat before the ceremony. Congratulations to the new team!

Friday 21st February 2020

It was a pleasant ride to the coast with the Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro David Johnstone PPSGW (it is always better to travel in company), and to be greeted with tea and cakes on arrival was an added bonus. The Installation of W Bro Peter Michael Mawer PAGDC as Worshipful Master of Burlington Lodge 3975 in Bridlington was a happy occasion. W Bro Martyn D Hennessy placed him in the figurative Chair of King Solomon with style. Nine Officers of the United Grand Lodge of England supported this event: several of the nonet were accomplished singers and the rendition of the opening and closing odes from the north-east corner of the Lodge Room in three part harmony was impressive. There were a number of visitors from Dorset, and their introduction of the sung choruses after the festive board toasts was an amusing initiative for the northern Brethren. A good evening, particularly for this writer, who was not called upon to play on this occasion. Burlington Lodge has recently celebrated its centenary, and despite rumours to the contrary, none of the founding members were present.


  Thursday 20th February  2020

The Chapter of St Michael 7833 saw the Installation of E Comp Peter Wright PPGScN as MEZ, with E Comp Peter Chapterlogo(Mobile).jpgHenry Barnes PPGReg as H and E Comp John Irving ("Bless his little cotton socks") Burton as J. While the former two have been through the Chapter Chairs previously, it was a pleasure to see John Burton newly Installed. An enthusiastic ritualist, John has distinguished himself with impressive performances of the Tracing Boards in the Craft and has been Principal Sojourner in the Royal Arch degree for some time. E Comp John Frederick Watkins, now IPZ, deserves his well-earned rest. The Chapter Organist was taken by surprise when asked to play the Song to the Principals following the toast to the same, but not as surprised as E Comp Terry Lynn on being asked to sing. However despite the two of them never having rehearsed the music together, and Eddie working entirely from memory (an increasingly difficult task nowadays) they gave a good performance and the Companions joined in the chorus with melodic enthusiasm.


Wednesday 19th February 2020

The Humber Lodge WM was flattered to be invited to play the organ during a Yorkshire West Riding meeting, and enjoyed a convivial evening in the Willow Royd Masonic Hall in West Vale, Halifax, surrounded by Yorkshire accents with possibly one or two exceptions. The occasion was at the prestigious Mexborough Lodge 6117, where the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, W Bro David S Pratt installed W Bro Robert Ian Gawain Cole as Assistant Provincial Grand Master. It was an opportunity for celebration, fanfares and stirring march music. For this writer it was also a time for a pleasant chat in the company of the well-known Masonic author, Robert Lomas, who will be delivering a lecture to the Humber Lodge in September. An excellent ceremony, followed by a superb meal in scintillating company.

[Photograph by Eddie Wildman]

Tuesday 18th February 2020

Some rehearsals go smoothly, the Brethren are on top of the words, the moves are elegant and there is a sense of achievement while the Preceptor pats himself modestly on the back because the team has worked well. Today's rehearsal was not one of these.

Monday 17th February 2020

The Holderness Lodge 3563, which came into being before the First World War and has seen many subsequent changes including a move from the East Coast from whence its name derives, now meets at Beverley Road in Hull. Tonight saw the passing of Bro Paul Foster to the Second Degree: a well performed ceremony of which the WM, W Bro Danny Betts may be justly proud. Bro Paul Foster was well in command of the answers to the questions leading to the degree of a Fellow Craft Freemason, and the Brethren delivering the ritual cannot fail to have been impressed by the close attention he gave to their renditions. The guest Organist was pleased to be able to explain the Second Degree working tools as the Brother who had intended doing them was unfortunately absent. There being few visitors staying for the Festive Board after the ceremony, the WM decided two toasts would be ample, and the Brethren vacated the tables before ten o' clock; an added bonus for those who would be going to work the following morning (and the Holderness Lodge is rich in younger Brethren.)


Saturday 15th February 20202

technical logo (Mobile).jpgOnce again, Technical Lodge 5666 passed a Brother to the Second Degree; it is encouraging to see the younger members increase in numbers and take Office within this flourishing Lodge. Visitors were few in number, but the ceremony was well supported nonetheless. The Organist was privileged to deliver the explanation of the Second Degree Working Tools to Bro Tunnicliffe and to point out their importance as they were the emblems of the Principal Officers of the Lodge. W Bro John Chapman sang "Happy to meet again" at the end of the meeting, the Worshipful Master contributing the line "This toast must be the last" in a surprisingly melodious baritone. Congratulations to all who took part.


Friday 14th February 2020

The main item of the evening at De la Pole Lodge 1605 was the presentation of a certificate for fifty years service in Feemasonry to Bro Peter Dickson, who spoke captivatingly of his schooldays in the 1940s, his apprenticeship at Blackburn Aircraft after training in the ATC, his involvement with the Firebrand and other significant aeroplanes both at home and in Singapore, where he worked on Mosquitos and other flying machines. He became an inspector for Blackburn Aircraft, and transferred to Armstrong Patents as a Test Engineer. Following his admirable results with the IBM aptitude tests he moved into computing and eventually became a Computing Manager at BP Chemicals, after which he turned to education and taught at Hull College. A heart attack at 61 slowed him down a little; expecting the operation to give him only ten more years to live, he is still going strong twenty-seven years later. He spoke of changes in Freemasonry, and several of the older Brethren nodded nostalgically at the stories of the Steward's Room and the gas fires in the entrance and dining room. With typical modesty at his elevation by the then PGM, Judge Gerald Coles, he said he'd simply been lucky to have been awarded the Provincial rank of PPGStB without having gone thnrough the Chair, a rare honour. The Officer of Grand Lodge, W Bro Eddie Wildman, presented Peter with his certificate signed by the RWPGM, RW Bro Jeffrey Gillyon while the Brethren applauded.

[Photograph by Jimmy2kilts]


 Thursday 13th February 2020 p.m.

The Old Hymerians Lodge 6885 was established in 1949, and some of the old traditions remain - such as the serving of partridge at installations. This installation was no exception, and the festive board following the placing of Bro Christopher Shuttleworth into the figurative Chair of King Solomon as Worshipful Master was a very pleasant occasion. The venue was Beverley Road, Hull, which boasts a first-class chef and an accommodating bar. The ceremony upstairs was under the surprised direction of David Dodgson, who discovered he was required to stand in the for the Installing DC who was unwell: he executed the task it with his customary flair. Anthony Cadle, a schoolmaster at Hymers College, delivered the installion obligations and the approach to the Master's Chair on behalf of the retiring WM, W Bro D Roy Holborn. An excellent evening, with the formality of the ceremonial nicely balanced by the laughter and good humour afterwards. May the traditions long continue!


 Thursday 13th February 2020 a.m.

The Chapel at the Haltemprice Crematorium was full; people were standing at the back and the sides, for the funeral of Mrs Janet Weatherall on this bright but cold morning as every seat was taken. Peter and his family obviously had no idea how many folk would come to pay their last respects to this wonderful lady; there were Freemasons from Humber Lodge and elsewhere, along with many staff and helpers from Dove House, which Peter and Janet have supported for many years, and a huge number of friends. The minister spoke of the good times Janet and Peter had enjoyed: the word "happy" was often used; the service was a great tribute to departed merit. The collection was, of course, for Dove House.


Wednesday 12th February 2020

Again at Dagger Lane, Eddie Wildman played the organ for Minerva Lodge 250, which was raising a Brother to the Third Degree. As the Lodge Mentor, W Bro Mike Cheeseman was standing in as DC for the occasion, W Bro Wildman retired with the Fellow Craft Freemason to enjoy an instructive session dealing with aspects of the Second Degree and the Communication of the signs, tokens and words in the First Degree. It was a pleasure to hear the ritual so well delivered, at a pace designed to capture the magic of the words and the nuances of meaning implicit in them. Congratulations to Bro Hunter for becoming a Master Mason, and to Bro Fear for his readiness to take the next regular step.


Tuesday 11th February 2020

Before the Lodge meeting, W Bros Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward and Eddie Wildman, WM were please to present cheques from the Humber Lodge and the Daggards to seventeen-year-old Tom Sutcliffe who is assiduously raising funds to attend the Domenican Republic to experience work experience and medical training leading towards university and further medical studies. During his visit to the Lodge Room, Tom tried out the Master's Chair for size. Malcolm (the silver-haired one) opined that Tom was so well suited to the role perhaps it wouldn't be long before he became Brother Doctor Sutcliffe. We wish Tom well in his enterprise.

[Photograph by Mike Noble]


The Humber Lodge was well attended for the Daggards' presentation Blow up the DC at the Festive Board performed on this occasion by  Mike Noble and John Wheeldon with Humber Daggards Craig Maurier, David Terry and Eddie Wildman. Eddie called off the Lodge, and relinquished his Chair to W Bro Stanley Smith, the IPM, and the Brethren responded well in spotting the deliberate mistakes made by the Daggards enacting Festive Board scenarios. It was interesting to discover that even some of the senior members remarked on novel points of interest: "I never knew that," one said, referring to a historical statement regarding one of the toasts. Back in the Chair, the WM called on and closed the Lodge in due form. 

Many thanks to W Bro David Terry whose moving eulogy to the late W Bro Mike Phillips was well appreciated.


Saturday 8th February 2020

W Bro David Burnett PJGD was the Installing Master at the Old Bridlingtonian Lodge 6843 because the WM's wife was in hospital so W Bro Michael Dodgson was unable to attend the ceremony. David installed W Bro Roy George Hurley as Master with his customary panache. The resident organist, seizing the opportunity to replace recorded music with live performance, prevailed upon Eddie Wildman (visiting as WM of the Humber Lodge 57) to play for the ceremony, which he happily undertook as the Old Bridlingtonians are a bunch of cheerful chaps, despite a tendancy to speak in execrable Latin at the Festive Board. Continuing in top form, David sang the Master's Song following the toast to the same. All Brethren present signed a get-well card for the Immediate Past Master's Lady.


Friday 7th February 20202

W Bro Anthony Calvert, IPM of the Brough Lodge 5464, found himself back in the Master's Chair at short notice as the WM, W Bro Anthony Schofield was in hospital for emergency tests following heart problems. Nonetheless, the initiation of Christopher Walklet proceeded very succesfully; four visitors from Staffordshire arrived to support him. Although there in his capacity as WM of the Humber Lodge, Eddie Wildman (supported by Andrew Paulls, Craig Morrison and Tim Brown) played piano at the Festive Board and agreed to return the following month to play both upstairs and down as Tony Calvert's son and son-in-law were booked to be initiated together. It was a good ceremony and a light-hearted festive board: visitor John Chew sang the song to the visitors and "Happy to meet again" in which all present joined in the chorus.


Thursday 6th February 2020

Constitutional Lodge 294, founded in 1793, meets in Beverley. This evening introduced a new Candidate, Bro Hedley Stewart Wilson, and the initiation ceremony was performed by the new Constitutional team, under the directorship of the newly installed Worshipful Master,  W Bro Daniel Paul Longley. It was a lively evening, with some excellent ritual: the stunning rendition of the Ancient Charge by W Bro Martin John Rowland PPJGD was particularly noteworthy. W Bro Eddie Wildman, visiting from Humber Lodge 57 (and playing the organ) was well upstaged by a Brother from Constitutional Lodge 55 in London. Especially welcome was the lift to and from the Lodge by the Junior Warden, Bro Noel Marshall, which enabled W Bro Wildman to enjoy a glass of port after the ceremony: thanks, Noel, and thanks, Dan.


Thursday 6th February 2020

St Mary's Church, Broomfleet was full; every seat, including those in the choir stalls, was occupied, as well-wishers came from far and wide to pay their last respects to Michael Jan Phillips, who died on 15th January. The bright morning sun blazed through the nineteenth century stained glass windows as if insympathy with those celebrating the life of Mike; it was an upbeat service, in happy remembrance of a life well spent in acts of piety and virtue.

There was a strong Masonic contingent present, with Humber Lodge 57 particularly well represented; Mike had been a well-respected member of the Lodge though ill health had precluded his regular attendance in recent years. In addition to excellent tributes by family and friends, W Bro David Terry, the Humber Lodge Almoner, gave a brief outline of Mike's Masonic contributions.

For his eulogy, see the Celebrations and Regrets page. W. Bro Wildman, not surprisingly, played the organ for the service, and felt, doubtless like many people there, privileged to have known this excellent man and Mason.


 Wednesday 5th February 2020

For his first working night, the Worshipful Master of the Kingston Lodge 1010, W Bro Michael G Price PPSGD (Worcs) decided not only to put on a first degree enactment, but to open and close the Lodge in all three degrees. The Candidate for the enactment was Bro Christopher James Fuller, the first Brother who can claim the Phoenix Lodge 9963 as his mother Lodge. In addition to the Organist, W Bro Eddie Wildman, a number of Brethren from Humber 57 also attended. These included W Bro Malcolm Forbes (in his capacity as WM of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642), Bros Mark Lindsay, Andrew Paulls and the newest Humber member, Craig Morrison. Bro Paulls made his debut as responder to the toast to the visitors, and remarked on the differences between the Emulation working and the Humber ritual while thanking the Kingston Brethren for the good time enjoyed by all. Bro Morrison demonstrated a surprising appetite for sponge pudding and custard - but then, who can resist Dave Eastburn's cooking?


Monday 3rd February 2020

The Lodge of Humber Installed Masters 2494, consecrated in 1893, enjoys an antiquity envied by other Installed Master Lodges: it, too, is a premier Lodge. The Installation of the new WM, W Bro Tim Dillon PPSGD, was a grand event, attended by the RWPGM in his role as leader of the Province, while W Bro Ian Johnson, the APGM (also a member) was the Installing Director of Ceremonies. While the previous WM, W Bro Adrian Hayward was in the Chair, three of his Officers were also members of Humber 57: W Bro Terry Fisher PPJGW as Secretary, W Bro Craig Maurier, PGStwd (Lincs) as Junior Warden and W Bro Eddie Wildman PGOrg as Organist. Terry and Eddie continued in their roles after the installation of the new WM, but the Office of JW was now proudly taken by W Bro Ian Syddall, Secretary of the Humber Lodge 57. The Anthem and Master's Song were sung by W Bro David Terry, PPSGW, another member of the premier Lodge. W Bro Malcolm Forbes (the Humber Charity Steward) was also present in his capacity as Worshipful Master of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642. A splendid evening, with impressive ritual and a happy atmosphere.


Sunday 2nd February 2020

As W Bro Richard (Buble) Smedley, the Daggard's pyrotechnics advisor discovered he would be detained in London on the day of Blow up the DC for Humber Lodge's next meeting, a cast revision was initiated, with W Bros John Wheeldon and Craig Maurier (Daggards' Electronic Wizard) joining the regular team for this presentation. W Bro Eddie Wildman was now taking the parts previously occupied by Richard, while Bro Mike Noble and W Bro David Terry continued in their previous roles (changing appearance, accent and personality for the different characters portrayed. Rehearsal was essential, of course, but the team were all ready for the prompt nine o' clock start, and the rehearsal took place without disaster. The performance is set for Tuesday 11th February. All welcome: open to every degree!

Saturday 1st February 2020

The Worshipful Master of the Beverlonian Lodge 9084, W Bro Mark Francis Taylor, being a specialist in occupational health issues, had been summoned to Australia to give of his expertise regarding the growing global health emergency of the coronovirus, and was therefore unable to preside over the meeting whereat Bro Keiran Rose-Taylor was passed to the Second Degree. However, Keiran's father, W Bro Ben Rose PPSGW, was delighted to be able to take the Chair and obligate his son in what turned out to be an excellent and enjoyable ceremony, followed by a convivial Festive Board at the Masonic Hall, Trinity Lane, Beverley. The organist, currently WM of the premier Lodge in the Province, was pleased to extend greetings from the Humber Lodge on this occasion. He was also privileged to deliver a small part of the ritual to Kieran. 


Thursday 30th January 2020

Humber Knights Templar 223 had a Malta installation at which E Kt Ian Syddall was proclaimed Eminent Prior for the ensuing year, and a recent KT member was brought into the Malta Order with due ceremonial. The Provincial Sub Prior, E Kt Tim Dillon was in attendance with a bodyguard, some of whom had travelled a considerable distance to reach Dagger Lane, though that evening the City of Hull was enjoying a Light Festival, and the traffic was therefore somewhat delayed, but the meeting nonetheless started on time. Knights Eddie Wildman, Mike Potts and Ian Syddall are also members of the Humber Lodge.

Tuesday 28th January 2020

The Phoenix Lodge 9963, having undergone a full year with the Primus Master, W Bro James Steele in the Chair, is soon to celebrate the installation of Bro Ian Parkinson. The Lodge meets in a room above the Sailmaker's arms, but for the installation ceremony is moving to Dagger Lane. The ritual is different, and unfamiliar to those who are steeped in Humber Working or Emulation: this evening saw the first rehearsal, which proved a steep learning curve for everyone, particularly the current Phoenix Preceptor. Fortunately the DC, W Bro Craig Maurier (who, like the Preceptor is a member of the premier Lodge,) applied his wisdom and experience and brought order out of chaos with great style. The memory of the initial attempts at the "heart, badge and hand" salution will warm this writer's heart for some time to come, however. The Installation will take place on Saturday 22nd February at 11:00 am.

Monday 27th January 2020

As Malcolm John Forbes is a frequent visitor to (and a member of) many Craft Lodges and other Orders within the Province, there was a large turn-out to witness his installation as Worshipful Master of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 at Beverley Road, Hull, including a sizable contingent from Humber Lodge 57, in which Malcolm is the Charity Steward. The ceremony was unabridged as Malcolm has not taken the Craft Chair before, with W Bro Colin Shields as Installing Master and W Bro Neil Chapman as Installing DC. W Bro Forbes then invested his Officers with professorial eloquence, and after the addresses, W Bro Kensett gave a fine baritone rendition of the Masonic Anthem, accompanied by the WM of the Humber Lodge on the organ.

At the Festive Board the Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro Philip H Daniels, spoke of the successes of this small but perfectly formed Lodge, and congratulated W Bros Neil Chapman and Hayward on their impending promotions in May, while commenting on the superb Charity work and Almoner's duties carried out by W Bro Andrew Peach. In the toast to the new Worshipful Master and his Officers, W Bro Eddie Wildman remarked that Malcolm had gone for a long overdue haircut the previous day, during which process the barber found his schoolcap. It was a long evening, but highly enjoyable.

[Unflattering photograph by ERW]


 Sunday 26th January 2020

Michael Bastiman, Worshipful Master of the de la Pole Lodge 1605 has organised a number of social events for Lodge members, wives and friends, partly for the fun of being together, and partly to support his chosen charities for the year. Two of his Brethren, Michael Forbes and Eddie Wildman, are also members of Hull 57 and they showed the support of the premier Lodge by attending the Chinese New Year Night at Woksoever in Cottingham, in addition to enjoying the food. Malcolm remarked that this would be his last evening as a Brother. "I'm going into the Chair of Andrew Marvell Lodge 4683 tomorrow," he told me. "So I'll be a Worshipful Brother after that." It was a convivial evening and a tidy sum was raised for W Bro Bastiman's charities. (See above for unflattering picture of Malcolm in the Master's Chair.)


Saturday 25th January 2020

scotland thistle.jpgTechnical Lodge's traditional Burns Night at Beverley Road was again a full capacity sell-out. Humber musicians Richard (Buble) Smedley and Eddie (fingers) Wildman were part of the Daggards entertainment - the former with a romantic rendition of My Love is Like a Red Red Rose during which he presented his wife Isabel with a flower as a token of his love, while all the ladies in the audience sighed. Congratulations to the Technical Chieftain, W Bro Allan Mckay, for hosting this splendid event, haggis, piper, an' a' that.


Friday 24th January 2020

One of the joys of visiting in Freemasonry is that of meeting new faces, or reacquainting with people not seen for some time. This was the case at the Ridings Tablers' Chapter 9586. Consecrated in 2017, the Installation of a new Z, H & J (the triumvirate rulers of the Chapter) in the persons of Chris Harland, Howard Newton and Don Ferguson, and the retirement of Barrie Jeffery as the Most Excellent Zerrubabbel was conducted with the dignity and good humour which also characterises the Ridings Tablers' Craft Lodge. The formation of a new Chapter necessarily calls upon Brethren from various Lodges, and the RTC is no exception (one cannot be a member of a Chapter unless one is also a member of the Craft) but the reappointed organist was the only member also belonging to Humber 57. 

Friday 24th January 2020

Humber Lodge's Assistant Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Mike Phillips was proclaimed Immediate Past Master of the Myton Lodge 9808, which meets during the day. The installation  ceremony was followed by a talk, to which the wives of the Brethren were invited. The RWPGM attended the ceremony and afterproceedings with a team of active Provincial Officers.

Unfortunately the Humber WM was unable to stay for this one, but on his own behalf, and that of the Humber Brethren, congratulates W Bro Potts and wishes W Bro Richard Heaton well on his elevation to the Master's Chair.


Thursday 23rd January 2020

The Lodge of St Michael 7833 began the year well by initiating a new Candidate: welcome Brother Bill! This Lodge practises Emulation ritual (most Lodges in the area use the Humber working) and the visitors were keen to point out there there are a number of first degree ceremonies anticipated locally, which he was welcome to attend, where he could see the ceremony from the sidelines, as it were. 

The WM, W Bro Shaun Rennison once again put out several raffle prizes at the Festive Board, and on this occasion, the roll-over prize was won by the Charity Steward. Indeed, he also won a second prize of a bottle of wine which he magnaminously insisted should go to Brother Bill.



Wednesday 22nd January 2020

At the Haltemprice Crematorium, W Bro Bill Burnett invited Bob's grieving widow, Margaret and her children to turn around to see the crowded hall. "This," he remarked, "is a tribute to the esteem in which Bob Clarkson was held. Everyone here today has come because they knew and respected him." The service was indeed uplifting, a celebration of the life of Robert Edwin Clarkson, who died on Boxing Day following a long illness. The vicar, Revd Martyn Westby, remarked on the high quality of the singing: the music to Eternal Father, he said, was composed by a Hull man, which emphasised Bob's connection to the sea. Indeed, the Masonic Closing Hymn, which was sung in addition to the former, was to music again by John Bacchus Dykes. Bob's maritime, police and Masonic connections were illustrated anecdotally, and band members from his Drum Major Days, and the pipe escort which had led the coffin to the crematorium shared stories afterwards at the Willerby Manor.


Tuesday 21st January 2020

Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 began 2020 with an initiation ceremony. Their last ceremony of 2019 (see below) was also a first degree: it is encouraging to see the numbers increase. The Candidate, now Brother David Stockton, enjoyed a well coordinated initiation, with the younger members performing key roles with fluency and panache. Pictured here at the Festive Board is Bro Stockton [left] being presented with the summons for that evening's meeting (signed by every Mason present) by the Master of the Lodge, W Bro Mantas Montvydas. W Bro Eddie Wildman, who had played the organ for the ceremony and accompanied the Entered Apprentice Song downstairs, attended as a guest of the Worshipful Master and thoroughly appreciated the hard work that had gone into welcoming another Brother into the Craft.

[Photograph by W Bro Nigel Collier]


Saturday 18th January 2020

Technical Lodge 5666 enjoyed a comfortable 2nd degree ceremony, well rehearsed and performed by the Brethren.technical logo (Mobile).jpg Of particular interest was the delivery of the Second Degree Working Tools by a student friend of the Candidate, who had travelled from Wigan for this purpose. Interestingly, the version he already knew was in Emulation ritual, but he learned the longer Humber working especially for the event.

The organist selected Film Music as his theme for the evening and some of the Brethren were able to name a number of the films afterwards. (Casablanca, Gold Diggers of Broadway, The Wizard of Oz. )This says something about the age of some of the Brethren. It also says something about the age of the organist.


Thursday 16th January 2020

The WM attended Dagger Lane for the non-Masonic occasion of a wedding, playing suitable music on the organ for the civil ceremony, and concluding with the Mendelssohn Wedding March.

The Lodge Room is ideal for such occasions, and the wedding guests were suitably impressed with the venue both upstairs and down. The pipe organ is a fine Forster & Andrews dated 1882, a beautiful instrument, recently restored.

It was a pleasure to be able to play for the ceremony and to congratulate the happy couple.


 Wednesday 15th January 2020

alexandra with s&c (Mobile).jpgThe Worshipful Master of Humber Lodge 57 travelled with the WM of the Lodge of St Michael 7833 and other St Michael Brethren to the easternmost Lodge in the Province, Alexandra Lodge 1511 in Hornsea. Other Humber Brethren were already there: the IPM and the Secretary, plus visitors from the Phoenix Lodge 9963 and others to witness W Bro Silvan Rust install his successor, W Bro Malcolm John Pearson into the Chair.

Eddie was privileged to act as Mentor for the Lodge's Entered Apprentice and to a number of young Master Masons while the ceremony took place; he and they advancing in Masonic knowledge before re-entering for the investiture of the Officers and the Closing of the Lodge.


Tuesday 14th January 2020

Welcome, Brother Craig Morrison! The Lodge Room at Dagger Lane was full for the first meeting of Humber Lodge in 2020. After the opening of the Lodge, W Bro William Eric Burnett gave a moving eulogy on W Bro Bob Clarkson, recalling his prowess as an instructor especially in swimming, going on to mention his Masonic career, his warmth and sense of humour as a Freemason.

The Tyler announced that his Candidate, Mr Craig Morrison was at the door, and the WM and Humber Brethren proceeded to initiate him according to ancient custom. Brother Morrison proved an excellent Candidate and after retiring to restore himself to his personal comforts, rejoined the Brethren for the closing of the Lodge. This was not without its surprises, for three of the Brethren were about to celebrate birthdays in January and were awarded badges. W Bro Burnett celebrated his twenty-fourth year in the Craft, and was presented with a much sought after Humber pen to mark the event.

The good humour continued to the Festive Board below, and W Bro David Terry was in fine voice for the final toast, everybody joining in the chorus with enthusiasm.

[Photograph of Brother Morrison and W Bro Eddie Wildman by W Bro Craig Maurier.]


Saturday 11th January 2020

 The Invictus Lodge 9960 is flourishing. It has gained members steadily since its concecration in

 2018, and tonight was no exception as another military trained Entered Apprentice was made. Eddie Wildman travelled to St Saviourgate, York, with members of the Technical Lodge 5666, and played the organ for the ceremony and the piano at the Festive Board. It was his privilege to give greetings as Master of the premier Lodge in the Province, as well as standing when the WM and Brethren of the Technical Lodge greeted the military Lodge Master. The military camaraderie, the toasts and the firing afterwards after the meal, which followed the excellent ritual in the Lodge Room upstairs, provide a unique flavour to this Lodge, and the author would like to thank the WM, W Bro Graham Kaye BEM for the kind invitation to attend.

 [Photograph of EA Bro J White and WBro Graham Kaye BEM WM by W Bro Nick Mitchell]


 Friday 10th January 2020

Image result for de la pole coat of armsDe la Pole Lodge 1605 passed another Entered Apprentice to the the Second Degree in the Large Lodge Room at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Hull.  Brother Malcolm Forbes, the Charity Steward for the Humber Lodge, was in attendance and stood with the Humber WM when greetings from Lodge 57 were given. (Eddie Wildman, an honorary member of the De la Pole Lodge, played the organ on this occasion and delivered an explanation of the Second Degree Working Tools.) Malcom Forbes will be taking Office at the end of the month as WM of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642.


Thursday 9th January 2020

 A centenary celebration is, of course, a once in a century event. To be combined not only with a banner dedication, but with the Investiture of the Assistant Provincial Grand Master by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master made the auspicious occasion unique. The Worshipful Master of the Thesaurus Lodge 3891, W Bro Ian Paul Johnson, proudly wore the both the official chain of the APGM and the prestigious Thesaurus Master's Collar to close the Lodge. The Lodge Room at Dagger Lane was full to capacity (the organist had to share his bench with two other Brethren) including members of the Active Provincial team, visiting dignitaries, Worshipful Brethren and Brethren, many of whom had travelled considerable distances for the event. The Festive Board was equally magnificent, and W Bro Eddie Wildman (who had given greetings as WM of the premier Lodge upstairs) proposed the Centenary Toast.


  [Photograph of the RWPGM and the Thesaurus Brethren by W Bro Chris Thomas, also acting as Provincial Chaplain that evening.]


Wednesday 8th January 2020

Minerva logo (Mobile).jpgMinerva Lodge 250, which like Humber, meets at Dagger Lane in Hull, passed one of its Candidates to the Second Degree on this occasion, and W Bro Eddie Wildman, who plays the organ there retired with the newly-made Entered Apprentice as Mentor, his keyboard skills not being required during the Passing Ceremony. Afterwards at the Festive Board, a non-Masonic visitor (and potential Candidate: he had been proposed as such that evening) joined the Brethren, so only the first two toasts were given. This Minerva initiative has been practised for some time by the Lodge and it has done much to encourage membership.


 Tuesday 7th January 2020

Londesborough 734It was a pleasure to represent the RWPGM at Londesborough Lodge 734 in Bridlington for an Installation ceremony, and of course, as WM of the premier Lodge in the Province to invite the Bridlington Brethren and visitors to come and visit the Humber Lodge on the second Tuesday of the month for a change of scenery and ritual.


 Londesborough Lodge is one of the oldest Lodges in the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings, dating back to 1858. The Humber warrant, however, dates back to 1775, when George III was on the throne.


Friday 3rd January 2020

The Worshipful Master joined the Brethren of the Thesaurus Lodge 3891 in a rehearsal for the Centenary Celebration of this Lodge and at which the Thesaurus WM will be officially elevated to the rank of APGM by the RWPGM. (See 9th Jan.)


Friday 20th December 2019

The Worshipful Master enjoyed a holiday abroad over Christmas.


Thursday 19th December 2019

The Lodge of St Michael held its brief Christmas meeting upstairs and then the Brethren joined their ladies and non-masonic friends at the seasonal festive board. The Daggards entertained in the persons of Terry Lynn (high baritone, raconteur and DC), Peter Stokes (baritone and guitar) John Watkins (bass baritone and flute) and Eddie Wildman (bass and keyboards) using a power point presentation with the words to the carols and Christmas songs so that everyone could join in. The dining room was full of happy people, perhaps none more so than the Worshipful Master, W Bro Shaun Rennison, who delivered the famous Five Gold Rings with such authority and enthusiasm the Daggards in particular were well impressed.

 [Pictured L to R: Shaun Rennison, Eddie Wildman, John Watkins, Peter Stokes, Terry Lynn. Photograph by Jackie Chapman.]


Wednesday 18th December 2019 

The Minerva Chapter at Dagger Lane was low in numbers but high in quality; there were other Masonic events elsewhere to which some Companions and Brethren were specifically summoned, but the Minerva gathering was friendly. After the opening of the Chapter E Comp. Mark Richardson gave an interesting lecture; after the delicious meal there were Christmas carols and songs, melodiously and enthusiastically rendered round the festive board. In The Twelve Days of Christmas Richard Theaker (one of the Daggards) intoned the Five Gold Rings with great aplomb, and Malcolm Sharman's passionate performance of O Come all ye Faithful was a joy to behold. Everyone left with smiles on their faces and full of Christmas spirit and Eddie again won a raffle prize. Wow! Twice in a month!


 Tuesday 17th December 2019

HOG logo.jpgThe WM called in to Hull infirmary to visit W Bro Bob Clarkson and to pass on to him the best wishes of the Lodge. He is in a weak condition at the moment; with various problems requiring treatment, and the different treatments exacerbating other health issues, but Bob had a ready smile and wished the Lodge well for the Festive season.

Learning ritual is difficult for many of us (though we all improve with practise) but to learn it in a foreign language makes the task much more daunting. Mantas Montevedas, newly installed Worshipful Master and first Lithuanian member of the Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 triumphed tonight by initiating a Candidate in a well paced ceremony. His team of officers also performed well and the newly initiated Brother declared himself well impressed. Three Humber Brethren attended: Bro Jack Thundercliffe gave greetings on behalf of the premier Lodge, number 57, while Malcolm Forbes, who will soon be taking the Chair of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 gave greetings as a member there; Eddie Wildman gave greetings from Phoenix 9963, the newest Lodge in the Province. The Hull Old Grammarians are intending turning up in force at the next Humber meeting in January.


Monday 16th December 2019

partridge.jpgIt was the first time in a year that Eddie Wildman was able to return to the Holderness Lodge 3563 as the third Monday of the month had been taken up by Humber Lodge of Instruction, and as Master Elect, he had attended the latter as part of the team-building process. Now, however, he was able to return to the Beverley Road Lodge to play the organ. On this occasion the brief Lodge meeting was followed by the visitors and ladies joining the Brethren in the Lodge Room for a rendition of beautiful Christmas music by a ladies choir. The meal followed - another David Eastburn triumph - after which the well-fed company raised their own voices in Christmas carols, and, of course, "The Twelve Days of Christmas" with Eddie at the keyboard. A most convivial evening, and Eddie won a raffle prize, to his great delight.


 Sunday 15th December 2019

The annual Christmas concert was very well attended: for details see the Events & Social Functions page. The Worshipful Master played the organ for the carols and Christmas songs upstairs, and the keyboard downstairs for the singing following the festive board. Enormous thanks to the many people who assisted in making this afternoon and evening such a success: W Bros Smedley, Fisher, Syddall, Cross, Bro Mark Lindsey (and Tina - what a superb spread!), Bros Forbes and Montgomery, and Bro Douglas, whose rotund build and flowing white beard made him the ideal candidate to stand in for a particular Christmas character (there were twenty children under twelve at Dagger Lane, delighted at their presents.) The Smedley family won the prize for sheer volume in their singing of "Five Gold Rings" in "The Twelve Days of Christmas".

 Saturday 14th December 2019

Lord Bolton logo (Mobile).jpgLord Bolton Lodge 3263 followed their brief meeting and certificate presentation (by Eddie Wildman in his capacity as an Officer of Grand Lodge) with a social board with the ladies and invited non-Masonic guests. Following the traditional turkey, Christmas pudding and mince pies, the happy diners sang along with Eddie, with carols and Christmas songs culminating as ever with The Twelve Days of Christmas, where tables vied for the most powerful rendition of five gold rings, four calling birds etc. etc. The Worshipful Master, Chris Lefevre gave a generous donation on behalf of the Lodge to the Daggards, knowing that it would be well applied in helping the homeless this Christmas.


Thursday 12th December 2019

On this occasion Eddie Wildman played the organ for the Court of Beoforlic (in the Order of Athelstan) - he is also the Provincial Organist and Grand Organist, and several members of Humber Lodge are also members of this Court, including the Humber Secretary who for once was not taking minutes! The meeting was attended by the Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Lindsey (the Order names the Provinces according to the divisions of the first King of all England) R W Bro Anthony Burke. Four new members were instructed into the mysteries of the Order, which is expanding rapidly.


 Wednesday 11th December 2019

Minerva logo (Mobile).jpgMinerva Lodge 250 held an initiation ceremony the following evening at Dagger Lane. This too was well attended, including a visit from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro Doctor David Chambers and a team of active Provincial Officers. Eddie Wildman was again at the organ seat, adding a Christmas element to the music from time to time. The festive board was a traditional turkey meal and the evening joyous. As the most recently appointed WM, Eddie Wildman responded to the toast to the visitors, inviting the new candidate, and the candidate from a previous meeting, to come to the next Humber meeting as his guests: an initiation ceremony is to be performed.


 Tuesday 10th December 2019

Extra chairs had to be brought into the Lodge Room for the Installation ceremony; it was wonderful to see the place full. W Bro Stanley James Smith opened the Lodge, and in due time W Bro Eddie Wildman recited his obligation. Under the able instruction of the Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Terry Fisher, Eddie was conducted through the Installation ceremony, and smoothly placed into the figurative Chair of King Solomon to take up the gavel. A particularly moving moment was the singing of "Bless this Lodge" by W Bros David Terry, Richard Smedley and Jimmy Kerr, distinguished by the spontaneous applause of all the Brethren. The new Worshipful Master, proud to be wearing the distinctive Barney Harris apron, thanked everyone for being there, and presented W Bro Stanley Smith with the jewel of the Immediate Past Master on behalf of the Humber Brethren. W Bro Richard Smedley delivered the Masonic Anthem with aplomb.


The Festive Board was a delight, thanks to the organisational skills of the many Brethren who managed to get everything set up in jig time; the dining room had been occupied by a private let until four o' clock, but by five every place setting was clearly marked in accordance with the table plan, the floral arrangements and candelabra were in position, and the WM elect was able to relax for a few minutes before the ceremony in the Lodge Room.


The Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro Ben Rose was in fine form and informed everyone that the Provincial Convocation in May was now open to all Masons: Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts were to  be invited. Though it was his first visit to the Humber Lodge, he was impressed by the friendliness and the ambience, and congratulated the Brethren.


There was singing following some of the toasts, accompanied by W Bro Dave Nicoll at the keyboard, and the performance of the Master's Song by W Bros Byelov, Terry and Smedley was memorable. All the Brethren joined in the chorus and the room was filled with music.


The Worshipful Master thanked everybody, of course, but wishes to record those thanks in this collective statement of sincere gratitude. The Installation and subsequent festivities were happy and uplifting: congratulations to everybody there.

Seventy pounds was collected at the door of the Lodge for the Almoner's fund, while the Charity Steward's raffle realised over £250. Both Officers are actively supplying relief where needed.


Monday 9th December 2019

Andrew Marvell logo 2 (Mobile).jpgAt the short business meeting of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, the Senior Warden, Bro Malcolm John Forbes, was proclaimed as Master Elect; he is to go into the Chair in January 2020 (watch this space). He is also currently Junior Deacon in the Humber Lodge, though this will change tomorrow when he will become the Humber Lodge Charity Steward. Malcolm stood to salute as Eddie Wildman (Andrew Marvell's honorary organist) gave greetings from the premier Lodge in the Province. The Brethren retired soon after to join guests and ladies at the traditional Christmas festive board. Malcolm won a raffle prize. Eddie didn't.


 Saturday 7th December 2019

W Bro Roger Lewis, who held the office of Junior Deacon during a splendid Initiation ceremony at Beverlonian Lodge 9084, formally informed the Brethren that in a few days the Beverlonian guest organist would be taking the Chair of Humber Lodge 57. W Bro Eddie Wildman responded appropriately, remarking that the rumour that all the drinks and the meals were free was entirely without foundation, but he would be delighted to see any Beverlonian Brethren at the event. Beverlonian Lodge is an "Old Boys" Lodge, but, as with the other "School" Lodges (Hull Old Grammarians, Technical, Old Peterite, Old Bridlingtonians, Old Hymerian and Old Pocklontonian) previous attendance at the school is not mandatory.


Thursday 5th December 2019

constitutional (Mobile).jpg

W Bro Wildman was invited to play the organ for the Constitutional 294 Lodge meeting in Beverley. Eddie gave greetings from Humber 57, and said he hoped some of the Brethren might attend his Installation, and was delighted to find that some of the Brethren had booked in already. The brief business meeting was followed by a talk to the ladies and invited guests in the Lodge Room, expertly delivered by W Bro Gavin Peter Collinson along with a stirring rendition of the Ancient Charge by Bro Mike Noble. The Brethren and visitors returned downstairs to a white table gathering. 


 Tuesday 3rd December 2019

Kingston Lodge 1010 generally meets on Wednesdays, but the Installation always takes place on a Tuesday. On this occasion, W Bro Louis Morgan left the Master's Chair to become the Imediate Past Master, and W Bro Michael George Price PPSGD (Worcs) waskingston logo.jpg installed. (To those unfamiliar with the terminology, a Brother becomes "Worshipful" - a term denoting increased respect - only when he becomes the Master of a Lodge. W Bro Price also carries the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon, from the Province of Worcester.) W Bro Eddie Wildman, Humber's Master Elect, organist to and honorary member of Kingston Lodge, was pleased to discover that W Bro Morgan would be responding on behalf of the visitors at the Humber Installation the following week.


 Tuesday 26th November 2019


Vigilantes.jpgHumber Brethren W Bros David Terry and Eddie Wildman, members of the Daggards visited the Vigilantes Lodge 7264 to perform The Medieval Engineers to a Lodge Room packed with Lincolnshire Brethren and their wives. The Vigilantes do not meet in December, so started their Christmas festivities early, and the Festive Board was traditional Christmas fare. David treated the diners to Brethren from the East and West and Happy to Meet again, which are regularly sung at the Humber festive board, and everyone joined in the carols. The Vigilantes Lodge meets in Cleethorpes.


 Friday 22nd November 2019

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The Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 installation was a happy event: W Bro Terry Fisher taking the Master's Chair. Currently the Director of Ceremonies at the Humber Lodge, the WM was pleased to acknowledge greetings from his mother Lodge along with the Ridings' Organist, W Bro Eddie Wildman. The RTL was consecrated in 1995 and meets in Trinity Lane, Beverley. Both Terry and Eddie are founder members.


Monday 18th November 2019

The Lodge of Instruction Open Night was a fun event, well supported by Humber Brethren and Visitors. Eddie Wildman was in the WM's Chair, and the actual Master, Stanley Smith enacted the part of the Candidate in an initiation ceremony well performed by the Lodge of Instruction team. The afterproceedings were merry, and Stanley has promised to get his revenge after the toast to him at the Festive Board. As ever, grateful thanks to the Lecture Master, Phil Watts for training the lads up during the preceding year, and to all the Brethren who generously supported the raffle. The prize for the zaniest tie was won by Bro John Burton of the Lodge of St Michael. 

Eddie Wildman here records his thanks to the Lodge of Instruction Team for the sterling work over the year which led to a first-class ceremony. Other Lodges are doubtless envious of Humber 57's reputation as the premier Lodge. And rightly so.

[Photograph of prize winner John Burton by Peter Stokes.] 

































































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