Covid was responsible for many of the Brethren meeting by Zoom. There is less online involvement now we are back to live meetings, though occasionally a get-together of this ilk will be required. Latest Meetings and visits at the top: scroll down for earlier news! NB not all Zoom meetings are recorded here (see diary) but some particularly have merited mention.
Friday 2nd September 2022:
Once again Barry Longstaff and his team organised an excellent Zoom meeting, this time with Darren Desker of Singapore speaking on the "Third Grand Principle". I confess to wondering if Darren or Barry had misspelt the noun, but I was wrong; the world-wide watchers were treated to a dissertation on "the third grand principle upon which Freemasonry is founded: truth." "Nowadays," W Bro Desker told us, "United Grand Lodge have updated the language somewhat; 'Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth' rendered in documentation as 'Integrity, Friendship, Respect & Charity', but the concept of truth is implied nonetheless." He spoke of our necessarily limited understanding conveyed in the questions and answers given to the Candidte at the conclusion of the Second Degree, and explored the deeper meanings of Truth and Virtue, citing W L Wilmshurst who wrote about "the larger Truth which lies behind Everything." Acknowledging that any definition of truth is coloured by personal perspective, he asked his listeners for their thoughts before going to mention spiritual ("not religious" he insisted) aspects of the Craft. A well illustrated and thought-provoking lecture, it was well appreciated - perhaps the more so because Darren was Zooming from Singapore and began his presentation at midnight, Singapore time. We look forward to seeing W Bro Desker in person on the 24th of this month when he will be visiting the Beverley Road Masonic Hall for a live afternoon presentation following the morning installation ceremony of the Juno Lodge 10001.
Saturday 29th January 2022:
Barry Longstaff and his Learning Circle Team invited Ben Zion, author of "Whence Come You" to talk to his zoom guests who as usual hailed from Barbados, Singapore, Bulgaria, Gibraltar and Thassos and other parts of the globe. Some were snowbound in Ontario; in Sunderland there had been extensive damage by 147 mph storm winds. Ben Zion dilated on a personal journey of self-discovery, describing with the help of Masonic imagery and symbolism how any Mason, if earnest in his intentions and pure of heart, can become awakened by contemplation and true speculation upon the ritual, with a particular emphasis on shifting one's conscious perspective, exploring the existential question "who am I?"
Thursday 13th January 2022:
Three of the Daggards Quartet (Eddie Wildman, David Terry and Craig Maurier) are members of Humber Lodge 57, while Neil Armstrong is Secretary of the KIngston Lodge 1010. Their first Daggards Zoom of 2022, Aliens with Attitude, was performed for a Masonic learning circle centred in Dorset - see the Daggards Website.
In this presentation the WM is about to start a Lodge meeting when he is beamed aboard an alien spaceship. He persuades the aliens to join him at the Lodge meeting. But can he persuade them not to blow up the planet?
Friday 3rd November 2021:
"Covid's not going to go away," remarked a Brother recently, "and we will have to learn to live with it." It is certainly a point of view; while Brethren are returning to Lodges, following the recent scare about the Omicron variant, Zoom presentations are again gaining popularity. There were over fifty enthusiastic viewers for the Daggards Quartet King Solomon's Ring in which Bob and Mildred are transported back in time to the almost completed Temple, and encounter the King himself. The Masonic Learning Circle extends over the world: there were positive comments from Greece, Bulgaria, Canada, India and Scotland. "A phenomenal job" texted one Brother, "a magnificent depiction and description of the temple" wrote another. The Daggards thank you all for the comments from far and wide (Sussex, Lincoln and Worcestershir) and for laughing at all the awful jokes, all from the comfort of home.
Sunday 10th October 2021
Congratulations to Bazza Longstaff and Tony Calvert for their new "Instruction in the Basics" initiative incorperating contributions from the Brethren on topics answering those questions which often occur to the initiates, but without the complex esoterica often speculated upon in learned lectures. Contributors (in addition to Barry himself) included John Marris, Marc David Fairclough and Wes Connolly. The origins, allegorical assosiations and practical applications of the historical and present jewels of the Lodge were well illuminated: a worth-while exercise, highly recommended to young freemasons! Delivered with humour, watched with enjoyment - don't miss these zooms!
It is intended that the series continues: watch the Humber diary for details!
Monday 16th August 2021
It is a pity there were not more Brethren attending Richard Smedley's masterful PowerPoint lecture on the Second Degree Tracing Board, which gave an enlightening explanation on how Tracing Boards came into being and their purpose, before Craig Maurier delivered the familiar ritual, during which Richard drew our attention on-screen to the features mentioned. He then pointed out the engineering anomalies and contentious assertions of the various authorities involved in the recording of the same and mentioning the historical contradictions and false assumptions accrued over time before inviting questions and comments from the audience. It was fascinating to hear this dissertation from the viewpoint of an engineer, shedding new light on a topic familiar to some of us, and entirely new to Brother Morrison, who has only recently been passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft. "Don't forget, it's allegorical," Richard reminded us all.
Thursday 5th August 2021
Deadline: David Terry of the Humber Lodge 57 as Jack the Ripper confessing to his crimes dominates this script magnificently. His ability to make one's flesh creep as he describes his murders was repeatedly remarked upon by the audience from the Kingston Lodge 1010 - one member said afterwards "That's the last time I'm having any sausages at your barbecues, David!" Craig, Neil and Eddie took the parts of many other characters, including the Ripper's victims, with appropriate changes of voice, accent and gender. The small audience, who stayed rivetted to the screen (pictures by Neil - technology by Craig) for this blockbuster 75 minute performance were enthusiastic in their praise: "Many thanks for a fine evening of entertainment - a superb production" emailed Malcolm Wtkinson - a regular attender, while our great supporter Louis Morgan was eloquently complimentary onscreen. The Daggards thank Mike Price, WM for giving us the opportunity to premier so many of our Zoom presentations. This production was put together and performed by the Daggards Quartet.
Tuesday 3rd August 2021
Gordon W Michie, Right Worshipful Master of The Lodge, Hope of Kurrachee 337, Fife's Premiere Lodge of Research, invited the Daggards Zoom Quartet to perform Those in Peril on the Sea as one of its weekly masonic lockdown lectures (in fact the 74th lecture since the Grand Lodge of Scotland wisely suspended physical meetings -watch this space.) Despite Rangers playing Malmo the presentation was very well attended, and while many of the Brethren were from Scotland there was a global element - the LHK enjoys a huge audience ranging from Canada and New Zealand to Sunny Spain. Neil (whose illustrations had been acknowledged as "superb") remarked how humbling it was to be praised by those Lifeboat Crew who were part of the audience; as the RWM remarked "We have some of those brave men here with us this evening." There were many positive comments, for which the Daggards are very grateful, and we thank R W Bro Michie for his kind words: "a hugely powerful presentation." We hope to visit there again!
Monday 26th July 2021
The half-hour spent chatting while the many visitors virtually assembled - once again an international gathering - was an opportunity to say hello to now familiar faces from all over the world, and to exchange technical advice - someone in Singapore explained to another in America how to manipulate the Zoom technogy to add their Masonic rank to their name; and to see the host Bazza Longstaff and his team of technicians assisting with the smooth running of his global Masonic Circle and Masons - including female Freemasons - from all over the world. The UK was well represented. There were Rulers from different Provinces and Districts, and also E. Comp. Jonothan Mark Mitchell Smith, one of the Principals from the Chapter of Yorkshire North & East Ridings, who answered some of the visitors' question with his customary panache. The presentation by the Daggards Quartet was The Online Chapter Experience - a typical fast-moving whistle-stop tour of the story behind the Royal Arch, with such characters as King Zerubbabel
(who introduced himself with a song) -Scribes Ezra and Nehemiah and the Sojourners. The crusty Companions Tassell and Skirrett exchanged insults, and the Teacher kept interrupting with Audio-Visual footnotes to explain things. The Daggards asked the Zoomers questions, and some were answered correctly. Perhaps in retaliation, there were questions for the Daggards too, but as there were Entered Apprentices, Fellow Crafts and non-Chapter Masons present. the symbology and esoteric applications were minimised. Some of the audience are very deep thinkers. Comments afterwards were very positive - one Brother remarked "A most unique Masonic lesson - great fun!" VWB Maxine, Grand Secretary, Grand Scribe E and Chair of HFAF University Scheme from Freemasonry for Women, wrote to Bazza at the Masonic Circle afterwards saying "I haven't laughed so much at a masonic presentation as I just have. Absolutely brilliant.Thank you all and please thank the Daggards for me for such an enjoyable and also enlightening presentation - I learnt a few things, which I love to do. Can't wait to join you again."
Thank you all for watching!
Wednesday 21st July 2021
A small but appreciative audience from the Kingston Lodge 1010 forwent
the delights of the summer sunshine and the relaxing of Lockdown restrictions to watch the Daggards Quartet's debut presentation of King Solomon's Ring, featuring Craig Maurier as the inestimable Djinn Asmodeus. "I loved the masonic references" emailed one of the Brethren.
The forty-five minute presentation takes place in King Solomon's Temple just before its completion. Bob and Mildred, translocated there from the 2ist century, get to witness events in the making with three very dodgy men of Tyre.
Monday 28th June 2021
For their second post lock-down meeting, Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 (Master W Bro Malcolm Forbes) enjoyed a convivial gathering with visitors from sister Lodges to hear the Daggards presentation Hansel and Gretel in the Freemasons Lodge by Eddie Wildman and Craig Maurier, with Fish and Chips afterwards. There was a real sense of returning to normality, and a positive feeling as a joining member was ballotted for and accepted, and another proposed.
The Lodge kindly made a donation to the Daggards, which will of course be used towards supporting local charities.
Craig, Eddie and Malcolm are all members of the Humber Lodge 57.
Wednesday 16th June 2021
At the request of the MEZ of Kingston Chapter 1010 a three-handed presentation of The Online Chapter Experience by E Comps Neil Armstrong, Craig Maurier and Eddie Wildman. This whistle-stop illustrated explanation of what the Chapter is about, told by eleven characters including Scribes Ezra and Nehemiah was well received: one visitor opined it should be presented to all those who have recently joined the Chapter, as it encapsulated the story in a nutshell with the usual Daggards light touch. The Zoom Companions were a formidable audience - the Provincial Grand Superintendent is a member of the Kingston Chapter and was there, but the Companions answered the questions enthusiastically and got most of them right! The Daggards are grateful for the opportunity of assisting Lodges and Chapters as yet unable to meet because of Covid restrictions.
Monday 31st May 2021
See this date on the Daggards website for a fuller account of Aliens with Attitude which generated very positive feedback from the fifty-odd watchers. David McLachlan wrote: "Absolutely superb and I have to say it was the most entertaining, funny and enjoyable talk I have had the pleasure to listen to. A totally different unique way to deliver a lecture, with humour and fun intertwined in the mix. First class well done."
Bazza Longstaff has worked tirelessly over the past year to bring lectures and presentations to a wider audience and his Learning Circle now enjoys global recognition with Freemasons ranging from the United States to Singapore, including an increasing number of Lady Freemasons.
The Daggards Zoom Quartet (Eddie Wildman, David Terry, Craig Maurier and Neil Armstrong) are grateful to Bazza for giving them the opportunity to present their material - the verious Zoom presentations are listed on the Daggards website
Friday 14th May 2021
De la Pole Lodge 1605 hosted the premier performance of Surgery wherein the developments in medicine through the interventions of Freemasons was discussed during an emergency appendectomy operation. The Brethren (including a Lady Mason in New Jersey on the Atlantic Coast, a Brother on the Black Sea Coast, fifteen miles south of Odessa, others in Surrey and Hammersmith in the UK, and from De la Pole members and visitors plus a Ukranian Brother living in Hull) were most appreciative and favourable comments were made, though one member said he was glad he'd had his operation before seeing the presentation, otherwise he would have been terrified. The host, Worshipful Master Mike Bastiman, thanked the Daggards Quartet for their efforts.
Tuesday 11th May 2021
For the first time in our history, the Founder's Toast was delivered via Zoom. As the pandemic still precludes meeting together in Dagger Lane (hopefully next month will see us gathered there) the tradition of the Founder's Toast was upheld by W Bro Stanley Smith, IPM. Stanley gave a very interesting dissertation ("This will possibly be controversial", he declared in his preamble) outlining the history of the Warrant of the Lodge and pointing out that the Founders we anually honour were not signatories of the original document. Attended by appreciative Brethren, the Zoom meeting concluded with an indication of the way forward when normal service is resumed. A pleasant evening - the WM expressed his grateful thanks to all concerned.
Wednesday 5th May 2021
The Daggards Zoom Quartet gave the debut performance of Revolution! to Kingston Lodge (hosted by Mike Price, WM) which has been particularly supportive during the coronavirus pendemic. The half-hour romp was well received: W. Bro John Ridgill Trout, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings, gave an eloquent vote of thanks to the team, remarking that having seen a presentation regarding a railway disaster and another about the storms on the north-east coast, it was good to see something so cheerfully light-hearted. (The presentation is about the first untethered manned flight in the Montgolfier Brothers' balloon, but highlights the Masonic connections with Benjamin Franklin and Dr Guillotin.) The use of the Daggards’ HistoryScopeTM and TranslatApp© which translated the script into English (with French accents) was much appreciated. The WMm's email afterwards was heartening: "Excellent as usual!"
Wednesday 28th April 2021
Masonic researcher and lecturer Neil Armstrong, one of the Daggards Zoom Quartet, gave the inaugural performance of Venus, that Bright Morning Star at the Sam Judah Memorial Learning Circle to a fascinated audience of local Freemasons. That they were intrigued by his argument was evidenced by the depth and detail of the questions posed afterwards. The host, W Bro Jim (2kilts) Kerr thanked Neil for the well-illustrated presentation on behalf of all present. It was good to see a number of Freemasons from the Humber Lodge attending.
The learning circle is to promote Masonic learning and is open to all Freemasons, fostering curiosity and developing understanding.
Tuesday 13th April 2021
The minutes of the Zoom meeting will of course be distributed in the regular manner, but this evening's virtual meeting had three highlights in addition to the exchange of greetings, the pleasure of seeing on screen those Brethren who are not well enough to travel at the moment, and the updates from the Almoner and the Charity Steward. The highlights were:
1. W Bro Ian Syddall's talk When I was Seventeen - the tale of a Macclesfield youth who having passed the police entry exams was told he was too short to be accepted. "Go away and do some stretching exercises, lad," he was advised. The exercises obviously worked, for Ian shot up to over six-foot high, but by this time had decided he was enjoying working in retail. Ian spoke of journeys all over the world, including Saudi Arabia and South Africa, but said that he would regale us with those tales on another occasion. W Bro Smedley gave a vote of thanks.
2. W Bro Terry Fisher gave a short lecture from the Daggard archives: Heavenly Bodies which dilated on the relience of Freemasonry on the lessons taught by our solar system and the universe beyond. As Masons, we are exhorted to study the myseries of Nature and of Science, and W Bro Fisher explained how the equinoxes and solstices informed the Craft, referring to the Tracing Boards which mentioned the astrological skills of the Egyptians and illustrating the points made with snapshots of his own visits to the Karnak Temple Complex near Luxor. Brother Craig Morrison gave a vote of thanks.
W Bro Phil Watts, Lodge Lecture Master and fount of knowledge (see 29th September 2020 on this page) pointed out that one of the slides shown had included both Sirius, the dog star under discussion, and Betelgeuse in the constallation of Orion. This red supergiant, he said, has a radius of 617.1 million kilometres which in comparitive terms meant it was large enough to absorb our solar system from the sun to Jupiter. This is not imminent.
3. The Raffle Draw in aid of the Charity Fund took place: the prizes, which ranged from a Chocolate Bunny to the fantastic Humber Chocolate Bouquet have been allocated, the Charity Steward W Bro Malcolm Forbes drawing the tickets and the Almoner, W Bro David Terry announcing the winners. The Worshipful Master commended the Brethren who have given so generously to this important cause: £630 has been raised during a period of closed Lodges and no live meetings. This is a fantastic achievement - Thank you, Brethren.
Angus Gillies won the first prize! Well done, Angus. (See the Charity Page for the picture!)
Other informationwill be disseminated via the minutes.
Wednesday 7th April 2021
Once again the Kingston Lodge 1010 hosted a premiere Daggards Zoom performance: For Those in Peril on the Sea was attended by Brethren from Cambridge and beyond, and by members of the RNLI on the NE Coast, which features in this stirring tale about the lifeboat work during the great storm of 1888. W Bro Phil Harrison (also heavily involved with the Royal National Lifeboat Association) gave an excellent vote of thanks to the Daggards for their work in entertaining and enlightening the Brethren and others. Intelligent questions afterwards indicated how much the audience had paid attention, which was very flattering. The 40 minute presentation, written by Eddie Wildman using the extensive research material supplied by Neil Armstrong was delivered by Eddie, Neil, Craig Maurier (technical guru) and David Terry, actor extraordinaire. It was a pleasure to see a fourth Humber Brother, W Bro Winston Pannett amongst the 28 on screen. The Kingston Worshipful Master Mike Price closed the meeting with a toast to Absent Brethren.
Friday 26th March 2021
St Peter Lodge 7648 in Cleethorpes invited the Daggards to Zoom their full-length presentation Ten Tons of Bombs on the date of their regular meeting. Hosted by Craig Maurier, a member of St. Peter Lodge in addition to Humber Lodge 57 and an active Daggard, this was well attended with visitors from as far afield as Somerset. The tale of the narrowly averted railway disaster just prior to D Day was well appreciated and the Daggards (Neil Armstrong, David Terry, Craig Maurier and Eddie Wildman) were thanked for their presentation, which, the WM remarked, was quite different to the zoom contributions the Lodge had experienced during the Lockdown period.
It was nice to see lady masons present, as well as a number of Candidates waiting to become members of St Peter Lodge after the Lockdown.
Monday 22nd March 2021
Wilberforce Lodge 2134 is continuing its series of excellent lectures from far and wide and on this occasion - again to a world-wide audience - the Speaker was W Bro Craig Maurier from the Humber Lodge 57 who spoke learnedly on Pinocchio as a Masonic Parable, illustrating how Carlo Collodi's puppet was the protagonist in a moral tale written by a journalist who was also a freemason, and how Walt Disney, another Mason, had interpreted it, preserving the symbolic elements while rendering it as children's visual entertainment. Craig's illuminating address gave rise to very sensible discussion, and the listeners were well satisfied. The meeting was hosted by W. Bro Barry Longstaff, WM.
Friday 12th March 2021
Darren Desker zoomed Wilberforce Lodge 2134 with a lecture on the Royal Society and Freemasonry to over seventy participants, some of them Lady Freemasons, of which a number are moving their meetings to Trinity Lane after lockdown. As ever W Bro Desker promoted the importance of studying. Four members of the Daggards attended, three of them members of the Humber Lodge. There was fruitful discussion afterwards. Barry Longstaff, WM of the Wilberforce Lodge hosted the meeting.
Tuesday 9th March 2021
"Another great zoom meeting :-)" emailed one of the Brethren following Richard Smedley's illuminating account of his life and times in the 1970s and beyond. Part of this can be viewed on the Members Page. Richard's smilingly conversational style telling about his life as a youngster and pre-university days, followed by his career as a civil engineer, his marriage and his meteoric rise in Freemasonry held us all spellbound - thanks, Richard!
At the same meeting, the Brethren and visitors applauded Jack Whileblood, who had received a commendation from the MW Grand Master, HRH the Duke of Kent, for his contribution to FM during the covid-19 pandemic. The certificate is now proudly hanging in his living room.
The WM thanked those Brethren who had formed into the socially distanced cortege tribute at the funeral of Malcolm Coates.
He also spoke of the possible options of meeting again at Dagger Lane as the government restrictions during the pandemic are being gradually lifted, and called a committee meeting to disuss them. "We have a number of potential new Candidates," he said.
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Many Brethren and visitors from Lodges in and around Cambridgeshire were present at the premiere Daggards performance of "Ten Tons of Bombs" which tells of the terrible explosion at Sohamin 1944; there were folk there who had known some of the participants in the story, and remarked on the illustrations. As ever, our researcher Neil Armstrong had winnowed the contemporary newspapers and other documents for the pertinent facts and illustrations, Eddie Wildman had put the script together and Craig Maurier managed the Power Point, sliding in the images and sound effects exactly on time. All these three had speaking parts, but the starring role, that of Engine Driver Ben Gimbert, was superbly delivered by David Terry. "A powerfully emotive performance" said one visitor. Thanks to the Kingston Lodge 1010 for hosting this presentation.
Friday 26th February 2021
The Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 asked Eddie Wildman to present his short Heavenly Bodies illustrated talk on the date of what would have been a regular meeting but for shutdown. The Worshipful Master, W Bro Terry Fisher, thanked Eddie and the Lodge Secretary, W Bro Andy Green, who controlled the Power Point Slide Show as Eddie spoke, and the Brethren joined in acclamation. "I'd like to hear that again," remarked the WM, "it was very informative." Worshipful Brother Fisher is also an officer of the Humber Lodge. Many thanks to the RTL for the opportunity of delivering this illustrated lecture for the first time.
Monday 22nd February 2021
Wilberforce Lodge 2134 under the enthusiastic promotions of WM Barry Longstaff enjoyed a huge attendance for the Daggards' presentation Hand Over Back with Neil Armstrong, Craig Maurier and Eddie Wildman, which elicited positive responses from visitors as far afield as Germany and Canada. It was a pleasure to see many Lady Freemasons there, including the Grand Master of the Honorable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons, Christine Chapman, who texted on the "comments" facility: "Thank you for something totally different!" Other posted comments were equally positive: "Absolutely riveting," texted John Joseph Mallan in Scotland, who afterwards sang a selection of songs, concluding with Eventide before the closing toasts. It is a pleasure to see during Lockdown, when it would be easy to let one's Freemasonry drop out of mind, that such a wide and varied audience are still keen to add to their fund of Masonic knowledge: congratulations to the WM for promoting this by regular presentations from so many varied speakers. Greetings were sent from America Lodge No. 57, the first regular Freemasons Lodge for Women in the United States.
Saturday 13th February 2021
Lord Bolton Lodge 3263 was well attended for the Daggards' Zoom presentation of Hand Over Back with Craig Maurier, Neil Armstrong and Eddie Wildman and equally well received. One of the visitors, W Bro Philip Daniels remarked "First class as always . . . you have attained a new level of professional drama and excitement in your delivery this evening." The host, Worshipful Master Chris le Fevre, whose wife is from the Isle of Wight (wherein the fatal duel took place) professed himself astounded that there was so much history from there of which he had no previous knowledge. It was a pleasure to see so many familiar faces once again.
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Night Soil Men was well received by the Brethren of Humber Lodge; some of the Brethren remembered the old "hole in the ground" toilets and the Almoner remarked on the influence Thomas Crapper has had on the development of home comforts. The resonances with the 19th Century cholera epidemic in Hull and our current pandemic was not lost, however: the tragedy of infection through ignorance and the importance of cleanliness was noted. Despite the scatological subject matter, the Brethren enjoyed the performance by Eddie Wildman and Neil Armstrong, with the illustrations expertly coordinated by Craig Maurier.
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
The first performance of Night Soil Men was delivered by Craig Maurier, Neil Armstrong and Eddie Wildman in an illustrated Zoom presentation for the Kingston Lodge 1010, which was attended by members of several Lodges including a number from Surrey. "Truly Fantastic," said Past Provincial Grand Mentor Jimmy 2Kilts from de la Pole, "a real education." It was evident that the Brethren had enjoyed it, chucking at the jokes, and expressing shock at certain points in the presentation, whose subject matter resonates strangely with our current pandemic problems. Many thanks to W Bro Michael Price, Master of the Lodge, who hosted the meeting. Kingston Lodge 1010 have often hosted premier Daggards performances, and the Daggards are very grateful for the opportunity of presenting new material. Watch this space!
Monday 18th January 2021
Humber Lodge guru Craig Maurier lectured to a huge zoom audience at the regular Wilberforce Lodge Zoom meeting with his thoughtful thesis on The Wizard of Oz as Masonic Parable illustrating the story's connections between theosophy and freemasonry, and expounding on how universal developmental truths are often best rendered analogously. Dorothy's journey, he explained, was much more than technicolour entertainment as it revealed significant aspects of the human psyche and self discovery. Comments from the global visitors included "captivating", "amazing" and "food for thought", Well done, Craig!
Tuesday 12th January 2021
Humber Lodge Brethren and visitors enjoyed the "Hand Over Back" Presentation by Eddie, Craig and Kingston researcher Neil Armstrong on the date of their regular meeting, but delivered by the magic of Zoom as the government restrictions are guarding against further deprevations of the Coronavirus. The story of Hull-born Blundell's death in a duel, the travesty of justice at the subsequent trial, and the intervention of the Immediate Past Grand Master in the year that the United Grand Lodge of England was formed was well received. The WM spoke of the presentations planned for the year ahead.
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Michael Price, WM of the Kingston Lodge 1010, hosted the Lodge's first Zoom of the year with a Daggards presentation "Hand over Back" with Neil Armstrong and Eddie Wildman, while the illustrations and technological details were handled by Craig Maurier. This tale of treachery, deceit and murder, the subsequent trial and the intervention of the Past Grand Master at the time the Antients and Moderns were settling their differences was well appreciated. Several of the members have decided to be at the next performance, later in the month at Humber Lodge.
Tuesday 5th January 2021
Wilberforce Lodge 2134 has a thriving Zoom attendance with other countries visiting to hear what the monthly Zoom is about. This occasion was "A Learning Circle" -three short talks from an EA, FC and a MM, which covered topics ranging from the role of the Tyler, the stairway on the second degree tracing board, and an insightful examination regarding "The Son of Hapu" and comparative religions suggesting Hiram Abiff's connections were perhaps more profound than generally believed. Congratulations to Bros Allsworth, Norton and Chapman on their researches! The meeting was hosted by Barry Longstaff, WM.
Monday 4th January 2021
The Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 began the year's customary companionship with a social Zoom. This is not attended by all the Lodge, but is a pleasant way of keeping in touch and exchanging news. It was nice to see so many familiar faces, hosted, as usual, by W Bro Barry Kensett.
Tuesday 8th December 2020
It was a pleasure to see over forty attendees at the Humber Lodge Christmas Zoom meeting. After welcoming the festively dressed Brethren, visiting Brethren, potential candidates and the ladies (who looked delightful,) the WM was privileged to announce that W Bro Syddall has been awarded the active senior office of ProvGChStwd which will commence in May 2121 (see WM's Blog for today's date.)
W Bro Jack Whileblood was then interviewed by the WM. Here is a brief summary of what transpired:
Jack Whileblood, born in 1937 when King George was on the throne and started life in a large house – two houses knocked together in Lime Street, Hull. He explained that his family (he was the middle one of five children) lived with the grandparents, who had barges on the River Hull and stables for the horses (which pulled the barges) at the back of the house. He spoke of happy days running about with the chickens, and was an infant when WW2 began.
The air-raid shelter was under North Bridge – and Jack recalled coming out at the “all clear” to find the family home destroyed. “Horses and chickens were running about the bomb site,” he said, telling how he managed to retrieve his Grandfather’s Full Hunter watch from the fireplace, which was still standing.
He was evacuated to a farm at York and away from the family for a few years, returning to Mersey Street Primary School. Jack passed his 11+ certificate, but instead of opting for a Grammar School education, chose to go to the closer Malet Lambert Secondary School. This led on to Technical College and a scholarship. But then he was called to National Service, where he joined the Paras and Special Forces.
A disastrous stint in the Police Force persuaded Jack back to engineering, and he joined Armstrong-Patent in Beverley. He agreed to gain some practical experience – which took place on the Greenland trawlers; he has chilling stories of frozen rigging and the masts more than double in thickness with ice.
Now well experienced, back in Hull, Beverley and York, Jack was the Assistant Engineer for three months, then became Chief Engineer when the man in that office died. But his hands-on familiarity with all technical aspects of the job brought him to the attention of the boss, who appointed him as a Test Engineer.
This involved the testing of all the Armstrong vehicles, especially those used in Formula 1 racing. “I had everything to do with racing,” Jack said, “including Rally Cars. We were the first to use aluminium for shock absorbers.” He travelled all over the world, meeting all the great drivers – he has a great admiration for Graham Hill, and was a pall bearer at his funeral.
It was in Sweden Jack had his near-fatal accident. The Swedish authorities built a Formula 1 circuit as Ronnie (Superswede) Peterson was going to be world champion. Jack, not only a car-surgeon but now an expert on race circuits, had to test the site, along with other engineers. He objected to the lack of crash barriers, but the drivers agreed to make do with straw bales. A sudden downpour sent the car out of control and Jack went over the side of a mountain, helplessly crashing 462 feet below. The titanium anti-roll bars snapped and pinioned Jack inside the vehicle. He was helicoptered to hospital with the bars still through his legs. He was expected to die within hours.
He was seven months recuperating in an iron lung, and a further ten months before he was flown back to the UK. A letter from the world famous F1 drivers, signed by Graham Hill said “We all know you are a bit of an ace at the wheel, so we have come to the only conclusion that it must have been duff shock absorbers that caused you to lose control.”
Jack was keen to take the wheel again, but had a heart attack whilst kitting up. He had a quadruple bypass and decided to leave life in the fast lane for younger drivers, and worked in sales and consultancy.
He enjoyed working as a magistrate, dealing with young offenders and showing a remarkable leniency and tolerance, always keen to encourage youngsters to discover how to live decently.
He met Kay, his sister’s best friend and took her bowling. “But she bowled me over,” he said. Jack and Kay are proud grandparents now.
Jack joined Freemasonry in 1988, and is pleased to observe that it is a much more friendly organisation than it used to be. “Stick at it,” is his message.
Following the interview, a raffle was drawn for a Christmas Hamper and other prizes in aid of the the Almoner's Fund. The incredible sum of £775 was raised - congratulations to all who took part. It is an indication of the quality of the Brethren in the Humber Lodge that despite the current difficulties, they still make a real effort to help the poor and distressed. Very well done to you all.
As the recycled Worshipful Master, I wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
Monday 7th December 2020
Humber Installed Masters 2494 did not let the coronavirus prevent the members - and their wives - from enjoying festive cheer: the WM, W Bro Tim Dillon had invited Cherie Harper to sing Christmas music to the Zoom gathering. While the screen said there were twenty-five participants, the presence of the ladies added considerably to the number. The RWPGM, Jeffrey Gillyon, with his wife Chris, thanked Tim and Cherie for the cheerful end to what had been a very difficult year for all Lodges. To finish with, W Bro Dillon recited "The Night Before Christmas" with great aplomb.
Tuesday 10th November 2020
W Bro Tom Lee spoke on Zoom to a fascinated audience during the time that the Lodge would have been passing Brother Thundercliffe through his Fellow Craft degree. The government national lock-down (with Hull now one of the most badly affected areas) has precluded the meeting at Dagger Lane, so it was delightful that Tom agreed to keep the now online Brethren entertained with stories of his career in the Police Force, which he'd joined in 1975. His light-hearted anecdotes were much appreciated and gave rise to reminiscences from other members. Thanks, Tom!
Friday 6th November 2020
Thesaurus Lodge 3891 invited the Provincial Zoom presenters under the directorship of W Bro John Murphy to educate the Lodge of Instruction with "Famous Freemasons", concluding with a light-hearted but challenging quiz. The Worshipful Master, W. Bro Garry Millett surprised everyone with his knowledge and recognition skills, streaking ahead of the rest of the viewers to finish a clear winner. It is claimed he rewarded himself with a bottle of whisky as a prize. An enjoyable hour online!
Wednesday 4th November 2020
It was a pleasure to see so many familiar faces at the Humber Lodge Committee Meeting where production discussion took place regarding the Lodge finances, subscriptions, future Candidates and suggestions regarding the year ahead in the event of covid-19 restrictions continuing. Many thanks to all who attended!
Tuesday 20th October 2020
W Bro Antony Craig Maurier, PPGStwd (Lincs), Computer Guru and Director of Ceremonies of the Humber Lodge 57 gave a Zoom presentation about William Hogarth's Masonic cartoon "Night" for the Wilberforce Lodge 2134 (under the leadership of W Bro Barry Longstaff) to a distinguished audience of over forty Brethren from all over the world. Craig spoke of the artist's sympathies with the poor and his political awareness, and explained why the Worshipful Master depicted was being drenched from a chamber-pot emptied out of an upstairs window. This was a short lecture, but as one of the Zoom visitors remarked, "told us more in that brief insight into Freemasonry over two hundred years ago than one might expect to learn in months." W Bro Longstaff complimented Craig and the Daggards for the presentation, and W Bro Andrew Pittaway proposed a vote of thanks on behalf of all present. Craig will be speaking to the Wilberforce Lodge early next year on the subject of "The Wizard of Oz as a Masonic Parable."
Tuesday 13th October 2020
While six Brethren were performing a second degree ceremony in the Lodge Room at Dagger Lane (see WM's Blog) W Bro David Terry, PPSGW, Chaplain and Almoner of the premier Lodge in the Province, hosted a Zoom meeting where he delivered a most entertaining and instructive lecture " . . . And So to Refreshment" about Festive Board Procedure, which may be found under this date in the Nugget Cache. The Zoomers were joined by the Dagger Lane Brethren at 7.30 pm, who having Passed Bro Morrison to the degree of a Fellow Craft, were pleased to see their Brethren on the large screen in the Dining Hall, where Bro Morrison was congratulated by W Terry and all the on-screen Brethren. (For an account of how the ritual was managed using only five Brethren and the Candidate, see the WM's Blog for this date.) There was positive discussion about the way forward in the light of the ongoing coronavirus pendemic, and a donation suggested in the absence of the usual wreath-laying ceremony at the cenotaph (see the Charity page) after which the WM submitted the Isolated Brethren toast which may be found at the bottom of this page.
Thursday 8th October 2020
The Worshipful Master of Kingston Lodge 1010 W Bro Michael Price called a Zoom meeting following a succesful Rule of Six actual Lodge meeting the previous day at Beverley Road. Those who had been present remarked how enjoyable it was to participate: it was mooted that on future occasions the Brethren be swapped about so others can enjoy the camaraderie. For this honorary member (who had not attended) it was a pleasure to see familiar old faces and to exchange greetings. As the Installation meeting is approaching, it seems likely that the WM will retain the Chair for another year, as is happening in many Lodges. Well done Mike!
Saturday 3rd October 2020
While a quorum of Beverlonian Brethren met live at Trinity Lane Beverley following the Rule of Six, W Bro Ben Rose entertained other members in a Zoom meeting talking about the First Degree Tracing Board, transcribed into Modern English by Dickon Sandbach and available for persual on the Solomon website. While the lecture covered much of the material delivered the previous day by W Bro Darren Desker (see below) it was good to be reminded of such Masonic features as the Movable and Immovable Jewels, and of course to view familiar faces in the select Beverlonian gathering. It is a pleasure to see the efforts made by Brethren to maintain interest and fellowship in these trying times. Thanks, Ben!
Friday 2nd October 2020
Barry Longstaff, WM of Wilberforce Lodge 2134 again hosted a very well attended Zoom meeting with visitors from the four quarters of the globe whereat W Bro Darren Desker (pictured) from Singapore gave a detailed lecture on the First Dergree Tracing Board. Various time zones were in operation of course; for W Bro Desker it was 0200 hours! The literal, allegorical, moral and spiritual aspects of of many of the symbols touched on in the 1845 Harris Tracing Board were discussed giving evidence of conscientious research and interesting interpretations.
Tuesday 29th September 2020
Humber Lodge Lecture Master Philip Arthur Watts talked about his maritime career and life in Hull in the forties and fifties in a Zoom interview with the WM. He recalled the bombed buildings and the house where he lived for his first four years; parents and grandparents together. He spoke of helping to feed a neighbour's pigs, carrying the slop bucket, and the later rewards - a few sausages or a couple of chops. He moved with his parents to Coronation Road in 1951 and his mother, he recounts, was delighted to have a place of her own at last. As a first class dancer herself she had high hopes of her children, but young Philip, aged six, rebelled. He was happy accompanying his father on weekends, cycling to the Seven Seas Refining Company where his dad was an industrial chemist, and feeding the pigs and chickens there.
The idea of going to sea appealed, and young Philip spent one Saturday taking the entrance exam - without telling his parents. When the crested envelope arrived his mother was surprised, even more so that he'd passed.
Trinity House was a small school of about 150 boys training as seafarers. "We were in small classes of about thirty," Philip explained, "whereas elsewhere classes were about forty-eight." He told his fascinated listeners (some of whom had been at Trinity at the same time) about the teachers, the discipline (in the seamanship room for the rope's end) and the boys buying cigarettes in Fag Alley (Prince Street) from the proceeds of selling their puddings at dinner time. "You could get a Woodbine for tuppence," he said, "and a match." He remarked how different it is as a governer of the school nowadays, but was pleased that some traditions still remain, such as the Chapel Service (now monthly, not weekly) and Dinner Day.
He began work at sea on a Pilot Ship on the Humber. For some time he was the junior boy, known as the Herbert. After nine months he left to join the cargo ships of the Wilson Line. The work was still demanding, and he recalled standing watches. "The best watch was from twelve midnight to four in the morning," he explained, "because you could get two breakfasts."
His first ship was the Rollo - he sailed to Guttenberg and elsewhere, including Torronto and the Great Lakes. Philip smiled when recounting his duties in dock at the Great Lawrence Seaway, when he was lowered from a derrick in the shoulder of the bow on a bosun's chair (in those days a simple plank of wood held by ropes) to the quayside.
Philip spoke of working on the Miranda, a support vessel to other ships stationed at Iceland during the cod war, and the escapades there - including one of the Sparkies pinching the slippers from an unfortunate corpse as they were in better condition than his own.
Captain Watts enjoyed command over four decades, always aware that the final decisions were his. He has been instrumental in the fitting out of new ships in different venues, such as the Autoracer in 1994. He has his favourite ports - and others he hated, and has sailed through storms at sea including one which was the tail end of a volcano in St George's Channel where a twenty-foot high roller suddenly loomed into view.
Married to Linda in 1969 (and she is still as lovely as ever) he is the father of two strapping boys and is proud of his several grandchildren.
Some of the Trinity House Brethren asked Philip to apply to join them as one of the Brethren there. "I never thought as a schoolboy that I'd ever be one of the old fellows who sometimes fell asleep in the chapel services," he said.
His joining Freemasonry was perhaps initiated by an episode when an uncle had died, and the Brethren of Brough Lodge made a donation of first class train tickets for the family to attend the funeral. This favourable opinion preconceived of the Order eventually resulted in him joining the Humber Lodge in 2003 and he became WM seven years later.
"It's less formal, perhaps, nowadays," he said. "But people like Barney Harris made me very welcome. It is all about making good men better."
There were many questions - the seafarers from other Lodges exchanging details about the various vessels they'd sailed on, and the Zoom meeting was brought to a reluctant close at 20:00 hrs.
Saturday 26th September 2020
Wilberforce Lodge 2134 again hosted an excellent lecture, this time from the R W Dr Massoud El Bani of St Paul's Lodge 374 E R in Montreal, Canada, who spoke on the history, etymology, symbolism and Masonic meanings of this curious device, refering to his observations in Lebanon and elsewhere. His lecture was well illustrated, showing how this ingenious mechanism was employed by operative masons to raise heavy bocks (the word derives from the Latin leuis - to lift) of dressed stone into place, and explaining how the Masonic lewis jewel pertained to family connections. The meeeting was very well attended by Brethren from as far away as South Africa, Australia, Bulgaria, Scotland, Norfolk, Manchester, Southend on Sea, Lincolnshire and of course, Hull. The premier Lodge in the Province was also represented, of course. A splendid lecture, much appreciated by all who attended.
Tuesday 15th September 2020
W Bro James Steele, Primus Master of the Phoenix Lodge 9963 gave a lecture on the formation, consecration and fortunes of the original Phoenix Lodge (368) in Hull comprised founding members from the Rodney Lodge 451 which had been undergoing a period of internal dissatisfaction. His research into the records of these discontinued Lodges provided interesting information not only about the Brethren (accomplished diners and imbibers according to reports of the meetings ending in the small hours) but of the different conditions then tolerated - the smoke-filled lodge rooms, heated by coal fires, the preference for drinking alcohol as the water was dangerous. The Zoom meeting was attended by a Brother from Le Phenix Lodge No. 5 from the Grand Lodge of Mauritius and three prospective candidates, keen to join the Craft when the coronavirus crisis is over.
Tuesday 8th September 2020
The Humber Craft meeting with Robert Lomas on screen was via Microsoft Team. See this date on the WM's Blog page.
Monday 24th August 202
Discussion regarding their first post-lock-down meeting between members of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 concluded with a decision to make the initial social convocation (with appropriate distancing) a brief business gathering in order to experience the application of the Covid-19 protection measures organised by the Beverley Road Masonic Hall Association and the Lodge itself, which is pleased to have amongst its members a well qualified Health and Safety Officer, and to tweak such measures if necessary. The Worshipful Master, W Bro Malcolm Forbes, who is also the Charity Steward of the Humber Lodge 57 spoke of the need for clarity in the literature, and the intervention measures required before organising any sort of Festive Board could take place at the Masonic Hall. He noted that a significant percentage of essential Officers would possibly be shielding and unable to attend. Marshalls, he noted, must be appointed for the evening, and it was gratifying to observe that the most recent member of the Lodge, who is hoping to be passed to the degree of a Fellow-Craft later in the year, unhesitatingly volunteered for this role. The WM thanked W Bro Barry Kensett (pictured) who has facilitated the Zoom meetings of the Andrew Marvell Lodge on a fortnightly basis since the UGLE suspension of meetings in March.
Tuesday 18th August 2020
Wilberforce Lodge 2134 holds regular Zoom meetings and the WM, Barry Longstaff invited David Terry to give his Daggards presentation on Masonic Creatures. This was highly succesful eliciting comments including "mind boggling", "what an entertaining talk and evening", "stunning, thank-you","brilliant presentation". There were fifty-seven participants, from different parts of the globe - too many to go on one screen. David, of course, custom-built his talk to include the names of some of the Wilberforce Brethren - and mention was made of the Lyon, the Batt and Robbins. There were questions afterwards which David answered with his usual panache, though some of the Brethren appeared a little uneasy when he described the rectal palpation process in diagnosing the pregnancy stage of cattle and the need for a plastic sleeve and heavy duty apron. Craig Maurier will be speaking about Hogarth's Masonic Cartoon at the Wilberforce Zoom on 20th October -watch this space!
Monday 17th August 2020
A committee meeting was called to discuss the way forward: Covid-19 has impacted on all Lodges and changes to Lodge buildings, to ritual and to social events have needed to be addressed. The lock-down (now relaxed, but in the event of a local "spike" in coronavirus infections may be reinstated) has reduced the number of meetings held with the current officers, and the recommendation that the WM and his team continue for another year was launched. The WM, humbled by the confidence placed in him, and grateful to those who would have followed him in December for agreeing to stand down for twelve months, thanked the Committee. The minutes of this meeting will be distributed to all the Humber Brethren.
Tuesday 11th August 2020
Comments from the Worshipful Master
The first real-life meeting of the premier Lodge in the Province after lockdown included a brace of Zoom presentations, for which purpose the Lodge was called off.
Dennis at the Mentors Forum was a Daggards discussion on the importance of the VSL in Freemasonry; a talk by W Bro Mark Richardson on the impact of the covid-19 virus on the Craft and elsewhere followed. An account of the meeting can be seen on the WM's Blog page and on the Daggards website.
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Over sixty participants attended the Wilberforce Lodge 2134 zoom meeting, whereat W Bro Darren Desker (I had last met him while lecturing in Singapore) gave a deep "Journey Through the First Degree" -an hour of esoteric analysis delving into Origen Adamantius's allegorical methods (literally, allegorically, morally and spiritually), symbolism, the duality expressed in the Golden Mean of Aristotle, combined with more modern sociological philosophy from Theodor W Adorno and others, putting a new spin and polish on items and concepts in the Lodge which had hitherto been taken for granted. That the listeners' evening entertainment and instruction was being delivered past two in the morning from W Bro Desker's desk did not go unnoticed, and W Bro Paul Harper's vote of thanks neatly summarised the appreciation and admiration of this powerful lecture, hosted by the WM, W Bro Barry Longstaff.
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Comments from the Worshipful Master
Humber Lodge 57 was pleased to have many visitors for the premier zoom presentation of "Setting up the Lodge" where the crusty old tyler (Eddie Wildman) was assisted to set out the carpet, pedestals etc. with the assistance of the new Entered Apprentice (Craig Maurier.) The latter asked questions about the various items and their application in Freemasonry - this short illustrated presentation was very well received. Both Eddie and Craig are members of The Daggards, which offers several zoom presentations free of charge during the current pandemic. The toast to Isolated Brethren was given at the end.
Friday 10th July 2020
The Ridings Tablers' Lodge had an "unnofficial" Zoom social meeting in which Bro Connor Fergusson hosted an excellent quiz at which the WM of the Humber Lodge 57 failed to score a respectable amount (along with most of the Brethren present) but the atmosphere was congenial, and the WM, W Bro Terence Fisher (also a member of the premier Lodge) thanked those attending for their contributions to a convivial evening. Questions were raised afterwards about the latest communiques from UGLE and the Province regarding the resuming of meetings in the light of government health and safety restrictions, and an interesting discussion ensued: there were two reigning WMs and three Officers of United Grand Lodge postulating scenarios about the way forward, the initiation of Candidates, the festive board, and the reluctance of the venerable and vulnerable to attend while there is no vaccine available to prevail against the current pandemic. This writer was well impressed with the good sense expounded; while Freemasonry is undergoing unprecedented difficulties, the Brethren present took a level-headed, sensible approach which bodes well for the future.
Wednesday 1st July 2020
It was a pleasure to attend Kingston Lodge 1010's Zoom meeting, organised by the WM, W Bro Michael Price, whereat guest speaker W Bro John Watts from the Province of Durham gave a presentation from the wet streets of Newcastle after removing his crash helmet. Never having riden a motorbike until the end of his police career, John went on various motorcycle courses, then, missing the flashing blue lights, joined as a volunteer for the blood donor centre and is now part of the fast motorcycle transportation system delivering blood and vital supplies throughout the country; recently, he explained, he'd been taking Covid samples to a laboratory for testing. This brief but stimulating talk was very well received. Alas, some computer glitch prevented this attendee from viewing the final minutes, but it was a thoroughly worthwhile Zoom. Thanks for the invite!
Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Comments from the Worshipful Master
Visitors from far and wide attended the Humber Lodge Zoom despite it being the warmest day of the year so far. Onscreen, Neil Armstrong appeared to be enjoying a beer in the Sea of Tranquility while Andy Pittaway sat contentedly in the Beverley Masonic Hall. Some of the Brethren impressively logged in using their laptops while still enjoying the balmy evening air in their gardens. "Most of this is the wife's work," Andy Paulls confessed, showing a vista of well tended foliage and beautifully potted plants. The Worshipful Master was flattered that so many attended. W Bro David Terry's superb presentation Creatures in the Lodge - complete with vetinerary anecdotes was a great success and I am sure that other Lodges will wish to Zoom in on this elsewhere. (e.g. at Wilberforce Lodge in August.) Brother Craig Fish (who had merited a mention during the presentation) proposed a vote of thanks, which was seconded by Bro Charles Alexander, and the Brethren showed their acclamation by waving - the screen was alive!
In fact there were too many Brethren to fit on one screen - apologies to those I've missed off! After updates from the Secretary, and greetings given from the visitors and the DC on behalf of the Brethren from the premier Lodge in the Province, the WM thanked everyone for coming and gave the final toast from a rapidly diminishing glass (which is probably why the faces are a little out of focus:
Wheresoe'er dispersed,
Wishing them health and safety
And a happy return to their Lodges
When circumstance permits.
So mote it be.
Many thanks for the kind emails of appreciation received afterwards! Our next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 14th July at 6.30. pm. Craig and Eddie will be delivering a new Daggards presentation Setting up the Lodge where the new Entered Apprentice makes the mistake of offering the crusty old tyler a hand. Please feel free to invite Masonic visitors through the Lodge Secretary.
The informal minutes of the above meeting will be distributed electronically to the Humber Brethren.
Monday 22nd June 2020
Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 held an informal Zoom meeting, there were ten participants and they discussed various topics, including Charity work. The Charity Steward, W Bro Andrew Peach is commendably efficient, and put forward ideas not only for the distrubution of money (assisted by Province) to worthy causes, but how this might be observed by the Press and Hull Daily Mail. There was a healthy exchange of views about possible ways forward when the Covid-19 is properly under control, and it was a pleasure to hear opinions from some of the younger members of the Lodge. Congratulations to W Bro Barry Kensett, whose technical expertise kept all in order.
Saturday 20th June 2020
The Humber WM attended Technical Lodge 5666 for a Zoom presentation as below, with different presenters, Phil (whose surname he failed to catch) and Barrie Jefferey. The repartee between the Technical Brethren before the presentation took place was excellent; it was a pleasure to see familiar faces again after so long an absence. Once again, John Murphy kept order and explained how to interact with the screen images. The Technical WM invited the Brethren to a brief meeting regarding Lodge business at the end.
Wednesday 17th June 2020
The Provincial Solomon based presentation Jewels of the Lodge was made by W Bros Frank Rose and Paul Cegla under the banner of Sykes Lodge 1040 to a Zoom audience of over three dozen worthy Masons from Lodges all over the Province, with the WM of the premier Lodge representing a number from Hull. The illustrated Q & A explanation was followed by a quiz, which the Brethren answered with acumen. The build-up was interesting; Brethren greeted familiar faces, and several appearances were made by an inquisitive cat. Many thanks to the WM of Sykes Lodge, W Bro Adey Hanrahan, who welcomed the Brethren, and W Bro John Murphy, who as host explained various electronic procedures so simply that even this participant could understand.
Sunday 14th June 2020
It was a pleasure to Zoom to Halas Abbey Lodge 5407 in the Masonic Province of Worcestershire and talk briefly about the Daggards, the work they do and their charity support. W Bro Michael Price, who is the WM of the Kingston Lodge 1010, had suggested I speak at this informal get-together, where I took the opportunity to give greetings not only from the Daggards, but from the premier Lodge in the Province. A fascinating forty minutes in distinguished company! Many thanks to Mike; to the Worshipful Master of Halas Abbey, W Bro Tom Gadd; and to W Bro John Chapman who performed the technical magic to bring the Brethren together. There was an invitation to visit at some time when the coronavirus is under control - I'm looking forward to it.
9th June 2020
Comments from the WM
Many of the Brethren were in place by the time the WM arrived on the screen; having been in a Zoom meeting elsewhere beforehand, he was unable to tune in; fortunately Craig, Masonic Guru (see ZOOM 1 below) talked W Bro Wildman through the process with great patience, explaining that one has to turn off one link in order to open another one. It was good to welcome the guys - it is not always the same Brethren, but there is a hard core of regulars. When asked if they wanted to change the meetings to once monthly instead of twice monthly, everybody insisted that they enjoyed the Zoom get-togethers as an opportunity to see each other as well as increasing in Masonic and General Knowledge. (For example, W Bro Malcolm Coates was delighted to tell everybody that his son Michael was the proud possessor of a new hybrid car and was listening in on the phone connection.) Fortnightly meetings will therefore continue.
There were a few apologies: our Charity Steward, W Bro Malcolm Forbes, sent in a written report (read out by the Secretary, W Bro Ian Syddall) saying that he was awaiting an essential component to his computer set-up before he could join the meetings. The Almoner reported that W Bro Bill Burnett's wife Karen had suffered a stroke during the weekend, but though her speech and memory are affected, she is now back at home. We wish her a safe and speedy recovery.
The main business was a First Degree Quiz by our Almoner, W Bro David Terry. The questions had been distributed beforehand and a number of the Brethren had applied themselves seriously to the task of "decoding" the initials: Question 2: [Bthn: S. M... I. B.] elicited a musical response as nearly everyone chanted "So Mote It Be." Not all the questions were this easy, however, and the Quizmeister sometimes followed up his questions with further ones, testing the Brethren: What items are called "The Furniture of the Lodge" was reinforced by a casual "And how are they otherwise known? The ready answers and the breadth of knowledge displayed by the Brethren was impressive.
It was a close finish: our Junior Warden, Bro Charles Alexander scored very highly, but was pipped at the post by the Secretary, W Bro Ian Syddall, who was promised a bottle of wine for his high score. That this would be delivered by a lycra-clad Almoner during his velocipedal constitutional gave rise to some comment from the Brethren: Charles was heard to say "I'm glad I didn't win, now." Well done to all who took part - and many thanks to David for designing and masterminding the quiz.
Other business was discussed: the thorny question of the way forward for the Lodge considering the exigencies of Covid-19, social seperation, the Lodge building, dining. etc. will need a committee meeting, but it is prudent to wait for decisions from the United Grand Lodge regarding social distancing and other matters, so it will be some weeks before this takes place. W Bro Terry Fisher, the Treasurer, explained the outcome of the subcommittee Zoom and made suggestions about donations to Charity with Provincial backing. As always, our Secretary will minute the above meeting much more efficiently than I can, and details, when known, will be distributed to all members of the Lodge. The WM spoke of W Bro John Proudley's 89th birthday and W Bro Gordon Wiles' 40th year in the Craft, details of which are on the Coronavirus Page.
Thanks as always to our Masonic Guru, Craig Maurier, for his patience and expertise in organising the Zoom meetings.
Bearing in mind those Brethren who have died through the coronavirus, and those and theirs who are suffering through the incalculable ripple effect of the pandemic, the Brethren raised their glasses as the WM gave the parting toast:
Wheresoe'er dispersed,
Wishing them health and safety
And a happy return to their Lodges
When circumstance permits.
So mote it be.
Our next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 23rd June at 6.30. pm. Retired Vetinary Surgeon and Radio Humberside guest speaker W Bro David Terry will be dilating on Animals in the Lodge. Please feel free to invite Masonic visitors to this short presentation.
The informal minutes of the above meeting have been distributed electronically to all the Brethren.
26th May 2020
Comments from the WM
There were twenty-one Brethren at the meeting; one of the visitors had to leave just before the end - but we were delighted to welcome visitors from local sister lodges and from Lincolnshire - it was a pleasure to see everyone, particularly on an evening when there were other Masonic Zooms in progress.
W Bro Craig Maurier was at the controls and from what appeared to be a Caribbean island gave an illustrated presentation on Hogarth's "Night" etching, which contains many Masonic allusions - including the WM having a chamber pot emptied over his head. The Brethren (and visitors) responded with pertinent questions and observations: Malcolm Coates remarked that the event took place on Oak-apple Day, his birthday. He did not, however, reveal his age.
The WM thanked Craig for his sterling efforts. W Bro David Terry gave an ongoing Almoner's report, and, as this was an "extra" meeting, the Secretary said that the outcome of the sub-committee zoom would be disseminated with the minutes of this meeting so that there would be an opportunity for discussion.
As usual, the WM asked the Brethren to join in the parting toast:
Wheresoe'er dispersed,
Wishing them health and safety
And a happy return to their Lodges
When circumstance permits.
So mote it be.
Our next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 9th June at 6.30. pm. W Bro David Terry is devising a quiz on the Humber Ritual, which will, of course, be distributed beforehand.
The informal minutes of the above meeting have been distributed electronically to all the Brethren.
12th May 2020: Founders Night
Comments from the WM
What a pleasure to see so many faces on the screen - with a fantastic array of hats! It was good to welcome some older Brethren whom we've not seen for some time: Zoom enables us to see each other - and David Terry, our Almoner, mentioned this in his report, whilst maintaining the caveats of confidentiality now required. There were nineteen people there - and occasionally twenty, but one Brother was having technical gremlins, alas. There were also apologies, but as our Secretary was busy taking minutes (now electronically distributed) I'll not name them here. Ian Syddall's haircut was even more impressive, though tactfully hidden under a titfer this time.
Thanks were extended to Craig Maurier and Ian Syddall for their work in setting up and recording the session, after which W Bro Winston Pannett gave a brilliant talk on his experiences in the Craft since he joined Freemasonry as a Lewis in 1961. This talk (he called it "Ramblings") is published below, so I will not expound upon it; suffice to say it was very well received. W Bro Pannett, aware that this was our traditional Founders Night, alluded to the documented A SHORT HISTORY OF THE HUMBER LODGE 1809 - 2009 by Mike Phillips which is now (by kind agreement of our Librarian) included on the History page of this website. He then gave the traditional toast to the Founders. Thanks, Winston! Thanks, Terry!
Winston received his certificate for fifty years in Freemasonry in 1912 - on the Celebrations and Regrets page, scroll down to February 1912.
The Charity report, sent in by W Bro Forbes, will be included in the minutes.
The Treasurer alluded to ongoing expenses required by the Lodge building and discussion took place about a possible voluntary contribution. While the Brethren appeared to be in favour of this idea, it was decided that an explanatory letter would be required for all the Brethren. The WM asked that a small sub-committee be formed to examine the options, which may, of course, modify the content of that letter.
The Almoner gave his report, after which the Lodge Mentor, W Bro Byelov spoke about Solomon's ring, which according to legend, carried the message "This, too, shall pass." He said he was confident that the present difficulties would resolve, but asked the Brethren to consider the question of how things will have to change in the practice of Masonic Meetings when we are able to reconvene. It will be interesting to hear opinions about how we will manage in the Lodge Room and afterwards, and I look forward to hearing what you all have to say.
It was time to end the meeting: it had taken almost an hour. I hastilly refilled my glass (it had somehow emptied several times during the meeting) to give the final toast:
Wheresoe'er dispersed,
Wishing them health and safety
And a happy return to their Lodges
When circumstance permits.
So mote it be.
Our next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 26th May at 6.30. pm.
The informal minutes of the above meeting have been distributed electronically to all the Brethren.
Here is Winston's presentation:
Masonic Ramblings
by Winston Pannett
12th May 2020
I suppose I came into Freemasonry early – my father being a Mason - I was known as a Lewis – as are all sons of Freemasons, - and along with several other Lodge Lewises, I attended Ladies Nights and many other Lodge fund raisers -it was a great way to be introduced into the Craft and meet potential future brother Masons.
The Lodge I eventually joined in December 1961 (3 months after I was married) was called The Whitwell Lodge No 2104 in the province of Durham, and met in Stockton on Tees, my home town, and I was 24 years of age.
It was a Teetotal Lodge, which meant alcohol was not allowed at the festive board!
- Most unusual; LET ME EXPLAIN.
The Lodge was named after Thomas Whitwell who was born in Kendall in 1837.
He was a Pioneer in the Iron Trade and had a reputation at home and abroad as a Metallurgist and Inventor; he trained with Robert Stephenson in Newcastle, eventually starting the firm Whitwell & Co Iron-founders in Thornaby on Tees.
But it was not his Business activities alone which gained him the Respect and Esteem of all who knew him – it was his work as an Earnest Social Worker – Ardent Temperance Worker & Christian Gentleman, devoting his life to the service of his fellow men. He became a household name in the area.
Among the many things he did was to establish the WMCA throughout the North of England – he founded the Stockton & Thornaby Fire Brigades, remaining involved with these & many other Clubs and Educational Bodies up to the time of his Tragic and Accidental Death at the age 50.
He was inspecting a faulty Heating Furnace with one of his foremen, when a blow back occurred – they were both terribly scalded and burnt - they managed to climb out - Whitwell typically insisting that his foreman go first.
The Lodge was duly named after him and in his honour - the Lodge is to this day Teetotal at the Festive Board.
I was honoured to be elected W. Master of the lodge in 1974, after climbing the ladder system and filling every office on the way!
SO HOW DID I COME TO JOIN THE HUMBER LODGE No 57 in the fine Port City of Kingston upon Hull in December 1977?
It was a work move to Hull to manage the Department Store WILLIS LUDLOW (sadly now gone) that brought my family to the newly created area called HUMBERSIDE,
- and I still can't get used to calling it EAST YORKSHIRE!
It wasn't too long before I received a Telephone call from the late ALLAN JOHNSON one of the many Grand Lodge Officers that populated the Humber lodge in those days, inviting me to meeting of the Humber Lodge – who at that time met in Park St Hull. I very much liked what I saw.
Happily my application to became a joining member was successful and suddenly I had 112 New Friends. (YES THAT WAS THE MEMBERSHIP IN 1977.)
And that's what makes FREEMASONRY UNIQUE. From being a stranger in HULL I soon had a host of NEW LIKE-MINDED FRIENDS.
I have to say I found the Humber Lodge's Ceremonies in the Lodge room to be outstanding and the banter & fun at the festive board was fantastic - different to my old Lodge and I was very impressed.
I soon made close friends with a number of the Brethren - whom some of you may remember: CLIVE NAYLOR, BILL JERVIS, ALAN METCALFE & ALLAN BOURNE and our families regularly socialised outside the Lodge.
Sadly only ALLAN BOURNE is still with us and he is suffering from a form of dementia,
I call and see him most weeks and we reminisce on the old days.
Well we met at the Masonic Hall in Park St Hull - next door to David Terry's Surgery.
SUBS WERE £9.00 a year and we had 112 members – the Cost of the Meal was something like 6 or 7 shillings -that’s about 35p in new money.
The W. Master that year was ERIC WHEATLEY AND AS WAS THE CUSTOM HE PAID THE W. MASTER CONTRIBUTION FEE OF £150 FOR THE PRIVILEGE – this was to cover his guests’ meals, wine etc. !
I am happy to say this practice/ fee was discontinued in 1992, when it had risen to £275 (at which stage it made some members think twice about progressing to the Chair in the Lodge.)
The average attendance at regular lodge meetings was 70+ and at an Installation it would rise to 135+. SO BEING A STEWARD IN THOSE DAYS WAS A BUSY AND IMPORTANT OFFICE. They all dined together in the Stewards' Room after the meals were served, and that's where many close friendships were usually made as they progressed up the ladder.
In 1988 the Lodge moved to Dagger Lane, meeting on the second Tuesday in every month. Sadly for me that was the same date that my mother Lodge met, so my regular visits to my Mother Lodge were curtailed.
Over the years I have had the privilege of occupying varies offices in the Humber Lodge: CHAPLAIN TWICE; DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS AND TREASURER!
The Treasurer was retiring – and I STILL REMEMBER THE THEN SECRETARY RON LANG SIDLING UP TO ME AND WHISPERING IN MY EAR, (as secretaries do!) “That’s a job you could do!”
THAT WAS IN 1990 - and I was happy and honoured to be the LODGE TREASURER UNTIL 2016 – a total of 27 Enjoyable Years!
I am delighted that the Humber Lodge today has many new younger members who are taking an active part in the life of the Lodge and I feel sure that the future of our ancinet & honourable Lodge is in safe hands - whatever life may have in store for us.
On looking through my Lodge Files I came across a book written by the late W Bro Mike Phillips to commemorate the Lodge’s 200th Anniversary in 2009 entitled A SHORT HISTORY OF THE HUMBER LODGE 1809 - 2009. A great little read which I recommend to our newer brethren. – Our Librarian W BRO TERRY FISHER has a number of copies he is happy to lend out.
In this toast we celebrate & honour our founders, Bros lt. William Crow, Thomas Feetham and Joseph Eglin.
Worshipful Brethren & Brethren on this occasion please remain seated and in silence,
28th April 2020
Comments from the WM
As Master of the Lodge, I am blessed with an excellent team; I have little work to do, and when the Brethren make suggestions about what I attempt, they generally give positive comments indicating a better way forward. So I begin with a general thank you to everybody. No-one could have anticipitated the arrival of the coronavirus, but the Brethren in the Humber Lodge in particular have rallied round and made every effort to help each other and to assist the world outside. This sounds a bit philosphical, but I will put these rather more serious thoughts on the coronovirus page.
So: thanks again to Craig who is masterminding the technology admirably. On this occasion he appeared to be in a Masonic Lodge Room; Terry Fisher, however, had contrived somehow to change his den to a couple of huge Humber logos. Others showed different scenes.
Thanks to Ian who effortlessly jotted down minutes, which will be sent out seperately: we had a fair bit to discuss, but I'll get to that later.
Thanks to the Quizmaster, Sergei, who took us through the Humber Quiz and had carefully marked the email answers sent to him. Despite the inevitable objections, interruptions and gratuitious anecdotes, and despite the unspoken agreement amongst some of the Zoom participants to put on different items of headgear during the quiz, he refused to be phased, and at the end congratulated the Brethren for scoring so well. Indeed, two Brethren scored full marks: Ian Syddall and David Terry, so it was a tiebreaker question which decided who won the whisky: "Which Brother has no legs on the Team Photograph on the website?" David answered instantly, and claimed the prize. Despite Ian's assertation that the WM would have drunk it before we next met, it was in fact delivered the following morning.
The expression of surprised delight as he picked it up from the doorstep was wonderful.
Thanks to all the Brethren who took part in the Quiz. I was well impressed!
I'm surprised, given the brain power of the Brethren, that nobody appears to have solved the Crossword yet.
David gave his Almoner's report, welcoming Jack Whileblood to the Zoom meeting - he hadn't linked in last time. David mentioned those Brethren who might appreciate a call (he has regularly been in touch with all the Brethren and thanked those who were offering their services doing shopping and making deliveries for some of the more vulnerable members of Humber 57, and for those assisting our Masonic widows.
Ian Syddall, our trusty Secretary, reminded us that the Provincial toast would be held the following night at 21:00.
He then spoke of Charity issues. At the last Zoom meeting, concern had been expressed that we were receiving requests for assistance from various quarters, suggesting "best practice" (donate your meal money) as some other Lodges were doing. As WM I am aware that some of our Brethren are finding things difficult in the current climate; please be assured that there is no obligation to contribute. However, the Province has organised a scheme whereby our donations will be doubled, which, with tax relief (which must be signed for) would significantly help. My selected charities this year are the Candlelighters (Hull) and Dove House (Hull) and it would be nice to think that the missed raffles etc. during the shut-down might be accommodated by this means.
Thanks in particular to our Treasurer, Terry Fisher, who has kindly offered to take care of the financial side of things (to the great relief of our Charity Steward, Malcolm Forbes.)
Ian has sent out a form simplifying the process. Any donations will be gratefully received.
Any contributions to this Website would be greatly appreciated!
The Secretary suggested that as so many of the Brethren had a penchant for eccentric headgear (most agreed that Craig Fish wearing a rabbit head was a significant improvement) that the next Zoom meeting (26th May) would include a challenge to produce the most outrageous hat, within the bounds, of course, of decency and propriety.
I am delighted that Winston Pannett, who received his 50 years certificate in 2012, is going to give us a talk next meeting. Traditionally the month of our Founders Night, it will be interesting to hear what Winston has to say on this occasion.
The Zoom meeting was a well spent, convivial hour, and we concluded with the toast to Isolated Brethren:
Wheresoe'er dispersed,
Wishing them health and safety
And a happy return to their Lodges
When circumstance permits.
So mote it be.
Our next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 12th May at 6.30. pm.
The informal minutes of the above meeting have been distributed electronically to all the Brethren.
14th April 2020
Comments from the WM
If ever there were an Office of Masonic Guru, W B Craig Maurier would be ideal for the job. Known amongst members of the vast Masonic community he belongs as Worshipful Brother Gadget, he has an incisive and intuitive grasp of everything electronically mechanical.
Not only is he a Computer Wizard himself (his home office has 360° VDUs and he thinks nothing of operating four keyboards at once while talking to someone on the phone and texting someone else on his desk-top) but he encourages others to emulate his example. (A forlorn hope in my case.)
Consequently when the Coronavirus pandemic persuaded UGLE to initiate the shut-down, Craig insisted that I learn to use a programme called Zoom which enables dozens of people to see each other live on their screens whilst in their own homes. And to talk.
He fitted my computer up with the App whilst sitting in his study (and simultaneously doing six other jobs) and I watched my screen as the cursor darted about faster than the eye could follow. "Right, all done," said Craig, and his picture appeared in front of me, next to a picture of me gawking in amazement. There's a little camera lens built into my lap-top, which I hadn't realised had been watching me for years. Scary thought.
In the meantime I'd been talking with the international Masonic author, Robert Lomas (forgive the name-dropping) who suggested that he sent us a podcast (a sort of little radio article which one can download and listen to on your PC at home) and Craig, Ian Syddall and I went along with this kind suggestion. So on the day of what would have been our regular meeting this month, Ian sent out the podcast to those willing to participate (with instructions not to share it outside the Lodge to protect the author's property) and reminded the Brethren that at 6.30 pm we intended to Zoom together.
I listened with interest to Robert Lomas's talk about this early Masonic icon. I was surprised: but of that, more later. (Should anyone from other Lodges be interested in the Robert Lomas podcasts - and there's already a good selection, he is creating more for use during - and after - the lockdown, please contact Craig or me for details about the links.)
The "summons" and "minutes" will be sent out independently - thank you, Ian!
Let me explain to the uninitiated what Zoom is about. It is a means of video-conferencing (I understand the British government uses it for meetings) and is also easy to operate by ordinary folk. (If I can manage it it must be easy. My grasp of technology is limited to changing a plug.) But at the allotted time, I obediently pressed the link Craig had provided (I recognised it because it was blue and had an underline - that means if you click your mouse at it, the screen changes to the address on the link) and immediately the picture changed to a group of familiar faces.
This picture changed from time to time, but on the screenshot above Andrew Paulls is smiling from his study, Craig is on a Caribbean island somewhere and Malcolm Coates is jumping in the air, so we can't see his face. David Terry has dressed in a tie and a jacket for the occasion - his sartorial elegence puts us all to shame. Sergei is wearing his headphones. Craig Fish was the most active participant - he leapt about throughout the get-together, and kept altering his background to planetary views. (This excited some text comments about whether Uranus was bigger than Mars between him and some others, I understand, but the on-screen language was delivered with propriety, thank goodness.) I'm there giving the "thumbs up" - which came to indicate concensus about matters discussed; and Ian Douglas has just returned from feeding the reindeer. Adrian Brown is smiling at some comment while Winston Pannett is as handsome as ever. Terry Fisher is answering a telephone call from the Provincial Grand Secretary so he has stepped out of earshot, affording a view of his well organised den. Craig Morrison has either fallen off his chair or is adjusting the screen, and Charles Alexander has also inexplicably disappeared from view. Happily, both joined us visually later. Richard Smedley was a little late, having been working in the garden, (see and Ian Syddall, who was taking minutes during the session, has obviously had his hair cut. We look forward to it being finished. The telephone logo showed that Michael Coates was in on the meeting, I was well impressed.
As the pictures sometimes swapped places, and members occasionally vanished ("Whoops, I've forgotten to bring a drink for the toast, excuse me a minute") I found it difficult to follow at first, but when someone was talking, their border lit up. On the screen above, Charles - in the bottom left hand corner - is speaking: "Just a minute, everybody - it's all gone dark." This system works providing people don't interrupt too often - we may have to introduce a "hands up" system if there are more Brethren participating. (And I hope there will be.)
After saying hello to everyone - and it was gratifying to see sixteen of us there - we talked about the podcast.
In Terry Fisher's History on this website he states: 'One of the earliest records of Freemasonry in England is contained in the diary of Elias Ashmole, the Antiquarian (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford), wherein under the date October 16th, A.D. 1646, is written: "I was made a Freemason at Warrington in Lancashire".' I knew little more about him than this, but had done some homework by looking at his achievements on Wikipedia. I was surprised (and the Brethren concurred) to find that Robert Lomas's research, based on Ashmole's Diaries (which included such details as the boil on his bum) presented a different picture. Ian writes in the minutes:
Our next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 28th April at 6.30. pm. Our Mentor, Sergei Byelov (one of several Brethren in the Lodge to have his surname in the title of a song) has devised a challenging quiz based on the Humber website, and will be telling you the answers that evening. The questions will be sent out a few days beforehand - I wish you all Good Luck!
The informal minutes of the above meeting have been distributed electronically to all the Brethren.