LODGE OF INSTRUCTION is a convivial get together where the Brethren, casually dressed, learn about the ceremonies and freemasonry in general, and where the younger Brethren in particular can rehearse and make preparation for the next year, enacting different offices and floorwork under the guidance of the Lecture Master, W Bro Phil Watts. Traditionally the Lodge Assistant Director of Ceremonies studies the role of the Worshipful Master in the Lodge of Instruction, with an eye to being elected to that office the following year in the Lodge proper. Younger Masons in particular are encouraged to attend, though the support of our older members is always welcome. L o I meetings are at Dagger Lane on the third Monday of the month, culminating in an Open Night in December when the L o I team shows the rest of the Humber Lodge and Masonic visitors how accomplished they are.
This year W Bro Allan Todd is "in the Chair": the most recent reports are at the top.
Scroll down for the latest contribution.
report by W Bro David Terry
The Lodge of Instruction Open Night, that occasion in the Masonic calendar when the chosen team for the next year showcase their talents.
I remember, vividly, my first experience of a Humber LOI Open Night; it was the late 1980s and I had been given the job of Chaplain! Yes - that did include the Ancient Charge! The Lodge room was full and tickets for the occasion were
sold out.
Times have changed! Not every Lodge has a Lodge of Instruction and we, the members, are grateful for the many years of service given by our Lecture Masters. Once again, it was W Bro Phil Watts who had cajoled, encouraged and despaired throughout the year, watched over my that stalwart, W Bro Trevor Whitfield who had performed the duties of Lecture Master for more years than he cares to remember.
Back in the 1980s the dais was crammed with dark blue aprons, florid cheeks and mouths that tutted at every loss of memory. Times have changed, thank goodness. Present day Open Nights are much more relaxed affairs but with serious undertones.
Bang on 6.30pm the Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Terry Fisher introduced the WM of the LOI, W Bro Alan Todd, who welcomed the Brethren and our one visitor, a Fellowcraft Freemason. Seated next to Alan was the commanding figure of W Bro Charles Alexander, Master of Humber Lodge but on this occasion fulfilling the role of Immediate Past Master.
It is customary on LOI Open Night for the Humber Master to act as the Candidate. Unfortunately Charle’s fibromyalgia and trochanteric bursitis had flared badly and Lodge perambulations were out of the question.
Eyes were cast around for the most handsome, lithe, whitehaired, intelligent and available Past Master. Only one such individual was in attendance: all other suitable candidates having already been allotted roles.
Eyes tightly closed I was ushered into the Lodge room by that Mason of military bearing and great enthusiasm, Bro Craig Morrison. As Junior Deacon he performed his duties with great confidence and dignity.
The ceremony proceeded in time honoured fashion, the team comprising of W Bro Craig Maurier as Chaplain (beating himself up for forgetting one word during The Ancient Charge): Senior Warden, Bro Craig Fish (taking casual dress to the extreme): Junior Deacon, Bro Ian Douglas (where did you buy that revolting tie?); Senior Deacon, W Bro Steve Longthorp (what a splendid alms collector he would make, he rattled the box with great panache!) and the aforementioned Junior Deacon, Bro Craig Morrison (ramrod straight back and polished shoes.) The Inner Guard lacked experience; a young lad by the name of Smedley. Keep an eye on this lad, he could go far: Richard Smedley is probably destined for great honour. The Tyler’s duties were performed by the ventriloquially challenged Candidate.
Another shining star was the youngster of the team, Bro Barber, who delivered the Lesser Lights perfectly, studiously ignoring the gurning of the elderly Candidate. The WM Alan made a valiant attempt at the Obligation, a hybrid of Humber and Lincolnshire ritual causing the Lecture Master and Candidate the occasional apoplectic moment.
Suitably obligated, the Candidate (whose knees by this stage had set in arthritis spasm) was instructed in the secrets by W Bro Fisher who was less successful at controlling his mirth when addressing the elderly Brother, but who otherwise performed flawlessly. W Bro Trevor Whitfield, at a moment's notice, delivered a faultless rendition of the North East Corner. Another young fellow who will go far. The Working Tool were delivered by our Lecture Master, Phil, with the aplomb and professionalism that you would expect from a Master Mariner.
Questions were posed by the rosy cheeked W.Bro. Sergei Byelov. These questions were answered by the Wardens after much reference to crib sheets and biro marks on shirt cuffs.
The WM concluded the ceremony by inviting the now exhausted but exhilarated “Candidate” to take a seat on the dais.
Greetings were given and the Lodge closed in time honoured fashion, with one or two missed sentences. Amazingly the Lodge Room was not “rent asunder” by the occasional reference to ritual books, prompts and humour. The whole of the proceedings were recorded for posterity by our ever efficient Secretary, W Bro Stanley Smith.
Well done team!
The Festive Board was greatly enjoyed; our very efficient Steward, Bro Ben Houghton having arranged an Indian themed meal, which may have prompted the more thoughtful of the Brethren to spend the night sleeping in their spare rooms, such was the quantity of garlic and the lingering after-effects of falafel.
Our one and only visitor was spared the agony of responding to the visitors toast as only two toast were given.
Before the evening was brought to a conclusion, the most ridiculous tie competition was judged by our LOI WM, Ian Douglas being the winner with Stanley Smith coming second. I think this is correct: I may be wrong as by this stage this ancient Past Master had taken to strong drink. The Tylers toast was given by the lad, Smedley, and the participating Brethren sent home at a reasonable hour to preserve their grey matter in order to study their ritual books in order to perform flawlessly during 2024.
Thanks for a fun night and thanks again to the Lecture Master for his hard work throughout the year.
David Terry, LOI Candidate
Eddie Wildman was invited to the Technical Lodge of Instruction 5666 to speak on the subject of delivering ritual: the occasion went well, for after the Lodge opened (with the LoI Officers in place) the honorary Grand Lodge Officer spoke briefly of the legacy of Demosthenes and Cicero, the necessity of understanding the ritual, some tips for memorising it, the value of clarity, pace and deportment, giving examples of danger areas, mispronunciations and common errors.
The Lodge continued a first degree working, curtailed after the Ancient Charge as most of the Brethren had booked places at the nearby curry house. W Bros John Chapman and Rob Atkinson took photographs of the team and supporting Brethren. W Bro Ian Parkinson took the Chair, and W Bro Paul Hillary was Lecture Master for the evening.
Daggards John Chapman and Rob Atkinson took photographs - there were twenty-two folk there; David Turner, another Daggard, kindly taxied me to the meeting and back home afterwards. Well done all!
[This photograph by John Chapman.]
Eddie Wildman
Congratulations to Bro Craig Fish who did a magnificent job with the various pieces of ritual demanded of the SW at the Lodge of Instruction, and to Bro Craig Morrison who was JW, and pointed out the Warrent with Highland panache. W Bro Allan Todd in the Master's Chair fought valiently to make a cohesive whole of the ceremony, greatly hampered by the lack of support on this occasion, though W Bros Phil Watts, Trevor Whitfield and myself were there to assist. But it is for the benefit of the younger Masons that the Lodge of Instruction is maintained; please do let the Lecture Master know if you can't make it! Next LoI will include a brief talk, a question and answer session and a focus on some of the floorwork: please make a special effort to attend! NB the Lecture Master was in his shorts on this occasion (casual dress is fine for LoI) - the first time anyone has seen his legs since 1998.
LoI starts at 7.15 pm but often the Brethren meet in the Head of Steam in Trinity Square for a drink and a chat beforehand. We generally finish round about 9.00 so parking in Zebedee's yard is a useful option; unless there's an event going on!
The LOI was attended by the following Humber members:-
Allan Todd- WM Elect
David Terry- Chaplain and Candidate for the evening
Craig Morrison- JD
Ian Douglas- JW
Craig Fish- SW
The meeting followed the 1st degree ceremony but also acted for a rehearsal for Matthew go through the NE Corner piece and to answer questions for his 2nd degree ceremony.
Thank you all!
Allan Todd
Message from Allan:
Thank you to those Brethren who turned up: we went through a first degree ceremony and as WM I tried to reconcile the differences between Emulation and Humber working. It was useful to Bro Craig Morrison to rehearse the JD moves and for Bro Craig Fish to consolidate the SW working, and it was good to see W Bros Forbes and Smedley there along with our Lecture Master, W Bro Phil Watts, but I would encourage more of our younger Brethren to attend - especially those who have not yet been through the Master's Chair. We aim to finish at around eight thirty. (Please send apologies if you can't make it!)
Next LoI 20th March - please come along!
First Open Night meeting with Alan in the Chair:
My first LoI went well with the following officers attending:
DT- IPM/Chaplain,
Phil Watts, of course, was LM
Apologies had been received from AB.
We opened in the 1st Degree and went through the pertinent sections of the Initiation.
LOI opened at 19.15 and closed at 20.30
Alan Todd
A report on the LOI Open Night by Charles Alexander:
Those present were:
Worshipful Master Bro Charles Alexander
Senior Warden W Bro Richard Smedley Acting AGDC PGStdB
Junior Warden Bro Craig Fish
Chaplain W Bro Anthony Craig Maurier PPGstwd (Lincs) PPGSoj (Lincs)
Secretary W Bro Ian Syddall Acting ProvGChStwd PPGStwdDC
W Bro Alan Todd Acting PPGADC (Lincs)
Almoner W Bro David Malcolm Terry PPSGW
Charity Steward W Bro Malcolm Forbes
Mentor W Bro Sergei Byelov PPGSWks PPAGSoj
Membership Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman PGOrg PPGScN
Senior Deacon W Bro Malcolm Forbes
Junior Deacon Bro Craig Morrison
Assist. DC W Bro Alan Todd PPGADC (Lincs)
Organist W Bro Eddie Wildman PGOrg PPGScN
Assistant Secretary W Bro Ian Syddall ProvGChStwd PPGStwd
Inner Guard Bro Robert Parkinson
Tyler W Bro Robert Parkinson (admirable assisted by W Bro David Malcolm Terry PPSGW)
Acting IPM W Bro Eddie Wildman PGOrg PPGScN
Lecture Master W Bro Philip Arthur Watts PPJGD
RAR W Bro Ian Syddall, ProvGChStwd PPGStwd
Also in attendance were :
W Bro Trevor Whitfield
Bro Matthew Barber
There were no visitors.
The lodge was opened in due and ancient form and, we carried out a first degree ceremony in which W Bro David Terry was the innocent candidate, David was guided around the lodge by the JD Bro Craig Morrison, who discharged his role very well.
David was obligated as an entered apprentice (again) and so the ceremony continued. The following parts were admirably delivered by :
Lesser Lights, Bro Matthew Barber
Communication W Bro Trevor Whitfield
Apron W Bro Richard Smeddley
N.E. Corner W Bro Sergei Belov
Working Tools W Bro Phil Watts
Ancient Charge W Bro Craig Maurier
Questions W Bro Sergei Belov
We then had reports from the Almoner, The Charity Steward, The Royal Arch Rep, The Mentor, and The Membership officer.
The Brother Secrectary (acting) Ian Syddall then recorded all the other business which can be read in the LOI Minutes.
The lodge was closed in due and ancient form.
The Brethren then continued on to the festive board, which was directed by W Bro Alan Todd DC (acting) and the music was provided by W Bro Eddie Wildman. The full list of toasts were given and the festive board was enjoyed by all, the conversation was lively.
The best festive tie competition, Judged by myself was awarded to W Bro Ian Syddall for having the the most colorful tie on the night.
After a great evening where all involved performed admirably the parting toast was given and we all departed.
Charles Alexander, LOI WM
I thought is was a brilliant night! Well done all! But a picture of Ian Syddall's tie would have overloaded the Internet, so I'll have to leave it to your imagination. See this date on the Blog Page.
[Photograph of David Terry, Charles Alexander and Craig Maurier waiting for their vegetables by Eddie Wildman.]
Eddie Wildman, website editor
24/10/ 2022:
(For an account of the Constitutional LOI see the Blog page for this date.)
A few of us met up at the Head of Steam Prior to the LOI, we had a bit of a chat and caught up on things that were happening in the greater world. We then headed to the Lodge and the other Brethren.
Charles Alexander Master Elect
Phil Watts Lecture Master
Trevor Whitfield SW, stand in
Craig Fish JW
Craig Morrison JD
Robert Parkinson IG
Sergei Belov Mentor / Candidate
Alan Todd ADC
David Terry / Chaplain & IPM, stand in
Carl Cross
Tom Lee
Mathew Barber
Apologies were sent from Craig Maurier / Chaplain
The lodge was opened in the first degree in due and ancient form and we continued on with the ceremony of the first degree, Rob had a bit of a nervous start to being the Inner Guard but soon got into his stride and did a great job, Craig guided Sergei around the Lodge in military style, on the left quick march, and again once in to his stride carried out the role well, Craig F. handled the job as JW as you would expect: very well with only a couple of small hiccups, and with the help of Trevor as SW, and Tom and Carl giving some guidance on the steps and positioning of the candidate. David carried out the role as Chaplain with his usual aplomb
For my own efforts I believe that the ritual went well, a couple of stalls on the obligation but things can only get better and supported by the others we had a good night,
We continued through the closing of the Lodge, and called it a night.
The following parts were done by the Brethren:
Lesser Lights Matthew Barber
The N. E. Corner Sergei Belov
The Communication Trevor Whitfield
The Warrant Robert Parkinson
Working Tools Phil Watts
I'm looking forward to the Open Night on Monday 21st November!
Chas. A,
Eddie Wildman and Malcolm Forbes of the Humber Lodge attended the joint Lodge of instruction enterprise at Beverley Road where Brethren from the Andrew Marvell Lodge and the Holderness Lodge witnessed an opening and closing ceremony, the parts of the Wardens and Deacons being taken by younger Brethren. Malcolm Forbes is currently the WM of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 and Eddie plays the organ for both Andrew Marvell and Holderness Lodge 3563,
W Bro Rollo Smallwood gave an interesting talk on masonic etiquette explaining the reasons for squaring the Lodge and when salutes should be given. Eddie Wildman explained the meaning of "just, perfect and regular" before the Lodge was closed.
The Brethren (not in regalia as the LoI is about rehearsal and education rather than the strict enactment of ceremony) retired to the dining room for fish and chips, supplied by Luke Pyrah, the Beverley Road Masonic Hall Chef. The WM of the Holderness Lodge, W Bro Rich Tyson, reflected over his cup of coffee that it had been an excellent evening and that he intended to repeat the joining of Brethren in like manner. He also confirmed that the chap he'd interviewed before the meeting started had filled in his application form and would be balloted for on the 17th - when his Lodge would also be initiating a Candidate. (see 17th October on the Blog page.)
Eddie Wildman
[Photo of Rich Tyson by Eddie Wildman]
Charles Alexander, Phil Watts, Craig Fish, Craig Morrison, Robert Parkinson, Matthew Barber.
David Terry, Sergei Belov
We met up in the Head of Steam pub at around 1800, where we wetted our whistles and has something to eat, the banter was enjoyable, at 1900 we headed to the Lodge for the LOI. We assembled in the Red room.
With only six attending the lodge we delegated the jobs so that our newest members could try out the roles as follows:
Master Charles Alexander
S.W. Craig Fish
J.W. Craig Morrison
J D. Matthew Barber
S.D. Rob Parkinson
L.M. Phil Watts (who as Lecture Master acted as the Candidate.)
The lodge was opened in due and ancient form in the first degree, the ceremony was carried out and both Rob and Matthew carried out their roles admirably, Matthew gave the lesser lights, and Rob gave the warrant, both have agreed to learn these parts for my tenure as Master, the Craigs carried out their roles very well, and Phil as ever was excellent source of knowledge guiding us on the correct methods of carrying out the work.
The Lodge was closed in due and ancient form.
We had an enjoyable evening, thanks to all who attended, and to those who didn't you don't know what you're missing: a night of friendship and fun!
Charles Alexander
21/02/ 2022
Chas. Alexander, Phil Watts, Sergei Byelov, Richard Smeddley, David Terry, Alan Todd, Craig Morrison, James Procter.
Matthew Barber, Jack Thundercliffe.
The LOI opened at 19:15 in ancient form, we carried out a 1st degree ceremony giving those persons in the posts some practice in their future roles in the Lodge, James agreed to take on the lesser lights and Sergei also agreed to learn and give the address at the N.E Corner.
At around 20:30 the Lodge was closed in ancient form, The charity collection raised £5.10. We all agreed that it was a good constructive night as we said our goodbyes and headed home.
I would like to thank those Brethren who attended for their support at the Lodge of Instruction and especially Phil Watts for guiding us and keeping us right during the evening.
Chas A
17/01/ 2022
Charles Alexander. WM
Allan Todd SW
Craig Fish .JW
Richard Smedley Chaplain
Craig Morrison SD
James Procter Inner Guard
David Terry Worthy Candidate
Phil Watts Lecture Master
The LOI opened at 19:00 in ancient form, we carried out a shortened 1st degree ceremony giving those persons in the posts some practice in their possible future roles in the Lodge, James was dropped in at the deep end by standing in as the Inner Guard but he coped admirably as did all the other chaps.
At around 20:30 the Lodge was closed in ancient form, we all agreed that it was a good constructive night as we said our good byes and headed home.
I would like to thank those Brethren who attended for their support at my first Lodge of Instruction and especially Phil Watts for guiding us and keeping us right during the evening.
Charles Alexander
[Photograph by Jackie 2021]